Windsor Elks honor area veterans with a dinner and gifts

On Saturday November 7th the Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 honored the area veterans with a roast pork dinner and then presented them with gifts. Every veteran got at least 5 gifts. The most important gifts were blankets representing the four branches of service, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. One service member from each branch was drawn and presented with the blanket that was of the branch he was in. The blankets were donated by Elk members Carol Sylvia and Marge Gallant (Marge did the sewing). They came out beautiful and were well received by the veterans.
Above are three of the veterans who received blankets representing their branch of service.   and Jean Crosby (One the Elks heading up the event).  Left to right Jean Crosby Elks member who headed up the event, Bernie Williams (Army), Robert Loyd (Navy), Stephen (Dyd) Titus (Air Force) and Elk J. R. Crosby. Not pictured is Marine Stanley Melinski who is hospitalized but is usually present. He is usually the only Marine present so the blanket was taken to him by Elks members Jean Crosby and her husband J.R.Crosby.
DSCN0770Jean Crosby and Stephen Titus giving a full view of the Air Force blanket. They are both Elk members.
Elks preparing dinner for veterans.  Some of the people shown are also members of Windsor American Legion Post #25 and are also Elks members.  Pictured l-r: Jean Crosby, Dwayne Olmstead, Tracy Quigley, Jim Cantara, Donna Sayer and Ronald Vezina. The event was also sponsored in conjunction with the Legion.
The next picture is of the veterans seated for dinner. There was 31 veterans singed up and so there was over 60 served.