Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 initiated three new members into their Lodge family.  This year alone they have welcomed (22) new members as they grow with leaps and bounds.  Reason for this influx of new members, according to them. “they see what the Elks do for the community including Youth Activities and Veterans, etc., and they choose to be a part of this trend”.   For those citizens locally who wish to join, feel free to ask an Elk member or go on line, at Elks.org and apply.
L to r; Scott Rogers, son Dean Rogers (new member), PER Vicki Siliski, Alyssa Lucuis (new member), PER Jim Morse and Jeffrey Eaton (new member) following the recent initiation into Springfield Elks Lodge 1560.
News item submitted by Michael Gunn.

Fraternal News – Barre Elks Lodge

Barre Lodge #1535 was the site for the Barre Area Veteran’s Council Veteran’s appreciation dinner on November 7th.  Over 200 people attended the Roast Turkey Dinner, served by volunteers and students from Spaulding High School.  Veterans were the guests of the Council.   Proceeds of the evening were donated to   Fowler’s R&R Ranch Corp provides assistance to returning soldiers in their transition to civilian life by providing a low-stress working and living environment with mentoring in technical skill building. Specifically, we specialize in agriculture, farming, and gardening as well as other hands-on activities and learning opportunities surrounding farm work and local business. As an organization we are largely self-sustaining and our contributions to the community through an array of value-added products enrich Vermont’s locally based food market.
The Barre Area Veteran’s council is comprised of volunteers from Barre Legion Post 10,  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 790,  Barre Lodge of Elks #1535, American Legion Auxiliary Post 10 and Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War. 
Photo Credits Kristin Calcagni
Ron Talman, Maureen Lawson and Chuck Barney
Veterans Renee Hotaling and Paul Gagne
Amy and Brian White, Brenda Clark  and Leo Fortier at the booth for the  VERMONT (SSN 792).  The submarine, (SSN 792), is the 19th nuclear attack submarine of the Virginia-Class, and is the third U.S. warship named “VERMONT.”   VERMONT is expected to be commissioned in late spring/early summer of 2020.  This volunteer committee’s mission is to provide a memorable Commissioning for the ship’s officers, crew, and sponsor; the U.S. Navy; the State of Vermont and its people; and the men and women who built the ship.
News item submitted by Kristin Calcagni 

Fraternal News – Barre Elks Lodge

Barre Lodge #1535 recognized Veterans attending the November Senior Dinner.  The Veterans lead attendees reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and were  presented  a complimentary ticket for the January Senior Dinner. 

News item submitted by Barb Watters

Fraternal News – Barre Elks Lodge

Cadet Captain Caleb Carrien, a Senior at Spaulding High School was recognized at Barre Lodge as the JROTC Student of the Month.  As Cadet Captain, Caleb oversees all operations and training in the battalion.  Future plans include attending the University of Maine in Orno studying biology, and plans to utilize his degree to work with conservation efforts of endangered animals.  In addition, he will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Reserves after college.
Caleb and his family were guests of the Lodge where he received his certificate an JROTC medal.
 Cadet Captain Caleb Carrien and Barre Lodge Exalted Ruler, Barb Watters
Caleb with his family and ER Watters
News item submitted by Barb Watters


 This years annual Springfield Elks Soccer Shoots in Springfield and Chester were a big success with two participants winning at the Vt. Elks state soccer shoot and competing at the Area 1 Soccer Shoot in Rhode Island recently.  Area 1 soccer shoot consists of all the state winners from New England and upstate New York.  Springfield Elks Soccer Shoot Chairman Victor Baskevich reported there was a record turnout of participants in the 150 applicants range between the two towns.
     Local soccer shoot results are as follows; Under 8 Boys winners, 1st William Aviles of Spr., 2nd Abe Allen of Spr., U-8 Girls 1st Eliza Frank of Spr., 2nd Janey Whipple of Spr.  U-10 Boys 1st Trace Kline of Ches., 2nd Matthew Studin of Ches.  U-10 Girls 1st Harper Palmer Spr., 2nd Claire Gomez of Spr.  U-12 Boys  1st Kaiden McCarthy Ches., 2nd Carter LaBarge of Chester.  U-12 Girls 1st Alexis Boissonnault of Ches., 2nd Lily Parent of Ches.
      All of the local winners competed at the Vt. Elks Soccer Shoot in St. Alban’s on Oct. 13th.  The two participants from Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 who won in St. Albans represented their host Springfield Elks Lodge in Kingston, RI on Nov. 2nd at the Area 1 Soccer Shoot.   Like their annual Hoop Shoot program the Elks hosted all the families for a weekend of fun for the kids with hotel stays, pizza parties, swimming plus a big banquet to end the weekend festivities.
     The Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 membership would like to extend a hearty thank you to all the participants and their parents for allowing them to compete.  Their standing Elks motto is “Elks Care Elks Share”.   Chairman Baskevich hopes to break the 200 count of participants next year.  The Elks would also like to thank Andy Bladyka and Matt McCarthy of the Springfield and Chester Recreation Departments for encouraging the participants to sign up for the shoots.
Caption:  Shown L to r; Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 Exalted Ruler Jim Morse, U-12 Boys winner Carter LaBarge of Chester, U-10 Girls winner Harper Palmer of Springfield and Elks Soccer Shoot Chairman Victor Baskevich the day before the winners and the Chairman went to Kingston, RI for the Area 1 Elks Soccer Shoot.  
News item submitted by Michael Gunn.


 Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 of Springfield, Vt., feel they are becoming a very popular fraternity in their town.  Reason being, the new members feel they are joining it because this Lodge is so committed to helping their community, whether it be youth activities, Verterans affairs or senior citizens.  These are very important causes in our town and the “Elks Care Elks Share” motto is always coming up with new causes.
     Shown Frt. L to r; Are the latest new members initiated into their Lodge with sponsors, Nick Page (N), Breanna Madison (N), Ronald Freeman (N), ER Jim Morse, Nicole Rodgues (N), Brenda Nadeau (N), and PER Vicki Siliski.  Back row; Tom Snide (S), Ty Madison (N), Gloria Gunn (S), Craig Kemp (S), Dean Kemp (N), Bradley Derosia (N), Jessica Corliss (S) and Reggie Paige (S).
News item submitted by Mike Gunn


     Recently, Springfield’s Elks Lodge 1560 presented the Springfield Senior Center on Main Street with an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant worth $1500 for the sole purpose of outfitting the senior center with new lounge furniture.  Senior Center director Lori Johnson shopped locally at Young’s Furniture and came up with her purchase shown in the picture below.  This was a total win win situation for the town Springfield.  Springfield Elks got the grant, Springfield Seniors got the comfortable furniture and Young’s Furniture of Springfield got the sale.  This new furniture replaces the old couch that had been there for 30 to 40 years.

     Shown are the “Knit Wits Group” of the ladies knitting circle at the senior center.  They are L to r; Sharon Burt, Cheryl Baker, Ruth Wilson, Linda Mattoon and Shirley Cooper.

News item submitted by Michael Gunn

St. Albans Elks Lodge hosts Awards event for the Local Soccer Shoot Winners

What a great turn out for our local soccer shoot winner’s award banquet. A HUGE thank you to Chris Hall, our VT Soccer Shoot Chairman and his amazing wife, Nikki Hall for all of their time and dedication to this great program! We appreciate everything you both do for our lodge and the state program! Congratulations to all of our winners!

News item and photos provided by Stacey Beyor Trudo



First place winners



All Trophy winners


Elks Honor First Responders

Barre Lodge #1535 together with Montpelier Lodge #924 hosted their Annual First Responder Appreciation Night on September 12, in conjunction with Patriotism Week.   First responders from our communities were invited to be our guests for a Turkey Dinner.   20 First Responders representing Barre City, Plainfield, Marshfield and Berlin attended.  
All departments were presented certificates of appreciation from the Elks.  Fire Chief Doug Brent and Firefighter Jim Ward, both of Barre City, were honored for their 46 and 40 years of service.  Each received a gift certificate donated by Ladder One.
PHOTO CREDIT:  Stacy DeSisto
Chief Brent, ER Barb Watters, Firefighter Jim Ward
Group photo including Patty Ristau, event chair; our guests, Barb Watters Barre Lodge ER and Lisalee Dilena, PER of Montpelier Lodge.
News item submitted by Barb Watters.