Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 Newest Members

 Springfield Elks Lodge continues to grow even during the Covid 19 era.  The Lodge has been open for the past three months since Governor Scott allowed them to be open.  The Lodge has listened to the Governors instructions on social distancing and like the town of Springfield, they have not had one case of the virus.
     On September 14th the Lodge held their 2nd initiation class of the Elk year with five new members being initiated.   Them being, Brett Novak, Jeff Heath, Scott Devine, Krista Sherburne and Richard Lucius.  In August the Lodge initiated (12) new members.  That being said, Springfield’s Elks Lodge won the 2019/2020 trophy for the most gained members during the past year against the other eleven Vt. Elks Lodges.  
Shown L to r; At the recent Springfield Elks initiation are, Richard Lucius, sponsor Jeff Laskevich for Brett Novak, also Scott Devine, Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras, Jeff Heath and Krista Shurburne.
News item submitted by Michael Gunn.