Barre Elks Lodge utilized Beacon grant to purchase school supplies

Barre Elks Lodge utilized $3200 of it’s supersized Beacon grant from ENF to purchase school supplies for students of nine area schools.  Over 2500 students from Spaulding High School, Union Elementary, St. Monica-St. Michael’s, Williamstown Elementary School, Orange Center School, Washington Village School, Waits River Valley School, Barre Town Elementary and Barre City Elementary school received supplies.  Supplies included pencils, composition notebooks, rules, markers, folders, kleenex, hula hoops, binoculars, stress balls, basketballs, soccer balls, construction paper, backpacks, dry erase boards, books, bingo dabbers, play dough and many other items.

More than thirty teachers attended a happy hour at the Lodge to pick up their supplies and network.  
Kristin Calcagni, right, from the Barre Elks Lodge, helps Waits River Valley School teachers Katie Evans, left, and Crystal Emerson with donated school supplies Friday during a distribution event for teachers in Barre.