Barre Elks Lodge Fraternal news

Barre Elks Lodge sold 50/50 tickets at the Vermont Mountaineers Game along with a booth promoting the Elks Drug Awareness Program.   Member volunteers raised $278.50 from the 50/50 to benefit the Vermont Elks State Project Silver Towers Camp, a camp for people with disabilities located in Ripton Vermont.  Our thanks to the Mountaineers for partnering with us for this great night! 
 Becky Maynard, Mountaineer’s Mascot Skip, Barb Watters and Jeff Roy.
News item submitted by Barb Watters.

Donation to Silver Towers Pool Project

On September 1, 2018, during the DD and State President visitations, our guest speaker (Alicia Gay) from Tim’s House, gave me $10 to play the State President’s corn hole fund raiser that will support the Silver Towers (Karen McCormick Putnam Pond) pool Project. I was very fortunate to have won the 50/50 raffle portion of the game, which was $105.00. It was not mine to keep, because it was money given to me from someone else, so I donated the $105.00 back to the pool project. This is clearly an example of how “paying it forward” works. Thank you so much Alicia Gay for being kind enough to support one of our many causes.

Fraternally yours, Kim.