Recently, Springfield Lodge held their first initiation class for 2018.  This was the biggest class in many years, showing there goods things going on at their Lodge. 

Standing l to r; Bob Adams, Shirley Ritchie, Cecelia Snide, Jessica Corliss and PER Vicki Siliski.  Back row; Raymond Coleman, Heidi Huber, Ed Laffaye and PER Jim Morse.

News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

Barre Elks Recognizes Student of the Month

D’Aja Martin, a 2nd grader at Williamstown Elementary School was honored at the Barre Elks on May 31st as the April Student of the Month.   D’aja is a 2nd grader at Williamstown Elementary and was joined by her brother Jason, Mom Caey and Grandparents Jean and Ed for dinner and recognition.   The introduction and presentation were made by  Student of the Month Chair Denise Guilmette.  For more information on Barre Elks Student of the Month Program, or other youth activities, please contact Barre Elks atbarreelks1535@gmail.com.
Jason Martin, Casey Martin, D’Aja Martin, Student of the Month; and Student of the Month Chair Denise Guilmette
The family picture is of poor quality.   Grandparents Ed and Jean Martin; D’Aja Martin Student of the Month; Mom Casey Martin, brother Jason Martin and Denise Guilmette, Student of the Month Chair.
News items submitted by Barb Watters.

Members of the Barre Area Veterans Council have placed American flags along Main street in Barre

Members of the Barre Area Veterans Council have placed American flags along Main street in Barre.  The Veterans Council is comprised of members from Barre Lodge of Elks #1535, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.  The council is dedicated to serving, honoring and remembering Veterans in central Vermont. 
pictured left to right
Paul Perreault, Chip Paine, Maureen Lawson, Chuck Barney, Tim Claflin, Barb Watters and Frank Hotaling.

Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 recently held their annual Drug Awareness poster contest.

 Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 recently held their annual Drug Awareness poster contest with the theme being, “Hero’s”.  All third, fourth and fifth grade students at Union Street School participated.
                        First place winner for girls was, Ella Sophia Shaw a fifth grader.  For boys, it was Alexander Moye a fifth grader.  2nd place for girls was Hollee Martinez a fifth grader and Kaleb Smith a fourth grader.  3rd place for girls was Adrianna Magoon.   The overall first place winner, Ella Sophia Shaw received a check for $25 and a new bike and helmut.  The next prizes were for 1st place $25, 2nd place $15 and 3rd place $10. 
                       Elks Drug Awareness Chairman Jim Kirkwood noted that this year’s theme, “Hero’s”, meant, they, the students, he classified as hero’s especially if they are looking out for their fellow students.  He noted before saying that, we all regard service people, fireman, policemen, doctor’s etc., are all Hero’s.  
Caption for pic attached:    Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge at Union St. School, presented the winners of the annual Drug Awareness Poster Contest with their prizes.  Frt. l to r; Hollee Martinez, Adrianna Magoon, Ella Sophia Shaw, Kaleb Smith and Alexander Moye. Back; Springfield Elks member Gloria Gunn and Jim Kirkwood Drug Awareness Chairman.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

The St. Albans Lodge #1566 obtains Anniversary Grant

On May 10, 2018, Kim Bourbeau and Stacey Trudo presented John Gorton of the Sheldon Methodist Church Food Shelf with 546 canned goods (168 cans of corn; 168 cans of peas; 168 cans of green beans; 24 cans of Albacore tuna; 16 cans of chicken breast). The funds are from securing the Anniversary Grant which was split between two charities (Laurie’s House-Voices Against Violence & Sheldon Methodist Church Food Shelf). The remainder of the $750.00 to the food shelf will be used to purchase fresh produce. 
Kim Bourbeau & John Gorton; photographer Stacey Trudo.

The Vermont Elks Association Americanism Committee Awards

The Vermont Elks Association Americanism committee recently awarded first place and runner-up awards to division I and II winners of their annual Americanism essay contest.  This year’s essay  theme was “Why our Veterans are America’s Heroes”.  Lodge Chair Maureen Lawson presented State Division I Essay Winner Isabella Boudreault with a $100 check.  Isabella’s essay will represent Vermont in the national Elks Americanism essay contest.  First, second and third place national winners will be announced at the Elks National convention in San Antonio, Texas in July.  State division I runner-up Zoe Hilferty and division II runner-up Mariah Hoar both received $50 checks.  All three are students of St. Monica-St. Michael Catholic School in Barre. 


Photo includes; Father O’Leary, St. Monica-St. Michael’s School Principal Brenda Buzzell, Zoe Hilferty, Isabella Boudreault, Mariah Hoar and Americanism Chair Maureen Lawson

News items submitted by Barb Watters.

Burlington Elks Support Veterans

Burlington Elks use their Anniversary Grant to partner with Committee on Temporary Shelter and donate $1500 worth of gift cards for groceries and clothing as well as bus passes to veterans at Canal Street Veterans Housing in Winooski. 
Pictured are Sally and Wes Blair, Irene Longe, Beth Dusablon, ER Randy Corey, COTS personnel Sian Leach and Becky Holt.
News item submitted by Beth Dusablon

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 installs Officers

Barre Lodge #1535 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks installed the 2018-2018 Officer Team at a joint installation with the Montpelier Lodge.   Incoming officers are:  Exalted Ruler, Barb Watters; Leading Knight, Frank Hotaling; Loyal Knight, Kimberly Baker; Lecturing Knight, Phil Delia; Esquire, Cindy Wedding; Chaplin, Lori Major; Tiler Beth McTear; Secretary Robert Campo and Treasurer Brad Lawson.   The Barre Elks Lodge is the largest lodge in the State of Vermont and was named Lodge of the Year at the 2017 State Convention.  The Lodge and its members contribute countless volunteer hours in our community and contribute thousands of dollars to community organizations.  For information or to inquire as to joining  479-9522 or email barreelks1535@gmail.com.
Front Row: Barb Watters, Frank Hotaling.  Back Row  Beth McTear, Cindy Wedding, Kimberly Baker, Phil Delia and Lori Major.   photo by Kelsey Watters
News item submitted by Barb Watters

Barre Elk Lodge 1535 Names Elk of the Year

Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson presented Sherrie L Clark, the ELK OF THE YEAR AWARD at the Member Appreciation Night.   Sherrie personifies  “Elks Care, Elks Share.  She  is a true asset to the Lodge and volunteers countless hours in a multitude of task from proof reading, stuffing envelopes, helping set up the main hall for functions, and is always available to help our staff.  ER Lawson states “Sherrie has done it all!”
Maureen Lawson ER, with Sherrie L Clark