This is to inform everyone of the upcoming 2023 Vermont Elks Association Interlodge Golf Tournament.  The tournament will be held on July 29th at Neshobe Golf Club in Brandon, Vermont.  the cost is 65.00/ player.  Lodge ER’s and Secretaries attached is a flyer and signup sheet to hang in the social quarters of the lodge. 

 Zachary J. Kirkwood, VEA Lodge Activities Chair.

VEA 2023 Interlodge Golf Tournament

News Item submitted by Frances Dewing.




 Vermont Elks Association held their 96th Annual convention at the Town & Country Inn in Gorham, NH, on May 18, 19 and 20th with State President Jim Kirkwood presiding.  At this event Jackie Driscol-Page of  the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 was chosen their, Vt. Elks’, “Elk of the Year” top award. 
     Ms. Driscol-Page during the 2022/2023 Elk year served as State President Jim Kirkwood’s Convention planner.  She also had to plan the Vt, Elks’ trip to Atlanta Georgia last July of 2022.  During this event the Vt. Elks, besides going to informative meetings were treated to box seats tickets to an Atlanta Braves baseball game.  During the 2022/2023 Elk year she was the Vt. Elks Scholaship chairman, hosting the final judging for all scholarships awarded to Vt. students.  She was the Springfield Elks Americanism chairman.  As chairman she canvased schools to enter an Americanism Essay contest for her Springfield Elks Lodge.  For her efforts there was a  Vt. Elks state champion from Springfields Elks Lodge.  That young lady is competing with the other (49) states of Elks winner to be a Elks Nationl Americanism essay champion.  Ms’ Driscol-Page is involved in the Boy & Girl Scouts in Springfield and organizes the Scouts Flag Day Ceremony for her Elks Lodge by inviting the Scouts to help perform The History of our Flag ritual.  One of her projects is to make sure each Elks Veterans grave site in Springfield has a small flag at it. 
Vt. Elks State President Jim Kirkwood is shown presenting Jackie Driscol-Page with her Vt. Elks, “Elk of the Year” award at their Vt. Elks Convention in Gorham, NH in May. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Vermont Paws & Boots, Inc. owner Michelle LeBlanc is the recipient of a gift from The Julie Shea band. Julie’s band held their farewell concert at the Bennington Elks Lodge #567 on April 14th.
 Julie Shea wished to donate 1/2 of the door sale proceeds to this great program.  Michelle pairs and trains Veterans and first responders from Vermont and nearby states with a rescue dog. The bond formed is a godsend for both the dog and the trainee dealing with Stress, trauma, brain injuries as well as other service-connected injuries. Michelle is expanding in the future to a new location with hopes of helping people from all over the country.  To learn more, see her Facebook page- Vermont Paws& boots, or website at Vermontpawsandboots.org.
Pictured is Fred Gilbar an officer at the Bennington Elks and Michelle LeBlanc Executive director & head K9 trainer and founder.
News item submitted by Kitty Lewis.


  The Vermont Veteran’s Home Activities program is the recipient of a donation from The Julie Shea Band. 
Julie’s band held their farewell concert at the Bennington Elks Lodge 567 on April 14th.
 Julie Shea wished to donate 1/2 of the door sale proceeds to our Veteran’s, that will benefit from this great program.
The Check was presented at the semi-annual Veteran’s steak dinner that the Elk’s Veteran’s committee hosts for Veteran’s and their families at the Elks lodge.  
From left to right are Mike Kinney and Gary Lewis, Bennington Elk’s Veteran’s committee co-chairs, presenting the check to Michele Burgess, Veteran’s Home Activities Director, also Greg Pinsonneault, Exalted Ruler at the Bennington Elks #567. 
News item submitted by Kitty Lewis.

St. Albans Elks Lodge 1566 Officers for 2023 -2024

L-R Dan Ploof – Installing Officer, Jeremy Allard – PER, Curt Swan – Lecturing Knight, Darren Pedersen – Loyal Knight, Chris Hall – Leading Knight, Bruce Pelletier – Exalted Ruler, Nicole Trudo – Chaplain, Deb Chevrier – Secretary, Stacey Trudo-2-Year Trustee, Kim Bourbeau – Treasurer, Joe Montcalm – State Trustee


News item posted by Larry Bouchard


2023-2024 Brattleboro Elks #1499 Officers

Pictured L to R,
First Row: Lucy Fortier-Inner Guard, Amanda Whitney Daniels-Lecturing Knight, Missy McAuliffe-Leading Knight, Jeff Kerylow-ER, Chase Stanley-Loyal Knight, Mark Gouger-Secretary.
Back Row: Pete Randall-PER-Trustee, Jil MacMenamin-Chaplain-PR, Karen Zelenakas-Trustee, Barbara Wallace-PER-Trustee, Jean Wilde-Tiler.
Not Pictured: Ralph Buchanan-Board Chair-Trustee, Jeff Dixon-Trustee, Frank Lopez-PER-Esquire, Gene Whitney-PER-Trustee, Scholarship, Steve Nelson-Treasurer.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin



     Recently, the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 and the Vt. Elks Association held an American Essay Contest for students at the Riverside Middle School level.  The Theme for the essay was, “What is your American Dream?”.
     Participants must be in one of four divisions being the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grades.  Essay length is not to be more than 300 words.  Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink.  Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.  Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge nearest to the address of the entrant.
     This year’s 1st place winner was  Annalise Bladyka Mitchel, a 6th grader at Riverside Middle School.  She is the daughter of Anne Bladyka.  She received a plaque from the Springfielld Elks and a  plaque from the Vt. Elks as the state winner.   Annalise Bladyka’s essay will be entered in the National Elks Essay contest and she will be competing with the other 49 states Elks winners for the National Elks title. 
Shown is 6th grader at Riverside Middle School,  Annalise Mitchel winner of the Elks American Essay Contest, with Exalted Ruler Carolee Murchie and Springfield Elks Americanism Chairman, Jacqueline Driscoll-Page. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.