Brattleboro Lodge #1499 members present $2,000 Impact Grant



Nov 15, 2024 Brattleboro Lodge #1499 members presented $2,000 Impact Grant to St. Brigid’s Kitchen & Pantry. 
LtoR: Team members Melissa McAuliffe, Karen Zelenakas, Nancy Kerylow and Dana Zelenakas. 
Also shown are three staff members from Brigid’s Kitchen.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin

Brattleboro Lodge #1499 Illuminates the Lodge in RED lights

Brattleboro Lodge #1499 Illuminated the Lodge in RED lights the last 10 days of the month of October to bring attention to Red Ribbon Week for Drug Awareness.  On Halloween at our Trunk-&-Treat we distributed 60 Elks Drug Awareness bags with the Elks DAP Trailer to Children & Parents.
In Addition:  The Annual Children’s Halloween Party was well attended by 70 Children and their parents on Sat Oct 26, 2024.
Pictured are the Trunk-&-Treat team:  Jean Wilde, PER-Jeff Kerylow, Jenna Staats, Steward-Nancy Karylow, Steph Wilde, Board Chair-Ralph Buchanan, House Committee Members: Duane & Heather Brown and Secretary-Mark Gouger.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin.

Rutland, VT Elks hosted Trunk or Treat Halloween Night

Rutland, VT Elks hosted Trunk or Treat Halloween Night.  Approximately 250 kids and their families circled the 14 trunks in the parking lot, including 4 hosted by 14 members and 2 advisors of the  Rutland High School Key Club.  Elroy had a busy night, but was able to swing into the Lodge for a visit with the Trick or Treaters,  paused for a moment for some photo ops with Key Club Members and Batman!.


News item submitted by Barb Watters.