Springfield Elks Lodge this year will be active in helping the Springfield High School Post Prom party on May 20th.  Because of a $500 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant that was presented recently by Springfield Elks Lodges Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.
    This after Prom party is a Drug and Alcohol free party for all participants attending the Springfield Prom being held at the Okemo Base Lodge in Ludlow, Vt.  Following the Prom, all participants are invited to attend the Post Prom party being held at Springfield High School from 11:30 pm until 2:30 am.  At the party they will be served food and soda and be entertained by hopefully Hypnotist Dylan Tenney.  Ms’ Tami Stagner will be supplying a Mobil DJ Cart for music that she uses in her All-4-One program.
    This party is a one admittance type entry.  Once a student has entered the building they are in for the duration of the party.  Anyone leaving the party before the end of it, will not be allowed back into it.
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The Springfield High Post Prom committee is shown receiving a $500 Elks Gratitude Grant check from Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski recently.
Shown l to r; Kris Peoples, Linda Benoit, Vicki Siliski, Chairman Monique Parillo and Kim Quimby.
News item submitted by: Mike Gunn

Lodge 1535 honors Eagle Scout Evan Emerson

Evan Emerson is Barre Vermont’s newest Eagle Scout and was honored by Barre Elks Lodge 1535 for this accomlishment!   Evan’s project was rehabilitating  Canales Woods Park, clearing trails of overgrown brush and debris and making handicapped accessible.  Evan shared that over 200 man hours were needed and that more than 20 truckloads of debris were cleared.  Those in attendance were given the opportunity to view Evan’s chronological scrapbook of the project, along with another book of mementoes including a signed letter from President and Mrs. Obama.

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Pictured are Donna Bartolucci, Youth Committee Chair/Leading Knight; Grandmother Florence, Step Granddad Rich, Sister Caitlin, Parents Daren and Crystal Emerson, EagleScout Evan and Grandpa Steve

News item submitted by:  Barb Watters

Barre Lodge Hoop shoot held at Spaulding High School

Barre Lodge Hoop shoot was held at Spaulding High School.  Twenty girls and boys competed in the free throw contest.  Each contest received a Elks Drug Awareness basketball.  Congratulations to our first place winners Katelyn Johnson, Zsofia Walczak, Jack Touchette, Carlo Concessi, Grady Clark and Cadence Tenney.  They will represent Barre Lodge in the central district hoop shoot in Windsor in January.
Carlo Concessi 8/9 Boys Winner
Grady Clark 12/13 Boys Winner
Jack Touchette 10/11 Boys Winner
Zsofia Walczak 8/9 Girls Winner
Cadence Tenney 10/11 Girls Winner
Katelyn Johnson 12/13 Girls Winner
From L to R:  Katelyn Johnson, ER Kristin Calcagni, Zsofia Walczak, Jack Touchette, Hoop Shoot Coordinator Corey Touchette, Carlo Concessi, Grady Clark and Cadence Tenney
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ER Kristin Calcagni and Leading Knight Donna Bartolucci
News item submitted by:  Kristin Calcagni

Barre Elks Lodge news – Children’s Christmas Party

Fifty four children and their families enjoyed breakfast with Santa.  Santa arrived with a gift for each child.  Alexis from Artistic Circus provided face painting for the kids after they filled up on egss, ham, bacon, sausage, and french toast sticks.


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From L to R:  Jordan Blondin, Christian Blondin, Blake Fecteau, Mathieu Fecteau, Jacob Bylow, Emery Benoit, Elin Benoit with Santa

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Emery and Elin Benoit with Santa


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Lauren and Jacob Bylow with Santa


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Aaliyah Taylor shows off her face painting

News item submitted by: ER Kristin Calcagni


 Springfield Elks Lodge made the third presentation this year for an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to the Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt., recently.
 Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski presented Retired Colonel USMC Al Faxon, Chief Operating Officer at the Veteran’s Home in Bennington, Vt with a check for $500 which was gained through a Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation.
 Col. Faxon said “because military veterans and their family members truly understand the importance of commitment and service, the decision to live at the Vermont Veterans Home means much more than choosing a nursing home.  At the Veteran’s Home , we work hard every day to fulfill our nation’s promise to care for those who have served.” They invite you to join their family.
 Situated on 84 acres along the Roaring Branch River in Bennington, the Vermont Veterans’ Home features walking paths, gardens, a stocked trout pond and a herd of Fallow Deer.  It is a first-class residential and healthcare campus.  Skylit corridors lead to lounges with expansive windows and each room has a view of a garden of wooded vista.  The decor is warm and appealing and well maintained similar to military spit and polish.
Jack Barnes a member of Springfield Elks Lodge in Springfield, Vt., is a resident of the Vermont Veteran’s Home in Bennington.
Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski of Springfield Elks Lodge is shown presenting Col. Al Faxon USMC retired with a check for $500 allocated to Arts & Crafts and Toiletries at the Vermont Veterans’ Home in Bennington, Vt.
Article submitted by Mike Gunn

Barre Elks Lodge Student of Month

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 recognized Cadence Tenney, Williamstown Elementary Student of the Month at their January 5 Thursday Night Dinner.  Cadence was selected by School Administrators for her leadership, academics, respectful nature and community involvement.  Donna Bartolucci, Leading Knight/Lodge Youth Chairman, along with Lodge Esquire Cindy Wedding made the presentation.


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l-r:  Donna Bartolucci, grandparents  Clarence and Sue, parents Mike and Julie, Teacher  Theresa White, Cindy Wedding.  In front little sister Abbie and Cadence

News item submitted by:  Barb Watters

Results of the District Hoop Shoot in Newport

Here are the results from the District Hoop Shoot in Newport.

8/9 boys  Andrew Corbiere  1st picture  –1st place   moves on to Barre on 1/28 State Shoot
8/9 girls  Lucy Jerose 4th place no pic below
10/11 girls Molly Gagne 2nd picture  1st place moves on to Barre
10/11 boys Cole Woodland  3rd place  no pic
12/13 girls  Alexandra Brouillette 2nd place
12/23 boys Dakota Wiley 2nd place   last picture
Andrew Corbiere
Molly Gagne
Alexandra Brouillette
Dakota Wiley
Article submitted by: Mary Brouilette



On Saturday December 24 the Windsor Vermont took Santa to 5 area senior homes and nursing facilities to bring Christmas greetings and good wishes to the residents. Pictured are a couple pictures taken at the Runnemede Nursing Home.
Pictures left to right:  Norman Marshall PER, Santa ( Gary Hurlburt PER, PSP ) and Jean Crosby PER. Seated in wheelchair is Jean Buckman resident.
Pictures are two donkeys from a local farm that joined us. The donkeys are owned by Liza Lynaugh who is standing with them. the other handler could not be identified.
Santa ( Gary Hurlburt ) is standing in back
Article submitted by Norm Marshall PER

Barre Lodge 1535 recognizes Elk student of Month Cadence Tenney and Eagle Scout Evan Emerson

Barre Elks enjoy their Thursday Night Dinners and Queen of Hearts, but they are even more exciting when we get the opportunity to recognized outstanding Youth in our Community.   On January 5, Student of the Month Cadence Tenney and Eagle Scout Evan Emerson were recognized and presented certificates.   Cadence is no stranger to Barre Elks as she was our winner in the Soccer Shoot and Hoop Shoot.


Through the efforts of Youth Chair Donna Bartolucci, Barre Elks have partnered with Williamstown Elementary School who selects the Student of the Month!   Evan’s Grandparents participated in our December Corn Hole Tournament.  When in conversation with Grandma, and in reply to her question, what do Elks do… we shared our passion for Youth, Veterans, Community and Scouting they shared that Evan had achieved this honor.  Congratulations Cadence and Evan!   We are proud of you!


Cadence Tenney, Student of the Month; President Campo; Evan Emerson Eagle Scout

Article submitted by:  Barb Watters

Newport Vt Lodge # 2155 makes a Veterans Donation

Newport VT Elks Lodge #2155 donated $400 worth of Canteen coupons for Veterans at the VA Hospital to buy a meal if they are traveling or other needs while they are there.


va-pic-12-12-15Pictured left to right-Jeff VA Hospital service coordinator, Tim veteran and Raymond Dewing, veterans committee chairperson (also a veteran)