Vermont State Elks Announcement – 2022 Grand Lodge Convention, Atlanta GA

The Vermont delegation has been assigned to stay at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, a beautiful hotel located in downtown Atlanta, which will house an additional 15 Elk’s State Delegations.
The VT Elks delegation will have a hospitality room in the hotel during the convention. The theme will be “Working in Harmony for the Future” with emphasis on music and a taste of VT. We ask that all lodges help with supporting the hospitality room by signing up for days and shifts.
Tuesday, July 5th the VT State President has reserved the Hank Aaron Terrace at Truist Park to watch the Atlanta Braves play the St Louis Cardinals. The event package includes:
game ticket, all-inclusive ballpark fare menus, including non-alcoholic beverages, two private bars inside, High-Definition TVs throughout the Terrace, Air-conditioning, and, private restrooms. Even if you are not a fan of baseball come out to the ball game to socialize with your fellow Elks.
The deadline for registering for the convention was April 29th to work through New England Elks Tours, however, if you missed this deadline, and are interested in attending, reach out to Mark Cronin. ( 508.832.7639)
The deadline for registering for the hospitality suite and baseball game is Saturday, June 25th.
The registration form and additional event information is accessible by following the links after these two information pages.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact:
Jacqueline Driscoll-Page, Convention Chair,; 603.304.7434
Jim Kirkwood, VT Elks Association State President,; 802.738.3355
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jim Kirkwood
Jim Kirkwood

VEA State President 


A Springfield Elks Lodge member noticed the American flag flying at Union St, School was very frayed and needed to be replaced.  A flag was ordered and on Thursday morning, May 26th a new flag was presented to the school by Lodge member Jackie Driscoll-Page.   A ceremony ensued by three members of the fifth grade class to take down the old flag which they folded military style.   Then they launched the new flag with their classmates looking on.   
     A letter was read to the fifth grade students from Exalted Ruler Ed Knoras inviting them to the Lodges Flag Day ceremonies held at the Lodge on June 12th.
Shown are three fifth graders at Union St, School hoisting the new American U. S. flag that Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 had just presented to their school.  L to r; Miles Murchie, Reese McCarthy and Ellie George. 
Shown are the fifth graders at Union St. School who received the American U.S. flag that the Springfield Elks Lodge donated to the school.  Shown is teacher Jan Rounds on the left and Jackie Driscoll-Page on the right. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


Springfield Elks Lodge recently held a Drug Awareness poster contest among students at Union Street School.  The first place winners at Union Street School’s were entered in the Vt. Elks Drug Awareness contest.  Awards were present by Jim Kirkwood, drug awareness chairman for the Lodge and is also the Vt. Elks State President for Elk year 2022/2023.   He was inducted at the recent Vt. Elks state convention in Saratoga Springs, NY., on May 14th.
      Abe Allen of Union Street School was the first place winner at the state level he won cash and a new bicycle for his efforts.  Locally, Berlin Tucker also won 1st place at Union Street School.  2nd place winners were Annalise Mitchell and Elijah Ingram.  3rd place winners were Arianna Corliss and Trey Slicker.
     The amazing thing about this years presentation, was that several students asked Mr. Kirkwood questions related to smoking and drugs being used that are just wrong to do.  These students really listened to Mr. Kirkwood’s opening remarks and asked great questions.  
Caption for attached pic;  L to r;  Union Street School Principal,  David Coan, Arianna Corliss, Trey Slicker, Annalise Mitchell, Elijah Ingram, Berlin Tucker, Abe Allen and Jim Kirkwood, Vt. Elks State President and Springfield Lodge Drug Awareness Chairman for over thirty years. 
News item Submitted by Mike Gunn.

St. Albans Elks Lodge News

Congratulations to Jackson Sargent and his family (Roy and Ashley Sargent) for representing our lodge in the 8/9 year old boys division at the National Elks Hoop Shoot Finals held at DePaul University in Chicago on April 30th. Jackson placed 5th out of 12 participants making 20 out of 25 free throws.

News item submitted by Mary Brouillette

Congratulations to Hoop Shoot Finalist

More good news from the Hoop Shoots 50th Anniversary in Chicago and SDGER Robert Campo.
OLIVIA RODGERS representing Brattleboro Vermont Elks Lodge #1499 has placed 4th in the nation!
Congratulations to Olivia and Lodge 1499!

Great news out of Chicago from SDGER Bob Campo at the Hoop Shoot 50th anniversary –
Jackson Sargent, representing St Albans Elk’s Lodge #1566, finished 4th in the nation!!
CONGRATS Jackson and Lodge 1566!!!


News item posted by Larry Bouchard

St. Albans ELKS Lodge 1566 Initiates New Members

CONGRATULATIONS !!  To our New Members Initiated on April 19, 2022

Back Row L-R:  Marc Bechard II, Matthew Cyganiewicz, Paul Biggs, Kyle Wilson, Michael Swartz.  Front Row L-R:  Bonnie Chagnon, Patricia Pigeon, Kristin Shorey

And thank you to our past ER’s for performing the initiation.

News item submitted by Nicole Shorey-Trudo.


Recently, some Springfield Elks members attended a District Deputy Clinic at Brattleboro Lodge required by Elks South DD South Henry Diemer.
     Attending this clinic was the future Grand Exalted Ruler Bruce Hidly of upstate New York and his lovely wife Ellen Hidley.  During these required clinics twice a year all the Lodges in the Vt. Elks south must attend and learn new Elks information, such as Drug Awareness, Scholarship, Elks National Foundation, Membership news on how to get new members, Elks Charities reporting, etc.  It is a very informative day for the Elks officers.
     In closing, GER elect Mr. Hidley touched on all the information that was handed out on this day and elaborated on each subject listed above.  
Shown L to r; Jackie Driscoll-Page, Jim Kirkwood, Jessica Corliss, Victor Baskevich, GER Elect Bruce Hidley, Helen Hidley and Ed Knoras.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


 Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge held there final new member initiation for Elks year 2021/2022 with fifteen new members attending.
     In the 21st century this is the largest class of new members to be initiated.  For the year 2021/2022 the Lodge has taken in (42) new members and getting more applications all the time. 
     Most new members remark that they see what Springfield Elks Lodge does for the community and they want to try and help the Elks programs.  Programs such as Drug Awareness, Hoop Shoots, Soccer Shoots, Halloween Drug Awareness bags to elementary students, Veterans,  Etc.
Newest members pictured L to r; Alex Rumrill, Gabriel Buskey, Josephine Sheldon, Dorothy Hescoth, Exalted Ruler Carolee Murchie, Marien Gage, Ginny Ballou, Jennifer Chambers and Heather Olson.  Back row; Tyler Rumrill, Christopher Olsen, Gregory Richardson, Jeff Gilcris, Richard Pierce, Brett Jasinski and Katie Gilcris.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

VEA Fraternal News

VEA Americanism Chair Maureen Lawson visited Josh Pallotta Fund at Josh’s House, VT today to present them with an American flag and stand to display inside their facility courtesy of the Vermont Elks Association.


Pictured L to R: Volunteer Nick, Maureen Lawson, DDGER North Kristin Calcagni and Veteran Cliff. Josh’s House is a wellness and recreation center for Vermont’s service members, located in Colchester, VT.

News item submitted by Kristin Calcagni.