Silver Towers Ride – July 16, 2023

Happy Friday all, attached you will find the documents for the Silver Towers Ride on Sunday, July 16.

Please make copies of the Waiver and the Pledge sheets to have available at your lodge for all participants.
Also attached is a raffle ticket template. Please make copies of this template to sell tickets for your lodges basket/gift item.  Remember; you can start selling raffle tickets as soon as you have your raffle item ready, so the sooner you start selling the more you will collect. All pre-sold tickets will be brought to Silver Towers on the day of the ride with your raffle item, and that amount collected will go directly towards your lodges Silver Towers Assessment. We will continue to sell tickets for all of the raffle items on the day of the ride. The ticket sales from the day of the ride will be split among the lodges for your Silver Towers Assessment fees.
We thought this would be a fun idea to decorate the vehicles, motorcycles, and yourselves in Red, White, and Blue for the final ride from Middlebury HS to Silver Towers, making a grand parade to greet the campers. And if I know the campers, I’m sure they will be decked out as well!! Please be sure to spread the word.
Once you have a gift basket or raffle item ready, please send an email to me and I’ll start sharing what lodges have come up with for ideas.
Please share this in your Newsletters, at your lodges and with your members and community.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great weekend and thank you for your continued support of the Silver Towers Camp.
Lisa Hickory
Lodge 1535
Links to the forms:

Bellows Falls Elks Lodge #1619 Golf Classic/Silver Towers Tournament

The Bellows Falls Elks #1619 will be having a Golf Tournament to be held on Saturday July 22nd at the Crown Point Country Club in Springfield Vermont with an 0830 am shotgun start. Auction and Dinner to follow. Registration information coming soon. Proceeds will go to Elks Association’s major project: The Silver Towers Camp
Kimberly Aumand
Exalted Ruler
BPOE #1619


Recdently, Karen Whitney Veterans Chairman for the Springfield Elks Lodge presented a $3000 worth of supplies and a check to the Veterans Medical Center in White River Jct., Vt. 
     This was from a $6000 Beacon/Spotlight Grant given to the Lodge by Elks National Foundation.  The purpose of the Grant was to supply the VA with needed materials that the VA Center specified they needed.  These Grants are submitted for annually to ENF and fortunately the Springfield Lodge has been the recipient for many years now.
Shown are Karen Campbell, Director at the VA Medical Center with Karen Whitney of Springfield Elks Lodge presenting the VA Medical with a special Beacon/Spotlight Grant from Elks National Foundation.   
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Rercently, Jim Morse PER of Springfield Elks Lodge presented $3000 worth of supplies and a check to the Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt.  The same amount of supplies and a check were also awarded to the VA Medical Center in White River Jct., Vt.
     This was from a $6000 Beacon/Spotlight Grant given to the Lodge by Elks National Foundation.  The purpose of the Grant was to supply the home with needed marerials that the Home specified they needed.   These Grants are submitted for annually to ENF and fortunately our Springfield Lodge has been the recipient for many years now. 
Jim Morse PER of Springfield Elks Lodge is shown awarding Michelle Burgess the Director of the Veterans Home supplies and a check to the Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt.
News item was submitted by Mike Gunn.


Here are some key dates for the Silver Towers Camp for 2023.  
Saturday May 6 – Opening of Water System and prepare camp for Endurance Society rental. 
Saturday June 3 – Annual Camp Clean-up – folks are welcome to spend the entire weekend.  
Sunday June 25 – Camp Opens 
Sunday July 16 – 16th Annual Motorcycle and Car Ride to Camp 
Sunday August 6, Pilgrimage and Walkathon. 
Saturday August 19 – Camp Closes 
August 25 – 27 – 2nd Annual Elk Fest at Silver Towers.  

Brattleboro Elks welcomes A New Member

Brattleboro Elks welcomed Val Annis Hughes into Lodge 1499. Val is deaf  and it was heartwarming to see her being Signed by her Sister Shari, with minor corrections by Val.
L to R: Shari Dee Henry, Val Annis Hughes, ER-Barb Wallace
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin.

Brattleboro Elks Brings Drug Awareness Trailer To Ski Jump Event

Brattleboro Elks had Vermont Elks Drug Awareness Prevention Trailer at the Harris Hill Ski Jump during February Break. It was a beautiful sunny day to be outside. Handed out 85 goody bags to kids, and Lodge pins to adults. Also, had an unexpected visit from Vermont Governor Phil Scott (his first time at the jump) and presented him with our Lodge pin with the photo of Harris Hill.

LtoR: Ryan Squires, VT Governor Phil Scott, ER Barb Wallace

News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin