Another record year for the Elks National Foundation

The Elks National Foundation had another record year.  They received more than $6.2 million in donations, resulting in a nationwide per capita of $7.726.
During the 2014-2015 Lodge year, the Elks of Vermont donated $46,210.91 to the Elks National Foundation.
This year the Foundation will give back the following:
State Charities Grant: $31,870.00
Special Projects Grant:  $26,000.00
Bonus Grant:  $7,220.00
Most Valuable Student:  $16,000.00
Legacy Award:  $12,000.00
National Veterans Service Commission:  $1,680.00
GRAND TOTAL:  $94,770.00
That’s a ratio of $2.051 for every dollar the Foundation received from our state last year!!
 Job well done.
If you use any of the following to Shop or Sell:
AmazonSmile, eBay Giving Works, iGive, GiveBackAmerica, and American Express.  Each of these organizations will donate a portion of your purchases or sales to the ENF.  Another great way to give.
Kimberly Bourbeau