News item submitted by Kristin Calcagni
Elks News
Vermont Elk’s Association – Golf Tournament
2019 Silver Towers Motorcycle Ride
News item submitted by Kristin Calcagni
Silver Towers Walk-A-Thon
News item submitted by Kristin Calcagni
St. Albans Elks Lodge participates in Silver Towers Walk-A-Thon
Barre Elks Lodge Fraternal news
Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 presented the Springfield High School Track and Cross Country teams with an Elks Gratitude Grant. Track coach Jim Fogg approached the Elks to ask them to help his programs by partially funding new timing equipment for all their track and cross country meets.
It just so happens, Elks National organization has many grants that can be handed out for community involvement In the past few years Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 has applied for these ongoing grants and have been very lucky in helping fund local community events and causes. In the past the Gratitude Grant has given funds to the Springfield Senior & Family Center, Girls and Boys softball teams, Wrestling team, Football team and many more. Veteran’s are always on their mind as they have shown in the past, honoring many Veteran’s organizations.
This year the Springfield Elks Gratitude Grant for Jim Fogg’s teams is in the amount of $1000. With this money from the Elks and many other worthy donators, will go toward the purchase of meets electronic timing equipment. Without this equipment, Springfield would not be able to hold meets on their own home town track. They would have to travel to other track meets to be able to acquire proper points to compete on a state level. They will be able to host big local, MVL and state meets with bus loads of kids coming to Springfield. With a lot of kids competing, it means revenue for the schools Booster Club (concessions).
Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 welcomes any and all local community organizations to approach them for any Grants they might be looking to apply for as a community involvement. Elks nationwide have a motto, “Elks Care, Elks Share” because they are totally community oriented. Please call Mike Gunn, Sec., 885-4060 and get on a list for now and next year.
Shown are Rich Saypeck, Springfield High Athletic Director, Jim Fogg, Springfield track coach and Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler James Morse at the presentation of this Elks National Gratitude Grant recently.