Newport Elks local Hoop Shoot – 2023

Dec.2 Newport Elks Lodge sponsored the local hoop shoot at NCUHS.
The first picture: 8-9 year old winners.
Front: Tanner Stuart, third place, Newport Town school. Owen Higgins, second place, Derby school, Lincoln Sykes, first place, Brighton Rec. Dept. Ashtyn Graham, first place, Newport City School, Bristol Randell, second place, Derby lopschool. Mallory Tetreault, third place, Troy school, Michelle Koch.
Back road Marty Barrup.ER NEWPORT LODGE # 2155, Josi Fortin, Sabine Brueck, and Addie Nelson. Girls varsity basketball players. Steve Edgerley, Newport lodge #2155hoop shoot chair and Tom Maloney Vermont State Elks Association president.
Second Picture   10-11 year old winners
Front:    Jaxon Blake ,third place,Derby school,  Colby Niles,  second place Brighton Rec Dept., Cru Maxwell, first place, Coventry school, Elsie Kilborn, first place Brighton Rec Dept, Karley King second place, Lowell School. Avery Sevigny, third place, Jay Westfield school, Michelle Koch
Back:  Marty Barrup ER Newport lodge #2155, Josie Fortin, Sabine Brueck, Addie Nelson and Kaitlyn Niles Girls Varsity basketball players. Tom Maloney VT State Elks Association President. Steve Edgerley Newport lodge hoop shoot chair and Vt. State hoop shoot chairman
third picture – 12-13 year old winners
Front:    Quinn Pratte, third place, Derby School, Olin McKay, second place, Jay Westfield school, Jackson Kilborn, first place, Brighton Rec Dept. Amelia Drown  first place, Derby School, Kayleeona Saunders second place , Newport Town School. Michelle Koch 
Back: Marty Barrup ER, Newport Lodge number 2155, Jason, Pelletier, Spencer, W, Hayden Boivin, Members of the boys varsity basketball team. Josie Fortin, Sabine Brueck, Addie Nelson, Kaitlyn Niles, Members of the girls varsity basketball team, Tom Maloney, Ramon the Elks association president, and Steve Edgerley, Newport Lodge number 2155 local Hoop Shoot coach and Vermont state elks association hoop shoot chairman
The winners of the local contest advance to the District contest Jan. 13 th at NCUHS with registration at 9 with the shoot starting at 10. 
News item submitted by Steve Edgerley.


  Saturday, January 14th, the Springfield Elks hosted the Southern Vt. Elks hoop shoot at the former Park Street School gym.  Chairman Victor Baskevich and his Elks helpers  welcomed participants from Bennington, Bratleboro and Rutland Lodges sharp shooters.  
     Each Lodge sends six shooters ages 8&9, 10&11 and 12&13 year old boys and girls in each age group.  Trophies and a trip to the Vt. Elks State Hoop Shoot in Barre, Vt., on January 28th to each first place winner is in the cards.
Pictured are the Springfield competitors in the Southern Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot recently;  Frt. L to r; Addelyn Snide, Brynlee Snide (1st place 10-11 girls) w/trophy, Will Aviles (1st place 10-11 boys) w/trophy, Jace Beamon, Sawyer Daniels (2nd place 8-9 boys) w/trophy, missing from pic is Natalie Harvey (1st place 8&9 girls).    Back; Vt. Elks State President JIm Kirkwood, Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras and Springfield Elks and Southern Elks Hoop Shoot Chairman Victor Baskevich.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

St. Albans Elks Lodge News

Congratulations to Jackson Sargent and his family (Roy and Ashley Sargent) for representing our lodge in the 8/9 year old boys division at the National Elks Hoop Shoot Finals held at DePaul University in Chicago on April 30th. Jackson placed 5th out of 12 participants making 20 out of 25 free throws.

News item submitted by Mary Brouillette

Congratulations to Hoop Shoot Finalist

More good news from the Hoop Shoots 50th Anniversary in Chicago and SDGER Robert Campo.
OLIVIA RODGERS representing Brattleboro Vermont Elks Lodge #1499 has placed 4th in the nation!
Congratulations to Olivia and Lodge 1499!

Great news out of Chicago from SDGER Bob Campo at the Hoop Shoot 50th anniversary –
Jackson Sargent, representing St Albans Elk’s Lodge #1566, finished 4th in the nation!!
CONGRATS Jackson and Lodge 1566!!!


News item posted by Larry Bouchard

State Hoop Shoot News

πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€HOOP SHOOT NEWSπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
πŸ₯‡Jackson Sargent, St Albans, wins 1st place 8-9 year old boys.
πŸ₯‡Olivia Rodgers, Brattleboro, wins 1st place 10-11 year old girls.
πŸ₯ˆLandon Brown, Bennington, wins 2nd place 10-11 year old boys.
πŸ₯‰Ava Patten, Newport, wins 3rd place 12-13 year old girls
Bennington Elks 567
πŸ₯‰Avery Brown, Bennington, wins 3rd place 8-9 year old girls.
Jackson and Olivia will shoot April 30th, for the National title in Chicago, on the 50th Anniversary of the Hoop Shoot.
Attending and cheering the kids on will be VEA State President Scott Phillips and VEA First Lady Kelly Phillips, SDGER Robert Campo and his wife Michele, and Chair Steve Edgerley and his wife Ann Edgerley.
Published on FB by Ruth Houle.

Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 Hoop Shoot News

Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 sent one of their local Hoop Shooters to the Vt. Elks State Hoop Shoot tournament in Barre, Vt., on January 22nd.   Representing the Springfield Lodge was Savannah Dezanes daughter of Daniella Guica.  She competed against two other winners in her age group from the Central and Northern Lodges representatives.  She didn’t finish first but she represented her host Lodge remarkably well. 
Savannah Dezanes is shown on the right with her Mom Daniella Guica to her left at the Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot in Barre, Vt.  In the back is Henry Diemer District Deputy South from the Brattleboro Lodge, Victor Baskevich of Springfield Lodge and Southern Vt., Hoop Chairman and Scott Phillips Vt. Elks State President.  
News item submitted by Mike Gunn

HoopShoot finals

Landon Brown 8-9 boy from Brattleboro lodge Regional winner and shot for the Nationals with a 21 and 23/25 tiebreaker.  Ellie Whalen 10-11 girl from Rutland Regional-winner and shot for the Nationals with23/25 and 19/25 tiebreaker.  The Regional and National shoots were all done in Vermont with it done with Covid guidelines.  These two were Regional winners with Landon shooting 23/25 and Ellie shooting 25/25. There will be  the final reveal on Friday May 14th  on Elks National Foundation You Tube at 6 pm CST.  There will also be a virtual banquet Saturday May 15th at 6 pm CST
Pat Whalen, Kyle Henry, Brian Guara, Bob Campo, Steve Edgerley,  Ann Edgerley, Jean Crosby, Carolyn Revanna, John Montgomery. In front is Landon Brown and Ellie Whalen
Steve Edgerley, Bob Campo, Landon Brown and John Montgomery
Steve Edgerly, Bob Campo, Ellie Whalen, John Montgomery.  Ellie with her Regional trophy and her Amos McCullen trophy for best all around girl shooter and she will be getting the Walter Kettelle trophy for perfect score 25/25.
News item submitted by Steve Edgerley