News item submitted by Jackie-Driscoll Page
Elks News
Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 Hosts Community Fall Festival
Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 held their 2 nd Annual Fall Festival this month on Saturday, October 5 th on a
glorious VT Fall foliage weekend. The event was well attended by members, the community and families
who wanted to stop by have some fun and see all the things this active Lodge does.
This year’s Fall Festival was spearheaded once again by our very own Erin Harvey whose dedication and
enthusiasm with her tremendous team of volunteers made this such a success. They say it takes a
‘village’ and this event is proof of that. From the wide array of donated Baskets for the Baskets Raffles, to
those who donated all the yummy baked goods, the crew who helped set up, those who manned the
various stations throughout the day, and breaking down at the end – this ‘village’ got it done, representing
the Elk motto ~ Elks Care – Elks Share ~.
The kids were all smiles with many options from the Bouncy House to the Arts & Crafts Activity area, and
a visit from Elroy. The adults enjoyed Bingo, a huge Basket Raffle, the Bake Sale and Raffles galore. All
enjoyed the Food Truck, and our BBQ area with Live music. This event lets us tell all who attend just what
it is we do.
This is an annual event, so don’t miss us next year for the 3 rd Fall Festival at Springfield Elks Lodge 1560.
News item submitted by Jackie-Driscall Page.
The Brattleboro Elks on Putney Road are lighting their lodge in RED to bring attention to Red Ribbon Week for Drug Awareness. Red ribbons are displayed to encourage people to lead drug free lives. The campaign was formalized by President and Mrs. Reagan who served as honorary chairpersons. Congress officially established Red Ribbon Week in 1988. Nationwide, it is celebrated annually in the last week in October.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin.
St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 donates $2000 to Martha’s Kitchen
St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 has donated $500 to Martha’s Kitchen after they were broken into and vandalized. We are donating an additional $1,500 for a total of $2,000 to the food shelf to assist in their rebuilding and assisting in the community.
Bob Begley, Guardian/Administrator for Martha’s Kitchen and Co-worker.
Bob Begley and Chad Boudreau, St. Albans Elks 1566 Club Steward
News item submitted by ER Bruce Pelletier.
Rutland Lodge presents Freedom Grant to Dodge House
The Grand Exalted Ruler visits the Brattleboro, VT Lodge #1499
The Grand Exalted Ruler visited Brattleboro, VT Lodge #1499 on Sept 17, 2024 for a Tour and Luncheon.
Pictured here is a group photo in front of the Brattleboro’s Lodge #1499’s Esty Organ. Pictured LtoR: SDGER- Bob Campo and wife Michele, PGER Bruce Hidley and wife Helen, Grand Lodge Sponsor, PGER-Mrs & Mr. David Carr, First Lady Julia and husband GER-Doug Schiefer, PER-Jeff Kerylow, PSP, PDD, PER-Henry Diemer, PER-Frank Lopez, VT State President-Fred Gilbar (Bennington) and PSP & Silver Towers Director Carolyn Ravenna and her husband VT State Secretary, Brian Gaura.
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin.
Brattleboro Elks Lodge #1499’s ChasingZERO
Brattleboro, VT #1499 wELKomed NEW MEMBERS on Aug 14, 2024
News from Lodge #1499
Brattleboro Elks #1499 had their BUHS Student Banquet on May 29, 2024
Pictured here are the Student of the Month:
Back Row: James Fagley (member’s Pam & Sparky Robinson’s Grandson), Connor Noyes-Urffer, Skylar Nutting, and Maeve Bald
Front Row: Elliana Goldemez (Bartender – Jessie’s Daughter), Emily Matthew-Muller, Holden Cestine, Jasmine Thibault. (Note: Not all Student of the Month’s could attend the banquet due to sports event)
News item submitted by Jil MacMenamin, Elks Lodge #1499.