Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 recently held a members all out effort to donate winter mittens, gloves and socks to the Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt.   Members donated dozens and dozens of  each article, solely for the residents of the Vet’s Home..   
Caption for attached pic;  In front is a Veteran resident Sue Bull 87 years old, and a living twin of her sister who is also still alive.  In  back is PER Carolee Murchie, CEO of the Vet’s home Mellissa Jackson, Recreational Therapy Director of the Vet’s home Michelle Burgess and Elks Chairman of the winter apparel drive Gloria Gunn.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Springfield Elks Lpodge #1560 held their last initiation of 2022.  With Exalted Ruler presiding the Lodge welcomed three new members.  They were, Michael Lund, Jenny Allison and Matthew Ciocchi.  
Shown L to r; Are new member Michael Lund, Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras, new member Jenny Allison and PSP Andy Cook. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Recently, the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 was informed that the Springfield High School Library needed a new American Flag in their library.  No problem, a new flag was ordered and presented to the library on December 6th.
Shown L to r: Students, Angelina Woychosky, Ella Robinson, Librarian Jen Wasyliko and Victor Baskevich of the Springfield Elks making the presentation.  
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Two young ladies from the Springfield area represented the Vt. Elks Association and Springfield Elks Lodge  #1560 at the recent Elks Regional Soccer Shoot in Augusta, Maine.   They got to go there by competing locally and at the Vt. Elks State Soccer shoot and winning at both venue’s.  The ladies and their parents were shown a great weekend in Maine with all expenses paid by the Vt. Elks Association.
          Ms’ Brynlee Snide and Ms’ Ava Johnson, both of the Springfield school system did well and represented their town and local Elks Lodge proudly.  They competed against kids from  all the New England states and up-state New York.   They are at a young enough age to be able to compete again next year in this Elks function locally and work their way back to Maine again.  
          The proud parents of Ms’ Snide are Jason Snide and Jennifer Goodrich and for Ms’ Johnson they are Chad Johnson and Carly Hozkiewicz.
Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 soccer shoot competitors are left to right Ms’ Brynlee Snide and Ava Johnson in front and Victor Baskevich soccer Chairman for Springfield Elks Lodge, Jim Kirkwood, Vt. Elks State President as well as a member of the Springfielld Elks Lodge #1560, and Ed Knoras, Exalted Ruler for Springfield Elks Lodge. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

2023 VEA State Convention Announcement

Greetings ERs, Secretaires, Trustees, and Committee Chairs, 

The VEA will hold its annual convention May 19-21, 2023 at the Town & Country Inn in Gorham, NH.
I am sharing with you::
  • Convention Letter
  • Convention Announcement
  • Registration Form
  • Golf Tournament Information Sheet
  • Golf Tournament Registration Form
ERs & Secretaries
PLEASE MAKE PACKETS AVAILABLE OR DISTRIBUTE ELECTRONICALLY to your officers/trustees and lodge membership.
Hospitality Suites have been assigned to each lodge, please refer to the convention announcement for the details so you can begin your coordination activities.
The registration Deadline is April 15, 2023.
Please do not hesitate to contact Jim Kirkwood or me if you have any questions.
Additionally, for anyone receiving this email, if there is anyone whom I have accidentally omitted from the email distribution list, please feel free to forward along.
Jackie Driscoll-Page
VEA Convention Chair

Springfield Elks Soccer Shooters Light Up @ Vt. Elks State Soccer Shoot

     Recently, Springfield Elks held local soccer shoots for area students, eight to fourteen year old’s in six levels by age.  Springfield Elks soccer winners were represented at the Vt. Elks state soccer shoot by six winners from those local shooters. 
     Local winners at the Vt. Elks Soccer Shoot were as follows, Julien Danforth of Spr. (2nd place U-8 boys), Jackson Cummings of Chester (3rd place Boys U-12), Porter Whalen of Chester (2nd place Boys U-10), Ava Johnson of Springfield (1st place Girls U-12), Brynlee Snide of Springfield (1st place Girls U-10).  Also, Zoey Kemp of Springfield who became sick during the shoot and had to step aside.
     The reward for being a 1st place winner is a trip to Bangor, Maine, the weekend of November 5th, all expenses paid for by the Vt. Elks, to the participants and parents including lodging and meals.  
     Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 members would like to congratulate all soccer participants locally, Vt. Elks event and a wish of  Good Luck in Maine.
Shown are the winners at the Vt. Elks Soccer Shoot recently in St. Albans.  L to r; Julien Danforth, Jackson Cummings, Porter Whalen, Ava Johnson, and Brynlee Snide.  In back, Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras, Springfield Soccer chairman Victor Baskevich and Vt. Elks State President Jim Kirkwood, also from Springfield Elks Lodge #1560.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

Vt. Elks District Deputy South Visits Springfield Elks Lodge 1560

Annually the Vt. Elks make a policy for the District Deputy South to visit all Lodges in the southern part of the state to inspect their buildings premises, financials and book work, to make sure they are abiding by Elks rules and regulations.
     Recently, Henry Diemer of Brattleboro Lodge and District Deputy South visited Springfield Lodge 1560, and did just that.  At the end of the day and inspections handled he gave a glowing report for Springfield Lodge in that they are doing well according to Elks National standards.   He and the Lodge enjoyed a nice luncheon put on by the House Committee for him, his suite of officers and Lodge members.
Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras is shown presenting Vt. Els District Deputy South Henry Diemer with a plaque showing they had donated $100 to Elks National Foundation in Mr. Diemers name. 


     Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 entertained the visiting Grand Exalted Ruler 2022/2023 Bruce Hidley of Watervliet, N.Y.   As GER for the Elks, Mr. Hidley will spend the ensuing year visiting all Elks Lodges of state president’s in the country.  This year’s Vt. State Elks president comes from Springfield Elks Lodge 1560.  Jim Kirkwood was elected Vt. Elks state president in May at the 2022 Vt. Elks State Convention in Saratoga, N.Y. 
      Mr. Hidley became an Elk in 1980 and has worked his way up to the National level becoming Grand Exalted Ruler at the National Elks Convention in Atlnta in July.  Bruce and his lovely wife Helen are excited to have the opportunity to serve as the GER and First Lady of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the 
Elks of the United States of America, making new friends during their travels, and talking about their motto, “PROMOTING ELKDOM WITH ENTHUSIASM.”  They are honored and proud to work and promote all of the programs in the Elks with great enthusiasm.  
     Special guests in attendance were 2020/2021 Past GER Paul Ryan, Past GER and Grand Lodge Sponsor of Vermont David Carr of Ticonderoga, NY, and Special Deputy for the GER Robert Campo of Barre, Vt.   PGER Ryan, did not have the privilege of visiting Vermont as Covid-19 cancelled out all his visitations during his year as GER.  
      Bruce & Helen reside in Watervliet, NY.  They enjoy the camping in the Adirondacks and spending time with their numerous nieces, nephews, grand nieces and grand nephews.  This year they will be celebrating 40 wonderful years of marriage.
Vt. State Elks President Jim Kirkwood is shown presenting Grand Exalted Ruler Bruce Hidley and wife Helen on his visit to Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 on Sept., 20th.  The paver will be will be laid in display on the grounds at the new Karen Putnam swimming pool at the Elks’ Silver Towers camp for kids in Ripton, Vt.        
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

It’s confirmed. Springfield Elks Lodge will be hosting the GER Dinner.

We have received word through Bob Campo that the Vermont visitation tour is ON!
We WILL BE hosting the GER dinner at the Springfield Elks Lodge as scheduled with our guests:
GER Bruce Hidley and First Lady Hellen
PGER Paul Ryan
PGER David Car and Past First Lady Penny
We have extended the RSVPs for this dinner to MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH. Please email Jackie Driscoll-Page with your RSVP details as soon as possible (jedriscoll68@gmail.com)
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you soon.
Jim Kirkwood
Vt State Elks Association