Vt Regional Hoop Shoot – Three First Place Winners!!

The Vt boys took home three first place winners.  Brennon Crossman from Rutland in the 12-13 year old bracket also took home the Walter Kettelle trophy for high score of the day and the Amos McCullen trophy for perfect score of 25/25.   The 8-9 winner with a score of 22/25 was Eathan Whalen from Rutland and the 10-11 winner  with a score of 24/25 was Jacobie Lafferty from Burlington. The three of them are on their way to Chicago April 20-23 for the Nationals.


Front: Jacobi Lafferty, Natalie Norcia, Megan Thompson, Ethan Whalen,
Back:  Bob Campo President VT Elks Association,  Keira Butler, Brennon Crossmon and Steve Edgerley VT Elks Hoop Shoot Chairperson..
Front: Megan Thompson, Jacobi Lafferty, Ethan Whalen, Brennon Crossmon.
Back: Keira Butler, Steve Edgerley VT Elks Hoop Shoot Chairperson, Earl Cavanagh SDGER and Bob Campo President VT Elks Association
Brennon Crossman and Judy Kettelle, wife of Walter Kittelle who the Trophy for high score is named after.
Barbara McCullen, wife of Amos McCullen who the Trophy for a perfect 25.25 is named after and Brennon Crossman.
News item submitted by Steve and Ann Edgerley


Barre Elks Lodge continued its tradition of supporting The Veterans Place in Northfield, Vermont. Barre Lodge utilized part of a $2000 Elks National Veterans Service Commission Freedom grant to purchase housing items for Veterans transitioning from the Veterans Place into their own housing. Members purchased, organized and packaged “Welcome Home” kits that contained sheets, towels, blankets, pillows, coffee makers, kitchen utensils, Tupperware and other items needed to set up a home.

According to The Veterans Place director Karen Boyce, “These items will help several Veterans that are transitioning into their own housing, some within the next month.”   Currently, the Veterans Place is serving 26 Veterans and has a waiting list. Veterans transition in and out of the Veterans Place throughout the year.

(Photos from Kristin Calcagni)


From L to R:  Veteran residents Bob Davis and Joseph Cobb, Elks members Paul Gagne and Karen Bingham.


From L to R:  Veteran residents Dean Bouvier, Fred E., Walter Pinette, Exalted Ruler Elect Maureen Lawson, Elks members Paul Gagne, Karen Bingham, David Bingham, Veteran residents Bob Davis and Stephen Parker.

Elks Names Student of the Month

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 is pleased to announce our Student of the Month, Ashlyn Rhoades a 4th grader at Williamstown Elementary School.   Ashlyn was selected by school staff for her respectful nature, leadership, responsibility, safety and being an active learner.    Barre Elks is proud to partner with Williamstown Elementary and recognize some of our outstanding youth.

2017-03-07 16.29.31

left to right:  Donna Bartolucci, Leading Knight and Youth Chairman; Mom Annette Rhoades, Ashlyn, and Dad John Rhoades.

Article submitted by Barb Watters.

Barre Elks Lodge holds it’s annual Member and Volunteer Recognition Night

Barre Elks Lodge recently held it’s Member and Volunteer Recognition Night. One hundred members and guests were in attendance.  Exalted Ruler Kristin Calcagni hosted the event with the assistance of Secretary Betty Cutler.
Each year, Barre Lodge recognizes and pins our members whom have reached certain years of membership in our Order.  This year, our Lodge honored fifty five year member Thomas Mancini.  Marcel Groleau and Frank Demell were honored for 50 years of membership.  Andrew Baird, George Drew, Richard Dente, Norman Grenier, Robert Clark, Roger Laperle and Paul Messier were recognized for forty five years of membership, while Roland Fournier and Maurice Bigras were recognized for forty years of membership. Gary Edson, Ulysse Fournier Jr, Andre Ducharme, and Harry Hinrichsen were recognized for thirty five years of membership and Bruce Mckinney  and Earle Sanborn were recognized for twenty five years of membership.  Fifteen year members recognized were Lori Major and Devon Landry.  Five year members honored were Cris Benoit, Cynthia Wedding, Donna Bartolucci, Mary Whalen, Kenneth Lunde, Andre Ducharme, Brent Curtis, David Bingham and Maureen Laweson.  Many other members reached levels of membership and were honored in addition to those present at our Membership Recognition night.
 5 years
5 years.jpg:  From L to R front row:  Cris Benoit, Cynthia Wedding, Donna Bartolucci, Susan Jorgensen, Mary Whalen.  L to R back row:  ER Kristin Calcagni, Kenneth Lunde, Andre Ducharme, Brent Curtis, David Bingham, Maureen Lawson.
15 years
15 years.jpg:  From L to R:  Lori Major, Devon Landry, ER Kristin Calcagni
30 years
30 years.jpg:  From L to R:  Bruce Mckinney, ER Kristin Calcagni, Earle Sanborn
35 years
35 years.jpg:  From L to R back row:  Gary Edson, Ulysse Fournier, Jr. L to R front row:  Andre Ducharme, ER Kristin Calcagni, Harry Hinrichsen.
45 years
45 years.jpg:  From L to R back row:  Andrew Baird, George Drew, Richard Dente, Normal Grenier, Robert Clark.  L to R front row: Roger Laperle, Paul Messier, ER Kristin Calcagni
50 years
50 years.jpg:  L to R:  Marcel Groleau, Frank Demell, ER Kristin Calcagni
55 years
55 years.jpg:  L to R:  Thomas Mancini, ER Kristin Calcagni
40 years
40 years.jpg:  L to R:  Doris Fournier for Roland Fournier, Maurice Bigras, ER Kristin Calcagni


Alexis Payne, a Kinder-gardener and her family joined the Elks for dinner where she was presented with the Elk Student of the Month Certificate by Youth Chairman Donna Bartolucci.  Alexis was selected by School  for demonstrating the virtues of respect, responsibility and safety while being an active learner!  She was joined in the photo by her parents Nathan and Hilary and her brother David.



Nathan, David, Alexis and Hilary Payne with  Leading Knight/Youth Chair Donna Bartolucci

News item submitted by Barb Watters

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 welcomed six Americanism Essay Winners

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 welcomed our six Americanism Essay Winners, along with their parents for our Thursday Night Dinner.      Congratulations to these outstanding Students and GOOD LUCK!    Barre Lodge received 81 entries for the 2017 contest from students at Williamstown Middle School and St. Monica-St. Michael School.






Certificates and a gift card were presented to (L to R) Daniel Verchereau, Conley Ladabouche, Madison Ashford, Isabella Bevins, Daphne Lassner and Mariah Hoar by Americanism Chair/Loyal Knight Maureen Lawson.

News item submitted by:  Barb Watters


Barre Elks Flag retirement

Judith and Betsy Hoermann from Barre Town joined members at the Barre Elks Flag Retirement Ceremony on December 4th.  Judith brought her worn American Flag for proper retirement.   Judith shared that her husband Francis, served in the Air Force for 32 years, including as a pilot in WWII.   An estimated 500 Flags were properly retired by the Elks.   The next retirement ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Flag Day, June 14, 2017.    Flags to be retired were brought in by members, the public and were received from the VFW and American Legion.


barre flags


more barre flag stuff


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l-r: Beth McTeer, Chaplain; Betsy Hoermann, Judith Hoermann, Donna Bartolucci, Leading Knight; Kristin Calcagni, Exalted Ruler; Maureen Lawson, Loyal Knight and Americanism Chair; Cindy Wedding, Esquire.    Barb Watters. Lecturing Knight is the photographer


New item submitted by:  Barb Watters


Vermont State Hoop Shoot Winners

The Vt. Elks held the State Hoop Shoot Saturday Jan. 28, 2017 at Spaulding High School. These 6 winners will now go onto the Regional shoot in South Portland, Maine March 24,25,and 26 th.


First row:  Boys Brennon Crossmon 12-13 from Rutland #345, Jacobi Lafferty 10-11,Burlington # 916,  Ethan Whalen 8-9 Rutland # 345, girls Meghan Thompson 8-9 Burlington #916, Natalie Norcia 10-11, Brattleboro 1499, Keira Butler 12-13, Newport #2155
Back: Robert Campo, Vt. Elks Association President, Steve Edgerley, Vt. State Hoop Shoot Chairman Earl Cavanagh, Grand Tiler SDGER


New item submitted by: Steve Edgerley


Members of Barre Elks Lodge visited Veteran residents at Woodridge Rehabiliation and Nursing presenting them with DVDs purchased with funds from the Elks National Veterans Service Commission Freedom grant.  The activities program was in need of new DVDs for residents, specifically classic films and war documentaries. Veterans shared stories of their time served with many knowing someone or serving themselves in the wars depicted in the DVDs.
Woodridge Veterans (2)
From L to R Front:  Veterans Ernie Bancroft, Jesse Griffith and Larry Wade.
From L to R Back:  Exalted Ruler Kristin Calcagni and Leading Knight Donna Bartolucci
 News item submitted by: Barre Elks Lodge