Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 Hosts State Pres. & District Deputy

  Springfield Elks Lodge on Saturday, Oct. 7th hosted the Vt. Elks State President Brian Gaura of Rutland Lodge and District Deputy South Norman Marshall of Windsor Lodge.
    During the afternoon  the District Deputy and his suite of officers did an inspection of Springfield Lodge and buildings making sure everything was doing well.  In the evening both suite of officers were treated to a sit down dinner of chicken parm and/or spaghetti and meatballs.   Following dinner the band, “Sound Investment” played for all to listen and dance to.
Pictured l to r; are Carolyn Ravenna wife of Brian Gaura Vt. Elks State President, Springfield Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski and her husband Eugene Siliski, Marge Gallant with District Deputy Norman Marshall. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.


For the past eleven years, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 have been handing out Elks Dictionaries to all third graders in the Springfield School system.  It is estimated that, close to fourteen hundred third graders during that time period have received one.
    This year 80 third graders at Union St. School were the latest recipients for the dictionaries.  The Elks Lodge uses money to pay for the dictionaries by receiving grant money from Elks National after they have reached their per capita for the year.
    Frt l to r; Morgan  Vaughan, Hailey Deneen, Gavin Heath, Avery Deschand, Sophia Lihatsh, Ashley Ferguson, Madelin Olsen, Chase Strong and Demitri Jasinski.  In back are Elks members, Gloria Gunn, Victor Baskevich, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski, Michael Tennis and Eugene Siliski.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn

Barre Elks Lodge hosted a First Responder Appreciation Dinner

To celebrate Patriotism week and express our gratitude, Barre Elks Lodge hosted a First Responder Appreciation Dinner on September 14th.  Over 70 first responders, Elks and guest  enjoyed dinner in the main hall.   Able to attend this year were departments from:  Barre Town Police, Barre City Policy and Fire Departments, Williamstown Public Safety, Barre Town EMS, Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Plainfield Fire and Rescue.  Exalter Ruler Maureen Lawson presented each department with a Certificate of Service.  Our thanks to all who were able to attend and  to Blossom Cottage for their donation of two arrangements.   We hope to see more departments represented next year.

Springfield Elks Put On A Luncheon For GER McPherson On His Arrival In Vermont

  Upon GER McPherson and his wife’s Patricia  arrival in Vermont on Tuesday from being in Rhode Island the day before the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 put on a luncheon.  Ray Latelle of Springfield Elks Lodge was recognized as the only 75 year tenured member of the state of Vermont.  Another member of Springfield Lodge, Charlie Brent with 73 years a member could not attend.
    When he left for Rutland GER McPherson had one more stop to make before the banquet in the evening.   That was to take a gondola ride up Killington Mt.  While at Springfield he passed out his GER pins as well as his wife, Patricia did the same.
Front l to r; DD South Norman Marshall, PSP Donald Bishop of Springfield, Ray Latelle Springfield longest tenured member of (76) yrs young, GER Malcolm McPherson, ER Vicki Siliski of Springfield, PSP Ray Buison of Bellows Falls,  Back row l to r; PSP Andrew Cook of Springfield, SP Brian Gaura of Rutland, Grand Lodge Sponsor, PGER David Carr, Grand Tiler SDGER Earl Cavanagh, PSP Keith Palmer of St. Albans.
Post was submitted by Mike Gunn

Barre Elks Raise $6200 for Silver Towers

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 raised $6200 to for Silver Towers Camp at the First Annual Barre Elks Invitational Golf Tournament.   The tournament was held at Barre Country Club with a dinner and awards following at the Lodge.   Funds were raised via sponsorships and team participation and will be used to perpetuate Silver Tower’s Camp in Ripton, VT. 

First place team was: Devon Smith, Todd Benoit, EJ Blondin and Julie Charron.
The Silver Towers Camp for People with Disabilities is the chief charitable project of the Vermont Elks Association, which has owned and operated Silver Towers since 1958. It is among the first of its kind in the United States, and still remains one of the very few.
An overnight retreat for those with mental and physical challenges, the camp demands more focused attention than others, and thus has a high ratio of counselors to campers to accommodate the special needs of the campers.
New item provided by Barb Watters.

Vermont Elks and 4H Cow Plop Contest

On Sunday August 13 Bellows Falls Elks Lodge #1619 held their 3rd Annual Cow Plop Contest for their State Major Project, Silver Towers Camp at Rocky and Karen’s in South Charlestown. The Vermont Elks being a very close knit community had participants from Lodges throughout the State. Two contests were held and prizes of $300 & $150 were won in both. The first contest winners were Brian Read of Charlestown and Joe Montcalm of St. Albans Lodge. The second contest was won by Renee St. Sauveur and Mike McLean, both of Charlestown.

$550 was raised for Silver Towers Camp from the first contest, along with donations of over $160 from hamburg, hot dogs (cooked by Jerry & Cheryl), corn on the cob, soda and water. Plus, one of the winners generously donated his winnings of $150  to the VT Elks Charities Endowment Trust Fund.


Pictured are: Past State President Ray Buisson (BF Lodge #1619), President Elect Morris “Rocky” Putnam (BF Lodge #1619), 4H’er Abigail & little sister Megan Putnam, District Deputy South Norm Marshall (Windsor Lodge #1665), and Past State President Keith Palmer (St. Albans Lodge #1566), along with the main attraction, Thistle and Apricot. Many many thanks go out to those who donated their time for the cause. Ray, Norm & Keith were good sports to “judge” the contests.

Article Submitted by:  KAREN MCCORMICK-PUTNAM


BARRE ELKS delivers goods to Veterans Place in Northfield, VT

For the 4th consecutive year, Barre Elks Lodge 1535 has utilized the Beacon Grant to assist Veterans transitioning from Veteran’s Place to their own home/apartment.   Kitchen items are always in demand and very appreciated by those ‘setting up home’ on their own, so Barre Elks donated 7 microwaves, an array of flatware, linens and other essentials to assist.
As always, the Veterans were on hand to help unload the housewares and carry them to the storage area for availability to veterans moving out.


News item submitted by Barb Watters.

Vermont Mountaineers Fans

Vermont Mountaineers Fans Isaiah, Amelia and Sam, all from Barre, Vermont take a break  to visit with Barre Elks Lodge 1535 at the Vermont Mountaineers game on July 24th.   

Kids attending the game were given a Drug Awareness bag with information, coloring book, pencil and candy!    In addition to advocating  “Be Smart – Don’t Start” members of Barre Elks sold 50/50 tickets, with proceeds benefiting Silver Towers Camp. 


l-r: Barre Lodge Drug Awareness Chair – Christopher Truhan, Isaiah, Amelia, Sam and Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson   

News item submitted by Barb Watters.

11th Annual Motorcycle / Classic Car Ride To Benefit the Elks Silver Towers Camp

The 11th Annual Motorcycle / Classic Car Ride To Benefit the Elks Silver Towers Camp was held on Sunday, July 30.  The participants met at their local lodge and traveled to  the Middlebury High School. From there the group together with riders from around Vermont continued to the Silver Towers Camp in Ripton, VT.   The campers enjoyed seeing all the bikers as did the bikers enjoy hanging with the campers and enjoying a great BBQ.


The St. Albans Bikers – Harold & Laurie Hubbard, Greg Maskell, Bob Helferty, Tim Fontana and Gaylord Boucher

Bikers gathering at Middlebury High School

Silver Towers Campers awaiting the arrival of the Bikers from around the State.