Vermont Hoop Shoot goes to the State House


Front.  Ethan Whalen ,Jacobi Lafferty Governor Phil Scott, Brennon Crossmon
Back: Pat Brennan, Representative from Colchester and a member of Burlington Elks Club; Steve Edgerley, Vermont Elks Hoop Shoot Chairman; Representative Shaw from Pittsford, Representative Terenzini of Rutland Town.

Certificate of Appreciation

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to two businesses who made donations to the Silver Towers Camp “Pool Project.”
Karen Putnam, Silver Towers Camp Committee member, is shown presenting a certificate to Eric Crainich,
President of Design Standards in Charlestown, NH, who donated $100.00.
Jason Boardman CEO at Whelen Engineering in Charlestown, NH was presented a certificate for their generous donation of $1,000.00.

Wayside Restaurant teams up with Barre Elks for Silver Tower’s benefit

Brian and Karen Zecchinelli, owners of the Wayside Restaurant, in conjunction with Barre Elks Lodge 1535, had a Silver Tower’s Benefit night on March 27th.  
The Restaurant was a buzz with Elks and members of the community joining forces in support of the Camp.   Brian and Karen presented a check to Betty Cutler, PER, PDD, HLM for $2241!   Many thanks to the Zecchinelli’s and their staff for such a great event, service and food!
l-r: Betty, Brian and Karen

2017 Americanism Essay Contest

2017 Americanism Essay Contest Runner Up Daphne Lassner pictured here with PDD, PSP Chip Paine and ER Maureen Lawson of Barre Lodge #1535. Chip & Maureen delivered Dictionaries and Thesaurus’ to St. Monica ~ St. Michael School and also presented Daphne with her certificate and gift card.

Winners of our Americanism Essay Contest

“Why Is It Important to Vote?”…was this year’s Americanism Essay Contest theme. Three Lodges including five schools participated in the event.  Division I includes fifth & sixth grade students and Division II includes seventh & eighth grade students. Awards were presented to students from Albert Bridge School in Brownsville, representing Windsor Lodge #1665; DIV I Runner Up was Savannah Underhill and DIV I 1st Place Award went to Maggie Mello.


Pictured are Savannah and Maggie in front, with State Chairman Karen Putnam, State Secretary Carol Sylvia, Windsor Lodge Exalted Ruler Nate Willard and State Vice President Morris “Rocky” Putnam.


Awards were presented to the St. Monica – St. Michael School representing Barre Lodge #1535. Pictured are: Vermont Elks Association State President Bob Campo, DIV II Runner Up Conley Ladabouche; Runner Up Isabella Bevins and DIV II 1st Place award winner Mariah Hoar, along with State Chairman Karen Putnam. Not pictured was DIV II Runner Up Daphne Lassner.

News item submitted by Karen Putnam, State Americanism Chairman

Windsor Elks send Easter Bunny to 6 area nursing homes

On Friday April 14th the Windsor Elks sent Easter Bunny to 6 area nursing homes and elderly care homes.Easter Bunny was PER, PSP Gary (Herbie) Hurlburt. He was assisted by elks PER Jean Crosby and PER Norman Marshall. We handed out 150 small gifts of stuffed bunnies and other Easter animals.
l-r: Vivian Derrick, Easter Bunny in middle and Bill Fenn, both residents of Evarts House which is part of The Houses of Runnemede.
l-r: Easter Bunny, Margaret (Peg) Nault and Care Giver Meghan LaClair. They are from the Ascutney House. 
news item submitted by Norm Marshall

News from Barre Elks Lodge

Exalted Ruler Kristin Calcagni presented three awards; Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award, Elk of the Year Award and Officer of the Year Award.


The Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award was presented to Wendell “Chuck” Barney.  This award is presented for “outstanding and meritorious service to humanity”. This award is given to someone who has shown leadership in the community; has contributed voluntary service and is recognized as being an all-around good citizen.  Chuck is the Chairman of the Barre Area Veterans Council, a local non-profit organization dedicated to assisting and honoring Veterans. The Barre Area Veteran’s Council consist of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 790, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 790 Auxiliary, American Legion Post 10, American Legion Post 10 Auxiliaries, Barre Elks Lodge 1535, and 302 Sons of Civil War.


The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Karen Bingham.  This award is given as an expression of the gratitude and appreciation of the members of the Lodge and of the Grand Lodge for the loyal and meritorious services. This award is given to a member who has performed outstanding service to Elkdom, particularly at the local Lodge level.  Karen spent countless hours volunteering in the kitchen, serving at events, and assisting with the Lodge’s community projects.

The Officer of the Year Award was presented to Donna Bartolucci.  The Officer of the Year Award is given for dedication and meritorious service to the Lodge, who by unselfish commitment and cheerful enthusiasm furthered Elkdom’s programs while fulfilling the responsibilities as an Officer of the Lodge in an exemplary manner.  Donna was instrumental in the success of the Student of the Month program at Williamstown Elementary School.

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 recently held their annual Spring Fling and Membership Recognition night

   Springfield Elks Lodge held their annual awards night and Spring Fling with Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski honoring her top Elk and Officer of the Year awards.
    The Robert McGoldrick “Elk of the Year” award was presented to Jason Hurd.  Mr. Hurd spends countless hours in the Lodge kitchen preparing dinners that the Lodge puts on.  He also, over sees a couple gun raffles each year to raise money to send local youths to Conservation Camp.  Inner Guard Kathi Williams was selected by Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski as the Robert Goodrich “Officer of the Year” for 2016.   Again, Kathi earned this by being the 50/50 lady of Springfield Elks Lodge by overseeing raffles for the upkeep of the Lodge while also being a fine dependable officer.  Ms’ Williams was also selected to receive the “Pot Stirrer” award given annually for people who make things happen around the Lodge. 
 A dinner of Shepherds Pie preceded the award night, also prepared by Elk of the Year Jason Hurd.
Springfield Elks Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski is shown presenting Jason Hurd with his Robert McGoldrick “Elk of the Year” for 2016 award.
Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler, Vicki Siliski is shown presenting Inner Guard Kathi Williams with her “Officer of the Year” award for 2016.
News items submitted by Mike Gunn.

Americanism and veterans contribution.

On Tuesday April 11th the Windsor elks presented the White River Junction veterans (in connection with Americanism and veterans support) with 3 cases of girl scout cookies to be distributed to the veterans when they held their farmers market on Wednesday the 12th.


L-R:  Norman Marshall PER, Voluntary Service Program Manager Karen Campbell and Harley Bettis State Of Vermont Trustee.

News item submitted by  Norman Marshall

Student of the Month – Barre Elks

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 recognized Milly Launderville, a 3rd grader at Williamstown Elementary, as the Elk Student of the Month.   Milly and her family were guests of the Lodge for dinner where she was presented a Certificate recognizing her outstanding respect, responsibility and academics.  



L-R back row:  Donna Bartolucci, Youth Activities Chair; Jamie Kinnarney, Williamstown Elementary Principal; Parents Sarah and Thad Launderville: Exalted Ruler Maureen Lawson; front row siblings Evan, Clara and Honoree Milly.


  Milly Launderville with Donna Bartolucci, Youth Activities Chair


News item submitted by Barb Watters