Barre Elks Lodge #1535 recently presented a check for $200 to the Michael Zemanek Memorial Foundation. The funds were awarded to Barre Lodge through the Elks National Foundation Anniversary Grant. The Foundation provides financial support to widows/ers and half-orphaned children of sworn Vermont Law Enforcement officers who have died. It provides financial support to sworn Vermont Law Enforcement Officers who are faced with catastrophic situations, the nature of which pose a significant financial hardship for their immediate family. It provides equipment to the Vermont Police Academy ad Vermont Law Enforcement Departments for the training and safety of all Vermont Law Enforcement Officers as they Serve and Protect the people of Vermont. Elks Care – Elks Share and are proud to support all Law Enforcement personnel in our communities. For information on joining the Elks call 802-479-9522.
Pictured left to right:
Cindy Wedding, Barre Lodge ENF Chair; Chris Truhan, Barre Elk Member and police officer; Susan Houle; Carrie McCool, President of the Michael Zemanek Memorial Foundation; Dani Frattini and Barb Watters, Barre Elks Exalted Ruler.