Barre Elks Lodge recently presented representatives from Twin Valley Senior Center, Tires for Troops and Hedding United Methodist/Good Samaritan Haven with monetary donations to further their missions. Funds were made possible from the Elks National Foundation Gratitude grant.
Executive director Rita Copeland and volunteers Jean Lawson and Andrea Blanchard, from Twin Valley Senior Center explained that funds would be used for an array of projects. The center prepares all of their meals and provides approximately 1000 meals on-site and through their Meals on Wheels program. They also provide exercise classes, health clinics, day trips and educational opportunities. The center has a website and can be found on facebook.
Tires for Troops founder, Tylor Bigras was on hand to receive their donation. Tires for Troops is a non-profit organization that purchases and has installed winter tires for Veterans in central Vermont. Over 12 Veterans received new winter tires, had them mounted and balanced, a free car inspection and oil change. Tires for Troops works with The Veterans’ Place in Northfield, Veterans Inc. in Bradford and the Barre Area Veterans council.
Representatives from Hedding United Methodist Church and Good Samaritan Haven included Kim Kie, Pastor at Hedding UMC and Chair of the Board for Good Samaritan Haven, Reverend Renny Azotea, Outreach Pastor at Hedding UMC, Brooke Jenkins, Good Samaritan Haven Executive Director and Jon Kilian, Hedding UMC trustee and Good Samaritan Haven volunteer. The Good Samaritan Haven overflow shelter utilizes space and heat from Hedding UMC and is run by the Haven. Hedding UMC began providing space for the emergency overflow shelter in 2011. Since then, space has been made available from November to April for up to fourteen people to sleep each night. Over the last three years, the overflow has been heavily utilized. Between 8-14 individuals sleep on cots in the church from 8:30 pm to 7 am.
Photos Attached (taken by Kristin Calcagni):

Hedding 2018: From L to R: Renny Azotea, Brooke Jenkins, Kim Kie, Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson and Jon Kilian

Twin valley 2018: From L to R: Andrea Blanchard, Jean Lawson and Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson

Tires for troops 2018: From L to R: Tylor Bigras and Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson
News item submitted by Barre Elks Lodge