Fraternal News Barre Lodge #1535

Barre Lodge #1535 presented $500 to Twin Valley Senior Center, proceeds from the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant.  Rita Copeland, Executive Director and Doris Washburn joined Lodge Members for Dinner at the Lodge.   
Pictured are:  Rita Copeland, Doris Washburn and Cindy Wedding, Lodge ENF Chair.
Photo by Barb Watters, Exalted Ruler 


On Sat., March 2nd, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 presented an Elks National Beacon Grant to the VT Veteran’s Home in Bennington, VT.  This was part of a total Beacon Grant for $2000.  The recipients – VT Veterans Home in Bennington, VT and the VA Hospital in White River Jct., VT each received $1000 and were asked to submit their own Wish Lists for $500 each for Toiletry needs and $500 for Art & Crafts supplies.  The Springfield Elks Lodge presented the VA Hospital in White River Jct. in person a couple weeks ago with their Wish List items.

              The items that were presented to the Vet’s Home, were Toiletry (8) Men’s electric razors.  Arts & Crafts consisting of Wood Kits – birdhouses, keepsake boxes, various shapes and sizes of wood cut-outs for wood burning.  Wood burning soldering tools, stains, paints and brushes.  Sun catchers and glass hangers to color and paint. Glass paint.  Assorted Adult coloring books, pens, markers and sketch books. 

              Beacon Grant lead person, Karen Whitney informed Michelle Burgess (Activities Director at the VT Veterans Home) and Karen Campbell (Chief of Voluntary Service at the VA Hospital), that Springfield 1560 Club looks forward to turning this into an annual submittal for the Beacon Grant to benefit both facilities.  A second presentation was made to Jack Barnes a tenant at the Vet’s Home who is celebrating his 20th year as a member of Springfield Elks Lodge

              Springfield Elks Lodge 1560, members making the trip to Bennington for the presentation were, Exalted Ruler Jim Morse, PER and Elks Vet’s Chairman Vicki Siliski, Beacon Grant lead person Karen Whitney, Sec., Mike Gunn, Eugene Siliski and Gloria Gunn.

Shown L to r: Michelle Burgess Activities Direct, Eugene Siliski, PER Vicki Siliski, ER Jim Morse, Veteran Jack Barnes a member of Spr. Elks and tenant of Vt., Vet’s Home, Karen Whitney and Gloria Gunn.

News item provided by Mike Gunn.

Fraternal News Barre Lodge of Elks #1535

Courtney’s Allies were guests of the Barre Elks where a check for $400 was presented to them from the Lodge.   Courtney’s Allies is a community outreach group working to bring awareness and relief to domestic violence victims.   Representing Courtney’s Allies were founders:  Kate Root, Lindsey Eastman Johnson and Chelsea Copeland Spencer.    The donation was a portion of the Lodge’s Gratitude Grant from the Elks National Foundation.
pictured:  Kate Root, Lindsey Eastman Johnson and Chelsea Copeland Spencer. 
Photo credit Barb Watters, Barre Lodge ER


 Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge held their 2018/2019 annual member awards night in conjunction with their Valentines dinner/dance evening.
    Each year the Lodge chooses members who have helped to make their Lodge better everyday by volunteering to promote “Elks Care Elks Share” the Elks motto.
    This years honor of, “Elk of the Year” was awarded to Jeff Murchie who our Exalted Ruler declared him “a wonderful definition of what an Elk should be”.  Secretary Mike Gunn was chosen Officer of the Year.  A new award this year was the 2018/2019 Green Jacket Award Winner for Elks Excellance to treasurer Karen Whitney.  She will present the Green Jacket to next years winner, just like at the PGA Masters event.  Appreciation awards went to Heidi LaCerte (for bringing in eight new members) Maureen Blais (for bar employee above & beyond) and Andrew Cook PER,PSP, HLM, they were all an inspiration to our Lodge.  The Pot Stirrer award went to Ed Knoras who is always available to fix things.  The Committee chair person award went to PER Vicki Siliski the Veterans chairman for the Lodge.  Her passion for Veterans is inspirational.  Grand Exalted Ruler Award Winners were Kathi Williams and Gloria Gunn.
Caption:  Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Jim Morse on the left is shown presenting Jeff Murchie with his 2018/2019 Elk of the Year award recently on awards night at the Lodge.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


  Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 presented a National Elks Beacon Grant to the VA Hospital in White River Jct., Vermont, in the amount of $1000.
    The Beacon Grant awarded to Springfield Elks Lodge was for $2000.  The Lodge elected to present the other half of the Beacon Grant to the Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt., in March. 
     Usually the Elks get a check and present it to the recipient.  This year, Springfield Elks did something different, they went out and bought toiletries in lieu of a check.  Items that the Elks presented them with were like, Men’s razors, shaving cream, deodorant.  Unisex toiletries, chap-stick, denture cream and hair brushes.  Reading glasses, men’s sweat pants, sweat shirts, briefs and t-shirts.  Also Arts & Crafts Supplies, fine point art markers, watercolor dual tip art markers, acrylic paint sets, wood burning kits, embroidery for cross stich kits, jewelry making supplies (beads, cords, etc.).  Wooden plaques, birdhouses, wood stain of any color and wood burning kits.
    With the above awards, Springfield Elks Lodge continues to show they are very vested in our Veteran’s, locally and state wide.  Springfield Elks Lodge Veteran’s chairman Vicki Siliski, has given much her time and efforts to get awards for them over the past few years.   The chairman of this latest Beacon Grant was treasurer Karen Whitney.   The contacts at the VA Hospital was Karen Campbell the Chief Voluntary Service Officer.  Also, Trevor McCants is the Logistics Supply Chain Officer and an Elks member of Bellows Falls Lodge #1619.
Caption: Shown is the National Elks Beacon Grant presentation at the VA Hospital by the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 recently.  Shown L to r; Karen Whitney, Beacon Grant Chairman, Trevor McCants, VA Logistics Supply Chain Officer, Vicki Siliski, Veterans Chairman of Springfield Elks Lodge and Karen Campbell, VA Chief Voluntary Service Officer
News item submitted by Mike Gunn

Americanism Essay Winners honored

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 honored their six Elks Americanism Essay winners at dinner on February 7th. The students, their families and representatives from St. Monica’s school enjoyed a fun dinner prior to the awards presentation.  64 essays were submitted from Barre City Middle School, Barre Town Elementary and St. Monica’s Catholic School this year.  This far exceeds the amount of essays received in the past 3 years. 

The winning essays will now compete on the state level with state winners advancing to the National competition.  This year’s theme was “What Makes You Proud of America”. 

Pictured for Division I are Payton Donahue 1st place, Salome Tchantouridze 2nd place both from St Monica’s and Ella Townsend 3rd place from Barre Town.  Along with Exalted Ruler Barb Watters and Americanism Chairman Maureen Lawson

Pictured for Division II are Isabella Boudreault 1st place, Gabe Hoar 2nd place and Ruby Harrington 3rd place all from St. Monica’s.

Pictured winners 1:  Barb Watters, ER; Payton Donahue, Salome Tchantouridze, Ella Townsend and Maureen Lawson, Americanism Chair.

Pictured winners 2:  Barb Watters, ER; Isabella Boudreault, Gabe Hoar, Ruby Harrington and Maureen Lawson, Americanism Chair.


News item submitted by Barb Watters.