Brattleboro Lodge #1499 Honors Boy Scouts Members

On March 28, 2023, at the Boy Scout Camp-Fund-Raiser Dinner, Brattleboro Lodge #1499’s PR Chair: Jil MacMenamin was honored to present Arrow of Light Certificates & Flags to 7 scouts of Troop 405.  

FYI:  On there is a great PDF to generate Certificates for BSA Eagle, Arrow of Light, Girl Scout Gold, Silver, and Bronze rankings!  Check out the link below for the details.

News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin.


 Springfied Elks Lodge held their final initiation for Elk Year 2022/2023.   During the last twelve months Springfield initiated (23) new members.    They expect bigger classes come the 2023/2024 Elk Year.   
 The latest candidates were Jenna Brown, Joseph Frumin and Trina Smellegar.   The initiation was conducted by Vt. Elks “State President Jim Kirkwood, a PER of Springfield Lodge #1560.
Shown L to t; Joseph Fruman, Trina Smellegar.  Vt. Elks State President Jim Kirkwood, Jenna Brown and PER Ed Knoras.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


      Recently Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 for the sixteenth year since 2007, handed out personal dictionary’s to local students.   Over the years the count each year usually averages (85) kids or some times more.  The dictionary the Elks hand out are the students own book to do with what they want with them.  Keep them at the school or take them home.
     This is just one of the many youth programs including, Scholarships to seniors, Drug Awareness essay contests, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot and SHS Student of the Month.  
     Present for the Elks were PER Vicki Siloiski, Trustee Victor Backevich, Past Trustee Eugene Siliski and Secretary Mike Gunn. 
Shown are the third graders at Union St. School showing off their new dictionary’s handed out to them by Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 members.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


    On Saturday, March 18th the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 welcomed home Vtr. Eks State President Jim Kirkwood to his home Lodge in Springfield.  Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras presenteed special annual awards for the 2022/2023 Elk Year.  The “Elk of the Year” went to Scott Rogers, House Committee Chairman.  The “Officer of the Year” was awarded to Lodge Trustee Victor Baskevich”.  Many other awards were issued on this night by SP Kirkwood and ER Knoras.
Shown is Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras preswnting Scott Rogers as the Lodges “Elk of the Year” award.
Shown is Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler Ed Knora presenting Victor Badskevich with the Lodges “Officer of the Year” award.
News Item submitted by Mike Gunn.


      Recently, Raymond Latelle celebrated his 100th birthday and 80 years being an Elk of Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 of Springfield, Vt.
      Mr. Latelle joined the Elks in 1943 days before he left to serve in WWII as an Army Air Corps  pilot.
       Vt. State Elks President Jim Kirkwood presented Mr. Latelle with a proclamation from GER Bruce Hidley  commemorating this special day.
Shown l-r are Springfield Elks members, Victor Baskevich a Lodge Trustee, Ed Knoras Lodge Exalted Ruler, Raymond Latelle, Vt. Elks State President Jim Kirkwood, PER Vicki Siliski, Eugene Siliski and PER Carolee Murchie.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

Brattleboro Lodge #1499 presents a check to Windham County Heat Fund

On February 22, 2023, Brattleboro Lodge #1499 presented a check in the amount of $3000 to Richard Davis and Daryl Pillsbury, creators of the Windham County Heat Fund. The donation was made possible by the receipt of a $1500 “Gratitude Grant” from Elks Grand Lodge, with matching funds voted on by the lodge membership.

Thank you to Daryl Pillsbury, Windham County Heat Fund President, and Richard Davis 2005 Founder, for helping to supply heating fuel to Windham County residents, who might otherwise be unable to afford it. Brattleboro Lodge is very proud to again be able to support this wonderful cause.

L to R: Richard Davis , ER Barb Wallace, and Daryl Pillsbury

News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin  Brattleboro Elks #1499


     The members of Springfield Els Lodge #1560 are proud to announce that they have established a “Student of the Month” program at Springfield High School through the cooperation of Principal Bindy Harthorn and her staff.
     This program rewards students through a Rubric system that focuses on Participation, Respect, Integrity, Dependability and Engagement.
     The first award went to freshmen Brandon Bauer who filled all the qualities of the above discription.  Brandon is the son of Kerri and David Shambo.  The teacher who nominated Brandon remarked that he contributes constructively in the classroom and shares relevant information and ideas.  He demonstrates self respect and respect for adults and peers in the community.  He can act responsibly and take ownership for decisions and actions.  He is prepared for class and he completes assignments and assessments; and if necessary, revise work in a timely manner.    He continues to stay on task and work efficiently.  The teacher who nominated Bran remarked, “he is a hard worker and always helps out his peers when he finishess a task early.”
    He is interested in basketball and hopes to try out next year for the SHS team.  His hobbies are the  culinary program, BB and hanging with friends.   Favorite classes are Math & PE.  He has passed all subjects with high achievement.
     The Springfield Elks members would like to congratulate Brandon Bauer for being the first recipient of the Springfield Elks’  “Student of the Month”, program.
Caption for attached photo;  Shown is Brando Bauer,the 1st Springfield Elks’ January, “Student of the Month” award and  Mike Gunn, Secretary of the Elks 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560, awarded a $1500 Elks Gratitude Grant to the Springfield Family Center’s food shelf.

  Executive Director Trisha Paradis remarked this will help their program immensely for procuring all types of food for the Food Shelf.  Board treasurer Paul Cioffi was on hand to receive the Grant.  This is the 2nd Elks Gratitude Grant awarded this month.  Shortly, another Springfield Elks committee will be awarding to (2) Veterans establishments, Elks grants totaling $6000.  This is Springfield Elks’ way of giving back to the community in a big way.
    Ms’ Paradis remarked that on May 13th the Springfield Family Center will be working with the U.S. Postal service with a donation day pick up of canned items etc.  Please keep this date in mind and help your mail carrier with donations.   They also need volunteers between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM to sort through the donations and store them on their shelves. This program is a big helper to the Center.
Shown L tor; Are Victor Baskevich a Trustee of the Elks Lodge and Carolee Murchie Past Exalted Ruler, Executive Director Trisha Paradis and Executive Treasurer Paul Cioffi.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.