St. Albans Elk’s Lodge Holds Local Hoop Shoot

The St. Albans Elk’s Lodge Local Hoop Shoot was held on Saturday, December 9th at BFA St. Albans.
 The following participants will be moving on to compete at the District Level at North Country High School on Sat. January 6th.  l-r: 10/11 boys  Isaac Branon (Fairfield), 10/11 girls  Cora Thomas (Fairfield), 12/13 boys Ethan White (City), 8/9 girls Julie Combs (Enosburg), 12/13 Girls Rylea Staley (City), 8/9 boys Logan Campion (City)
The 2nd and 3rd place winners from the divisions were 8/9 girls 2nd Sibeal Barry-O’Neil  (Fairfax),3rd Serenity Thompson (Sheldon) 8/9 boys 2nd Hayden Elwood (Enosburg), 3rd Nolan Howrigan (Fairfield), 10/11 girls 2nd Lauryn Johnson (City), 3rd Resse Callan (SATEC), 10/11 boys 2nd Brady Cutting (City), 3rd Ryan Sheehan (Fairfax), 12/13 girls 2nd Kayla Gervais (Bakersfield), 3rd Lindsey Labelle (Fairfield), 12/13 boys 2nd Tyson Pidgeon (Fairfield), 3rd Noah Earl (SATEC).  
Thanks to the following volunteers: Joe and Margaret Montcalm, Sandy Bracey, Ed Morgan, Gerald Bailey, Laurie Boudreau, Robin Trombley, Harry Gleim, Pete Bocash, Jackie Boudreau, Cathy Moss, Mary Brouillette, Isabel Paquette, Destiny Turner, Gloria Bronson, Abigail Paquette, Lee Paquette, Garrett Boudreau, Bryson Merthengal, Julia Horton, Paul Charbonneau, Steve Wry, and Dan Ploof.
News item submitted by Mary Brouillette


    Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 held there annual Hoop Shoot for boys and girls ages 8 to 13 at Riverside Middle School on December 9, 2018.
    In the 8 & 9 year old group for girls, the first place winner was Savannah Dezaine followed in 2nd place by Hailey Magill.  For the boys in the same age group, the first place winner was Matthew Durphey with Kaiden McCarthy in 2nd place.   For the 10 & 11 year old girls, the winner was Kiko Boyens and 2nd place went to Amelia Murchie.  For the boys in the same age group, the winner was Caden Benson with James Gultekin coming in 2nd.  The 12 & 13 year old winners for girls was Gabriella Anders with Madison Glidden in 2nd place.  For the boys, the winner was Dylan McCarthy and 2nd place to Tanner Gintof.
    The 1st and 2nd place winners were presented with a nice Elks trophies, and all participants were presented with Elks miniature basketballs.  Chairman Victor Baskevich announced that the 1st place winners will now compete in the Southern District Elks Hoop shoot on Jan. 13th 2018 in Springfield, Vt. at the Springfield High School starting at 10:00 AM.  The public is invited to attend.  
Caption for picture attached:   At the annual Springfield Elks Hoop Shoot 1st and 2nd place winners are shown l to r; Frt. Matthew Durphy, Kaiden McCarthy, Savannah Dezaine, Amelia Murchie, Haley Magill, Caden Benson and James Gultekin.  Back; Elks Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski, Co-chairman Steve Wierzbicki, Madison Glidden, Gabriella Anders, Tanner Gintof, Dylan McCarthy, Kiko Boyens and Elks Chairman Victor Baskevich.
News item provided by Mike Gunn

Barre Elks Recognize Student of the Month

Melanie Weston, a First Grader at Williamstown Elementary School was recognized as Student of the Month at the Barre Elks Lodge.   Melanie,  her mother Anne, Teacher Ms. Perry and Mike Meacham enjoyed dinner and meeting Elks Members, in addition to receiving her certificate. 

Left to right:   Monique Perry, Teacher, Mom Anne Meacham, Melanie, Mike Meacham and Barre Exalter Ruler Maureen Lawson.  

For information about becoming an Elk please call the lodge at 479-9522

This News item submitted by Barb Watters.

Barre Elks Recognize Student of the Month

Keauna DuBois was honored at the Barre Elks Lodge as the Williamstown Elementary Student of the Month.  Keauna is a 4th grader and daughter of Daniel and Crystal Dubois.   Keauna hopes to become a veterinarian.   Barre Elks Lodge is proud to recognize outstanding youth in our area.
l-r:  Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson, Keauna, Mom Crystal and WES teacher Sarah Franklin
News item submitted by Barb Watters


    Springfield Elks Lodge #1560, sent seven local soccer shoot winners to St. Albans to compete in the Vt. Elks soccer shoot.  Three of the seven came back as State Champions.   
    They will be competing in the Elks Regional Soccer Shoot in Nashua, NH on November 3, 4 &5th with all expenses paid by the Elks. 
    Springfield’s lucky winners are as follow.  In the U-8 group Addelyn Snide daughter Jason Snide and Jennifer Goodrich of Springfield.  In the  U-10 for boys will be Jake Tostrup son of Janet and Jason Tostrup of Springfield.  In the U-14 for boys will be Tristin Parker the son of Kristin Parker of Springfield. 
    These three competitors will be treated to a great weekend by the Elks and will meet kids from all over New England and New York state.   Kids will mingle with 53 other kids.  Parents will entertain themselves by meeting the parents of all the competitors.  Springfield Elks Lodge is very proud to be sending them to Nashua and wish them luck.
Shown l to r; Tristin Parker, Addelyn Snide and Jake Tostrup will be competing in the Elks Regional Soccer Shoot in Nashua, NH on Nov., 3, 4 & 5th, representing Springfield Elks Lodge #1560.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.

Barre Elks Lodge hosted Vermont Elks Association President Brian Gaura

Barre Elks Lodge hosted Vermont Elks Association President Brian Gaura, his suite of officers and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler South Norman Marshal and his suite of officers at an Oktoberfest event held at Barre Elks Lodge.
Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson presented VEA President Gaura with a $100 donation to VEA major project Silver Towers Camp and DDGERS Norman Marshall with a $100 donation to Elks National Foundation.
Several fundraisers, including a beer and cider tasting, stein hoisting competition, Queen of Spades game and 50/50 were held to raise over $350 for Silver Towers Camp.
Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson with Vermont Elks Association President Brian Gaura.
Back row:  Michele Campo, DDGERN Robert Campo, Jackie Gauthier, State Esquire Michael Gauther. Front Row:  VEA Convention Chair Patricia Dalglish, VEA President Brian Gaura, and State Tiler Thomas Cagney.
Barre Elks Lodge Chaplain Kim Baker and Leading Knight Barb Watters raising money
with beer and cider tasting for Silver Towers Camp.

Barre Elks Lodge Fraternal News

The Barre Area Veterans Council, comprised of the Barre Lodge of Elks #1535, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 and Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War Camp 302, hosted a very successful homeless Veterans Stand Down.  The free, all-day event was open to all Veterans, homeless or at-risk and their families.  Over forty Veterans from Vermont and New Hampshire attended the stand down.  Veterans from the Northeast Kingdom, Rutland, New Hampshire and southern Vermont received showers, haircuts, short term resources such as a hot meal, winter clothing, toiletries and cold weather items.  Long term resources from the Veterans Administration, housing, legal and employment agencies, and counselors were also provided.  

Barre Lodge members donated well over 500 volunteer hours, clothing, toiletries, camping and food supplies.  Undergarments, blankets, toiletries, heat-a-seats, laundry detergent, shoelaces, hand and foot warmers, backpacks, beef jerky and protein bars were purchased with a $2000 Freedom Grant from Elks National Veterans Service Commission.  Six of twelve Vermont Elks Lodges donated items or funds to stand down.

Thirty six Veteran service organizations and over one hundred thirty volunteers participated in the event.  Over $200 in gas cards and $160 in grocery cards were given to attendees.

Photos by Kristin Calcagni)

From L to R:  Army Veteran Rodney, Esquire Cindy Wedding, Army Veteran Dana and Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson


From L to R:  Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson assists Veteran Chris Connolly with items received from stand down.

Ryan Marcell is going to Nashua, NH for the Soccer Shoot Regional Competition

In this picture is the boy from Windsor Vt., who took first place in the boys group ages 7 & under. His name is Ryan Marcell son of Kathleen Ryan and Josh Marcell.from Windsor Vt.. He is shown being presented with a trophy and a gift certificate for his parents to buy gas to take him to Nashua N.H. for the Regional competition. 

Presenting the gift and trophy is Exalted Ruler Nathan Willard and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Norman J. Marshall.

News item submitted by Norm Marshall.

Vermont Elks State Soccer Shoot Finals held in St. Albans

The Vermont Elks State Soccer Shoot was held on Sunday October 15, 2017 at the Collins Perley Complex in St. Albans.  Elks volunteers from around the state were on hand to make the event a fun activity for the contestants.  The Soccer Shooters represented cities and towns from throughout the State. 

After the competition was completed, everyone moved to the St. Albans Elks Lodge for a Spaghetti lunch and the presentation of the awards.

The First place winners will now go to the Elks Region I Soccer Shoot to be held November 3, 4, and 5, 2017 in Nashua, NH hosted by the New Hampshire Elks.

To see the following and more pictures, go to the VT Elks Shutter fly site.  link:


l-r: Tristin Parker – Springfield #1560, Grace Kobella – Bennington #567, Jack Touchette – Barre #1535, Alicia Coon – Bennington #567, Jake Tostrup – Springfield #1560, Lila Coon – Bennington #567, Addelyn Snide – Springfield #1560.  Missing from phote – Ryan Marcell – Windsor #1665

News item submitted by Larry Bouchard