News item submitted by Lisa Dilena
Barre Elks Lodge 1535 honored Gold Award Girl Scout Christina Wiles of Brandon on February 22. Christina, a member of Troop #30648, received a letter from Grand Exalted Ruler McPherson, the Elk Gold Girl Scout Pin and an American Flag. Christina is the daughter of Brian and Tina Wiles of Brandon. She is an honor student at Middlebury Union High School. Her Gold project was the creation and implementation of a mentoring program between Mary Hogan Elementary and Middlebury Union High School. Christina plans to continue her education this fall at George Mason University to study international relations/criminal justice. Barre Elks congratulates Christina on this worthy accomplishment and wishes her continued success as inspiring young leader.
News item submitted by Bark Watters.
Barre Elks Lodge 1535 honored their six Elks Americanism Essay winners at dinner on February 8th. The students, their families and representatives from the school enjoyed a lasagna dinner prior to the awards presentation. Six local schools were invited to participate, with entries submitted from St. Monica’s Catholic School and Williamstown Elementary. All the winners represent St. Monica’s. The winning essays will now compete on the state level, with State winners advancing to National competition. The topic for the Americanism Essay was: “Why Our Veterans Are America’s Heroes”.
Division 1 winners are Charlotte Kellett, Isabella Boudreault and Zoe Hilferty, pictured with ER Maureen Lawson;
Divisions 2 winners are Cole Young, Mariah Hoar and Conley Ladabouche, pictured with ER Maureen Lawson
The Barre Lodge was especially honored to have four generations in attendance for the presentation. Pictured with Zoe are: Grandfather Bob Hilferty, Great Grandfather Norman Beck (Elk Member), Dad JB Hilferty (Elk member), Brother Phin, Zoe and her Mom Paulette Hilferty.
News item submitted by Barb Watters
Please see the below message from Joe Montcalm, PER St. Albans Lodge No. 1566.
Special Anniversary Invitation
Greetings; SDGER Earl & Nancy Cavanagh, DDGER Bob Campo & Michelle, DDGER Norm Marshall & Marge, all PDDGER’s & spouses, All PSP & spouses, and all State Officers & spouses, State Trustees & spouses, Camp Committee Members & spouses, Committee Chairpersons and their spouses, Lodge Exalted Rulers and spouse’s as well lodge secretary’s and treasures and lodge trustees and all interested members: Spread the word:
We have just been informed that Governor Phil Scott will be signing and presenting Vermont Elks State President Brian Gaura with a proclamation commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the United States of America, designatingFriday, February 16th, 2018 as Vermont Elks Day. The presentation will take place at the State House at 1:15 PM on Friday, February 16th, in the Governors ceremonial office on the second floor of the state house located at the top of the stairs on the north front side of the building. I am told that parking should be in front of the state house on State St.at the meters. Following the presentation there will be a reception at the Barre Elks Lodge,10 Jefferson St., Barre, Vermont 05641 with a cash bar and light hors d’oeuvres. All state trustees are encouraged to invite their state Senators and legislators along with their spouses to the presentation and reception.
Please call Barre Lodge with the number attending at 802-479-9522 All are encouraged to attend. This is our chance to show off how long we have been around and what we are all about. Happy Anniversary.
Left to right: Steve Edgerley, State Hoop Shoot Chairman, holding his grandson Brody Edgerley; Jacobi Lafferty, 12-13 year old winner, from Burlington; Alexander Gordon, 10-11 year old winner, from Burlington; Antonio Piplica, 8-9 year old winner from Burlington; Ellie Whalen, 8-9 year old winner from Rutland; Tessa Napollitano, 10-11 year old winner from Burlington; Maren Nitsche, 12-13 year old winner from St. Johnsbury; and Brian Gaura, Vermont Elks State President.
These 6 winners will now go on to the Regional contest in South Portland, Maine March 23. 24 and 25 to compete . The winners from there will go onto the Nationals in Chicago in April