Elks News
State President Home Coming
Elks Central District Hoop Shoot
Vermont Elks North District Hoop Shoot
Jan. 13 the Vermont Elks held the North District Hoop shoot with shooters from Burlington, Newport, St. Albans and St. Johnsbury. The winners will advance to the State contest on Jan. 27,2018 at Spaulding High School in Barre, Vermont.
The first and second place winners are below.
Left to. Right
Leo Willey – District Director, Maren Nitsche – 12-13 first place St. Johnsbury, Bryn Jenness – 12-13 second Newport, Tessa Napollitano – 10-11 first place Burlington, Antonio Piplica – 8-9 first place Burlington, Kaylee Hamlett – 8-9 first place St. Johnsbury, Cora Thomas – 10-11 second place St. Albans, Alexander Gordon – 10-11 first place Burlington, Jacobi Lafferty – 12-13 first place Burlington, Steve Edgerley – State Hoop Shoot Director.
Missing: Jonathan Kocis – 10-11 second place Newport, Joshua Kocis – 12-13 second place Newport, Julie Combs – 8-9 second place St. Albans, Davis Palmieri – 8-9 second place St.Jonsbury.
News item submitted by Ann Edgerley.
Grand Lodge Convention in San Antonio – Information
Here is the information on the upcoming Convention in San Antonio. All Lodge secretaries also have this information.
2018 GL Convention Application Cover Letter
2018 GL Convention Application
This news item was provided by Carol Sylvia
Barre Elks Recognize Eagle Scout Trent Ripley I
Barre Elks Lodge recently recognized Eagle Scout Trent Ripley. Trent was our guest for dinner and received a certificate and letter from Grand Exalted Ruler McPherson along with a pin and American Flag. Trent is a member of Troop 795. His Eagle Scout Project included the raised beds at the Presbyterian Church, as part of the community garden. For more information call the Lodge 479-9522
Pictured are: Scott Herring, Troop Committee Chair, Eagle Scout Trent Ripley, Phil Delia from Barre Elks and Joe Aldsworth, Troop Leader. Scouting is just one of the many youth activites supported by your Local Elks Lodge.
News item submitted by Barb Watters.
Rutland Elks switch to emergency mode
The Rutland Harold recently published an article about the Rutland Elks Lodge. Click on the link to view the news item: 20171229112746892
Barre Elks Lodge recognizes the Williamstown Elementary Student of the Month
Barre Elks Lodge recognized the Williamstown Elementary Student of the Month Brenna Lee on December 21st. Brenna and her family were guests at the Lodge for dinner. Brenna was recognized for her academics, leadership and the positive influence she brings to her class and school.
Pictured third from left, Brenna is a 5th grader at Williamstown Elementary and hopes to be either a writer or Veterinarian. Pictured are the Lee Family and ER Lawson: (left to right) Melissa Lee, Annabel Lee, Brenna Lee, Keira Lee, Barre Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson and Collin Lee.
News item submitted by Barb Watters.
Newport Elks # 2155 Local Hoop Shoot. December 2, 2017
NOTE: This was received on December 3rd but got overlooked until now.
12-13 age group
Front row: Jordan Driver, third place, Carter Montgomery, second place, Joshua Kocis, first place, Bryn Jenness, first place, Destiny Glover, second place, Alexis Deroucher, third place,
Back row: Leland Sloan ER Elks, Joe Young, TJ Santaw. Hunter Marsh,, Derrick Breault, Steve Edgerley. Local Hoop Shoot Chairman
8-9 year olds
Front row: Kamyrn Huntington,, third place, Zach, Fortin, second place, Leo Cresswell, first place, Cynthia Balcazar, first place, Leann Lontine, second place, Danika Phillabaum, third place
Back row: Jacob Kocis, Josh Rivers Leland ER Elks, Steve Edgerley, Hoop Shoot chairman, Alex Haugewitz, Cole Azur, Dylan Gunn
10-11 year olds
Front row: Lane Pickard, third place, Haidin Chilafoux, second place, Jonathan Kocis, first place, Olivia Moore, first place, Brooklyn Hinton second place, Giada Hodges, third place
Back row: Leland Sloan, ER Elks, Joe DeSena, Carlo DeSena, Cohen Bryant, Noah Gonthier, Steve Edgerley hoop shoot chairman
The Falcon Varsity Basketball team were the rebounders for the shoot today, Dec. 2, 2017 along with coach John Gunn. The boys names may not be in the right order with the pictures.
News item submitted by Steve Edgerley