Vermont Elks Association 2023/2024 State President, Tom Maloney, Newport, VT Elks Lodge # 2155.


Photo credit: Kristin Calcagni, Barre Elks Lodge #1535

News item submitted by Ruth Houle.


 Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge applied for a Freedom Grant through Elks National Foundation and were awarded $1000 to be given to The Veterans’ Place in Northfield, Vt.
     On Wednesday, June 21st, three Elk members traveled to Northfield to present a check to the Veterans’ Place Inc.  On their brochure the question is, If America is the home of the brave, why are so many of the brave homeless?   
     The Veterans’ Place, Inc., (TVPI) consists of transitional housing for homeless Veterans in Vermont.  The mission of the The Veteran’s Place is dedicated to providing unhoused veterans with the environment, tools and support they need to transition to independant, sustainable, substance-free and productive lives.  Also, their vision is to see an end to veteran homelessness through a statewide, coordinated, accessible network of supports and services, as modeled by TVPI.
     The Place consists of (18) single bedrooms and currently they have (17) occupants in the house.  The tenants may come and go as they please by signing the register at the entrance.  If possible they can hold down jobs and they have to sign back in each night unless they are on a weekend leave with family.  When they return they are tested to make sure they have not broken the rules, whether it be drugs or alcohol.   In some cases they are given 2nd chances but only one time.  
     The Veteran’s Place accepts donations and in-kind gifts like the Elks Grant.   Also, they apply for grants from the VA and other revenues.   The tenants at the Veteran’s Place come from recomendations by the VA Hospital in White River Jct., Vt.   Donations may be made to The Veterans’ Place, 220 Vine St., Northfield, Vt. 05663
Caption for attached pic;  Shown at the entrance of the Veterans’ Home is L to r; Mike Gunn, PR chairman for Spr. Elks,  Carolee Murchie current Exalted Ruler of the Spr. Elks, Diana Weggler Pres. of the Board at The Veteran’s Place and Karen Boyce, Director of The Veteran’s Place.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


On June 13th community members joined the Newport Vermont Elks Lodge BPOE #2155 for the annual Flag Day Ceremony.  Members conducted the traditional Elks Flag Day ceremony with the help of local veterans and JROTC members.  
l-r: Dan Martin- Veteran, James Chatterton- Veteran, Kevin Jewer- Veteran, Mykenzie Tuller- JROTC, Christopher Chittamber- JROTC, Maggie Vincent- JROTC, Evan Calloway, Major Dan Bartlett- ROTC & Veteran

News item provided by Renee Barrup.


 Newport, Vermont Elks Lodge #2155 would like to congratulate Josephine Pearson as the winner of the 2023 Legacy Award Scholarship from the Elks National Foundation.  Best of luck in your future endeavors.

l-r:  Marty Barrup- Exalted Ruler, Josephine Pearson- Scholarship Recipient, Kristian Pearson- Treasurer & Father of submittRecipient, and Frances Dewing- Secretary and ENF Chair

Summited for posting by Ruth Houle.

Brattleboro Elks Lodge #1499 installed its newest members

Brattleboro Elks Lodge #1499 installed our newest members on May 25, 2023, followed by delicious grinders and chips.
From L to R
Front row: Lori Brown, Lisa Flannery, Jocelyn Aither, Lisa Cote, Ryan Ebbighausen, Anna Moore, Tyler Millerick, Lindsay Spratt,
Back row: Cajsa Eisenmenger, Leslie Jo Houssan, Isaac Roach, Billy DePue, Jr., ER Jeff Kerylow, and Megan Rabideau.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamim.