Newport Elks Lodge #2155 received a gratitude grant (granted by the Elks National Foundation for meeting our per capita of $4.60 per member) for $2000.00 from the Elks National Foundation. The money was divided equally between the Newport Cal Ripken League and the Area Agency on Aging-Meals on Wheels Program for Orleans County.
The Cal Ripken League will buy new equipment and uniforms for the youth of the League.
The Meals on Wheels program will be provided with much needed funds as the government only pays 39% of the program the rest is paid for by the Towns and donations.
Cal Ripton:
back row left to right-Thomas Maloney, Exalted Ruler, Philip Laramie of the Cal Ripken League and some of the members of the team..
Meals on Wheels:
left to right-Left to right Frances Dewing – Meals on Wheels volunteer driver, Thomas Maloney – Exalted Ruler and Jenny Patoine – Nutrition Specialist Area Agency on Aging