News item provided by Kristin Calcagn
On May 24, 2018, as part of the Gratitude Grant, a new bunk bed set and complete bedding sets for three beds were purchased and put together for a family in transitional housing through Tim’s House (Samaritan House).
Thank you to Exalted Ruler, Bruce Pelletier; Lecturing Knight, Curt Swan; Esquire, Kim Bourbeau; and new member Monica Pelletier for taking the time to put together the bunk bed set for a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl and providing the much needed bedding for all three children. Now the kids do not have to sleep on the floor. Bedding includes: mattress covers, twin sheet sets, pillows, comforters, and pillow shams.
l-r: Esquire Kim Bourbeau; Monica Pelletier; ER Bruce Pelletier and Lecturing Night Curt Swan
News item submitted by Kim Bourbeau.
The Barre Elks Lodge Past Exalted Rulers (PER) Association recently presented five $1000 scholarships to Spaulding High School seniors. Applicants submitted essays for the topic “Why are Veterans America’s Heroes?” Essays were received from Northfield, Williamstown and Spaulding High Schools. Scholarship winners were announced at the Spaulding High School Scholarship Banquet where over $500,000 in scholarships were awarded. Congratulations to Rachel Maurice, Collin McFaun, Ryan Tacey, Abby Savoie and Anna Beach.
2018 Motorcycle
Motorcycle Ride Final Waiver 2018
Download the waiver form here: Waiver form
June 14th The Barre Elks celebrated Flag Day in Barre’s City Hall Park. They were joined by VFW Post #790, The American Legion Post #10 and the Auxiliary of the VFW & Legion.
The BarreTones performed The “Star Spangled Banner”, “The Grand Old Flag” and “God Bless America”. Sargent Major Renee Hotaling was the guest speaker.
Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560, presented the Springfield Senior
Center with an Elks National National Gratitude Grant for upgrading there
current equipment to aid the seniors in there exercise classes at the
Volunteer Yoga instructor Kathy Giurtino approached the Elks to see if they could maybe get her some floor mats. As time went on with discussions with Ms’ Giurtino and Linda Roys the Elks found out, they, the seniors,
could use a lot more equipment to aid in their reaching, lifting and bending over exercises. This followed with a meeting with Executive Heather Hall saying they needed to upgrade with better chairs for sitting down exercises.
The Elks put this information into their application to Elks National for their Gratitude Grant program. The Springfield Elks were awarded a $2500 grant after they met their annual Lodge per capita money totals. The amount given to the Senior Center was $1700.oo for the equipment described above. The Lodge is also donating to the Springfield, Meals on Wheels program and buying Elks dictionaries that they award to all third graders each year.
Pictured at the Springfield Senior Center $1700 Gratitude Grant presentation recently are: L to r Linda Roys Exercise Instructor, Sandy Tarbell Senior Citizen of the year for 2018, Elizabeth Moulton Senior Citizen of the year for 2018 runner up, Jim Morse, Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler, Heather Hall Executive Director of Springfield Senior Center, Kathy Giurtino Yoga Instructor and Roger Blish House Committee Chairman of Springfield Elks Lodge.