On November 14, 2015, the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 presented the Springfield Family Center a check for $2000 to be used in their many departments like the food shelf, holiday dinners, etc.  These Elks National Grant’s are awarded to the Lodges who have met their annual per capita and are to be given to community causes that need funds to make their programs successful.
    A check was presented to Family Center Director Michael Weiss by Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.  Also on hand for the presentation was, Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusalban of Burlington Lodge #916.
    The proceeds of the check were allocated to Springfield Elks Lodge as a Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation.   Giving this Grant to the Family Center was the Elks’ way of becoming more involved in the community and that is what Elks National preaches.   Springfield Lodge was also awarded an additional $500 which was given to the Springfield Parks and Recreation department recently for their Springfield Youth Pee Wee football program.
    All Grants awarded from Elks National Foundation have to been given to community programs, not kept for Lodge functions.
SP visit 016
Shown at the presentation of Springfield Elks Lodge presentation of $2000 Elks National Gratitude Grant to the Springfield Family Center were l to r; Moe Decelles State President’s Tiler, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski, Springfield Family Center Director Michael Weiss and Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusablon.