Williamstown Student wins Essay Contest and PER Scholarship

Brandon Carrier of Williamstown, son of Jack and July Carrier, submitted the winning essay in the Barre Elk’s Lodge Past Exalter Ruler Essay contest and received one of 5 $1,000 scholarships.   Brandon was very active at Williamstown  High school including being a 3 sport athlete.   He was a member of the boys’   soccer state finalist team in the fall, state championship basketball team in the winter,  and state finalist in Golf, a sport that he lobbied for as Williamstown tried to include more students in extra-curricular activities.  Brandon is a member of the National Honor Society, mentors younger children, coaches and referees youth sports and has been a leader on the field and court as well as the classroom and community.  Brandon will be studying at UVM in the fall. 

PER Chis Paine and Brandon Carrier

Story submitted by Barb Watters, Lodge 1535 PR chair

Kenneth Thompson of Rutland, Vt. wins third prize of $5,000 for Vermont Elks Charities

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Every year since 1998, the Kraft family and the New England Patriots have been celebrating those who give their time to help others.  The program was originally known as the Community Quarterback Awards, and were presented to those who exemplify leadership, dedication and a commitment to improving their communities through volunteerism.

Back in 2011, the awards were renamed in honor of the late Myra Kraft who committed her life to volunteering.  As part of the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation’s ongoing Celebrate Volunteerism initiative, the Kraft family hosts a special luncheon each year to show their appreciation for local volunteers. 

On Thursday, June 8, 26 volunteers were recognized for their contributions at an awards ceremony at Gillette Stadium. Fifteen local volunteers received a $5,000 grant for the nonprofit organization for which they volunteer. Ten others received grants of $10,000 for their New England-based nonprofit and one grand prize winner was presented with a $25,000 grant for their charity.

On hand to congratulate the award winners were Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft, New England Patriots Charitable Foundation President Joshua Kraft and Patriots and Pro Football Hall of Famer and Patriots Executive Director of Community Affairs Andre TippettPatriots players Tom Brady, Julian Edelman and Rob Gronkowski also made a surprise appearance to congratulate the winners.

Kenneth Thompson of Rutland, Vt. was recognized as one of this year’s $5,000 third prize winners.

Thompson joined the Vermont Elks back in 1983 and has been actively involved in every aspect of its mission. Over the years he has been involved in many youth and veteran activities and was elected as President of the Vermont Elks Association where he oversaw 12 Elks lodges.

Through his volunteer work, Thompson was instrumental in helping to save Silver Towers Camp, a safe, overnight camp for more than 300 people with disabilities.

“Our organization is extremely proud that Kenneth Thompson has been chosen for this award,” said Brian Gaura, 2017-2018 State President of the Vermont Elks Association. “Kenneth led this organization and supported our State Major Project when some folks thought we should close our doors.  His perseverance and determination along with many other members of our organization has turned Silver Towers into a safe haven where our very special campers can enjoy their vacation each summer. Without his dedication to the Elks, this camp may have closed and for that we are forever grateful to Kenneth Thompson.”

As a veteran of the United States navy, Thompson has displayed a longstanding commitment to serving his local community and his country. 

“I am honored to receive this award as I am equally honored to be a member of the Vermont Elks Association,” said Thompson. “Having served as State President in 2005-2006, our State Major Project, Silver Towers Camp is near and dear to my heart. Volunteering is a way of life for me and my family. It is such a great feeling when you know you have made a difference in the lives of some very special people.”


Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft and Patriots and Pro Football Hall of Famer Andre Tippett congratulate Kenneth Thompson from Vermont Elks Charities for being selected as a 2017 Myra Kraft Community MVP Award third prize winner. During the June 8 luncheon, the Kraft family and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation awarded $200,000 in grants to 26 New England nonprofits. The Vermont Elks Charities received a $5,000 grant in honor of Thompson’s volunteer efforts. (photo courtesy of Eric J. Adler/New England Patriots)

l-r: Ken’s wife Nancy, Ken,  Carolyn Revenna – Silver Towers Camp Director and Brian Gaura – 2017-2018 President of the Vermont Elks Association are pictured with the Patriots Super Bowl Trophies. 

Barre Elks Lodge Williamstown Elementary School Work Day

Williamstown Outdoor Classroom project workday was a HUGE success!  Over 30 volunteers showed up to help clear brush, take down trees, weed whack, rake, install the classroom whiteboard and raised gardens.   The outdoor classroom will provide teachers with a safe and structured area for students to learn outside of their classrooms.  With the awesome crew phase 2, of the 5 phase project,  was completed in a few short hours. The ENF Promise Grant funds will be used to purchase a shed, grass seed, vegetables, fill, and compost for raised gardens.  VEA State President Brian Gaura and his wife Carolyn traveled from Rutland to help! Barre Elk members, family and friends volunteering included: (not in order)  Bill Codling, Jack Codling and Corena Cote with Billy and Danica, Phil Delia, Barb Watters, Tim and Maureen Lawson, Kelly Phillips, Cris Benoit and Cole, Beth McTear, Kimberly Baker, daughter Stacy DeSisto and grandson Landon Luther, Bill & Barbara Emery, Bruce McKinney, Cindy Wedding, Kristin Calcagni and EZ!

News item submitted by Barb Watters.

Silver Towers Camp Donation

Tables were donated to Silver Towers Camp by McDonald’s in Rutland. They arrived without bases. After several trips back & forth by Harley & Joanne Bettis, and Rocky & Karen Putnam, the project was complete. 

Pictured are Rocky, Karen & Harley with Joanne as the photographer.


24 table bases were generously welded & donated by Osgood Welding of Claremont, NH…pictured are Rocky Putnam and Debbie & Kevin Osgood. Harley & Joanne met Rocky & Karen at Osgood’s to bring all the bases to Silver Towers Camp, which was followed by wire brush scraping the new bases, mounting them to the table tops and painting the new bases.

News item submitted by Karen Putnam

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 Awards Scholarships at Spaulding High School

The Past Exalted Ruler’s (PER) Association of Barre Elks Lodge 1535 presented 3  $1000 scholarships to Spaulding High School Graduating Seniors.    Receiving Scholarships at the Spaulding High School Awards Night were: Natalie Dunn, Brittany Laskowski, and Parker Nolan.   PER Chip Paine presented a $1000 check to each on behalf of the Lodge PER Association.

left to right:  Chip Paine PER, PDD, PSP; Natalie Dunn, Brittany Laskowski, Parker Nolan and Spaulding High School Principal Brenda Waterhouse

News item provided by Barb Watters


Barre Elks Lodge Fraternal News

Barre Elks Lodge recently presented representatives from Random Rescue and Twin Valley Senior Center with monetary donations to further their missions.  Funds were were made possible from an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant.  
Sam and Gregg Punchar and 11 year old Darby, from Random Rescue, shared with members the services they provide, the costs associated with vetting, training and readying an animal for adoption.  Random Rescue has dogs, cats and rabbits available for adoption.  Their website is randomrescue.org or they can be found on facebook.
Twin Valley Senior Center was represented by Rita Copeland, Executive Director, Cort Richardson, Betty Brown and Ron Walesch.  Cort Richardson teaches bone building classes at the center three times a week.  Betty Brown readies the centers dining room and is the center’s “candy lady” handing out candy to seniors.  Ron Walesch is a Meals on Wheels driver for the center.  The center prepares all of their meals and provides approximately 1000 meals on-site and through their Meals on Wheels program.  They also provide exercise classes, health clinics, day trips and educational opportunities.  The center has a website twinvalleyseniors.org or can be found on facebook.
Sam & Gregg Punchar from Random Rescue, Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson and Darby, a successful adoption.
From L to R:  Ron Walesch, Betty Brown, Rita Copeland, Maureen Lawson and Cort Richardson

Barre Elks Student of the Month

Barre Elks Lodge 1535.recognized Kolby Batchelder as our Student of the Month.   Kolby is a Williamstown Elementary 2nd grader in Mrs. Beaudet’s class.  Kolby  shared that his favorite subject is reading and he loves collecting the stickers they receive for doing well in class.  

Pictured with Kolby are Mrs. Beaudet, Mom Cheyenne Batchelder, ER Maureen Lawson and little sister Ellie

News item submitted by Barb Watters.

St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 provides lunch for the Special Olympics

The Special Olympics of Vermont held their annual Bocce Ball event at the Collin Perley Complex in St. Albans on 5/25/2017.  Members of the St. Albans Elks Lodge provided a lunch for all the players and their supporters.  The menu included Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Water and Ice Cream.  


Special Olympics Vermont


Special Olympics President and CEO Lisa DeNatale looks on as 10th Grade BFA student Lianna Roque sings the National Anthem.

The lodge volunteers!  Missing is Larry Bouchard who took the picture.



Officers Bond, Ortega and Hinds representing the Law Enforcement TORCH RUN for Special Olympics Vermont

The Cooks

Barre Elks distribute Dictionaries and Thesaurus to local schools

In conjunction with National Youth Week, Barre Elks Lodge 1535 distributed 315 Thesaurus and 100 Dictionaries
Dictionaries and/or Thesauruses were distributed to studens at the following schools: Waits River Elementary, Orange Center,  Barre Town Elementary, Barre City, Williamstown Elementary, St. Monica-St. Michael, Twinfield Elementary, Websterville Baptist and Washington Village School.
Pictured are the happy students from Twinfield Elementary with Elks Trustees  Karen Bingham and David Bingham.  
News item submitted by Barb Watters
MORE PICTURES recently provided by the Barre Lodge.
Third grade students from Orange Center School
Fourth grade students from Waits River Valley School
Fourth grade students from Williamstown Elementary School
Fourth grade students from Barre City Elementary & Middle School
Third grade students from Williamstown Elementary School


  Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 held their annual “Drug Awareness Poster Contest” awards assembly at Union St. School with Chairman Jim Kirkwood making the presentations.  The theme of this years contest was, “Just Say No” to Drugs.
    Each year the Elks Club asks the students at Union St. School to make posters and color them and the Elks make a contest out of them.  Some of these posters will be published in a Elks coloring book that will be included in the Halloween bags in the fall which the Elks present to all elementary students in Springfield.  This year sixty-one students participated in the contest from grades three through five.
    The winners are as follows, overall 1st place winner was fourth grader Michael Coleman who was awarded $25 and a new bicycle with a helmet.  For the girls, the 1st place winner was Hollee Martinez and she was awarded $25.  There is only one bike given out each year to the top contestant.  2nd place for the girls was Summer Steinberg and Alexander Moye for the boys.  They each received $15 for their effort.  3rd place for the girls was Jaydah Rogers and Cameron Page for the boys.  They both received $10 each.
Pictured are the winners of the recent Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 Poster Coloring contest held at Union St. School.  Frt. l to r; Cameron Page, Alexander Moye, Michael Coleman, Hollee Martinez, Summer Steinberg and Jaydah Rogers.  In back are Elks members Gloria Gunn, Chairman Jim Kirkwood, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski and Eugene Siliski.
News item submitted by Mike Gunn