Barre Elks Lodge recently held it’s Member and Volunteer Recognition Night. Over 80 member and guests were in attendance. Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden hosted the event with the assistance of Secretary Betty Cutler.
Each year, our Lodge recognizes and pins our members whom have reached certain years of membership in our Order. This year, our Lodge honored forty five year members Maurice Fortier, Bruce Judd and Joseph Portalupi. Richard Bullard and George Gale were recognized for forty years of membership, while Merile Guillette and Romeo Pelletier were recognized for thirty five years of membership. Kenneth Goulette, Clark Hastings, Reginald Jalbert, Steven Rubalcaba and Richard Parnigoni Jr and Robert Codling were recognized for thirty years of membership and Tim Ryan was recognized for twenty five years of membership. Twenty year members honored were Leo Fortier and Susan Wilmott. Fifteen year members recognized were Danny Fecteau, George Gerrish and Paul Wadkins. Five year members honored were Lisa Avery, Cody Carlson, Diana Flood, Brent Gagne, Lisa Lamdin, Pauline McPeters, Jon Murchison, Lambert Saldi, Shannon Sweet and Keith Whittemore. Many other members reached levels of membership and were honored in addition to those present at our Membership Recognition night.
In addition to honoring our members, Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden presented three awards; Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award, Elk of the Year Award and Officer of the Year Award.
The Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award was presented to Karen Bingham. This award is presented for “outstanding and meritorious service to humanity”. This award is given to someone who has shown leadership in the community; has contributed voluntary service and is recognized as being an all-around good citizen.
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Todd Benoit. This
award is given as an expression of the gratitude and appreciation of the members of the Lodge and of the Grand Lodge for the loyal and meritorious services. This award is given to a member who has performed outstanding service to Elkdom, particularly at the local Lodge level.
The Officer of the Year Award was presented to Maureen Lawson. The
Officer of the Year Award is given for dedication and meritorious service to the Lodge, who by unselfish commitment and cheerful enthusiasm furthered Elkdom’s programs while fulfilling the responsibilities as an Officer of the Lodge in an exemplary manner.
Barre Lodge is extremely appreciative of it’s members and volunteers
whom continually demonstrate that “Elks Care, Elks Share”.
Photos taken by Kristin Calcagni:

Citizen of year: ER Stacy Holden with Karen Bingham
Elk of year: ER Stacy Holden with Todd Benoit
Officer of year: ER Stacy Holden Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson