Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski met with Alfred Montoya, Medical Center Director at the VA Hospital in White River Junction and presented an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant of $500 from her Lodge in Springfield, Vt.
    The Gratitude Grant was accomplished by the Springfield Lodge completing their commitment of annual per capita funds to the Elks National Foundation.   By  completing this sum to ENF, Springfield Elks Lodge was reimbursed a certain amount under the Gratitude Grant program.   Each Lodge in the country can apply for these Grants after they meet their per capita to ENF.
    Also accompanying ER Siliski to the VA Hospital for the presentation were members Mike Gunn and Gloria Gunn.  Welcoming the three Elks were, Andy Lacasse Public Affairs Director, Becky Rhoads Executive Assistant to Director Montoya, Brook  Robinson Recreation Therapist, Katherine Tang Intern of Public of Affairs.   Also, three veterans attending therapy activities at the hospital that day were Keith Morgan an Air Force and Army veteran from Brownsville, Vt., Linda Deforge of North Hartland, Vt., and Ed Lamer of Northfield, Vt.,  veterans of the Navy.
    The $500 Grant to the hospital was designated for “Arts & Crafts and Toiletries” for the veterans who attend the hospital daily or are patients there.  Ms’ Robinson runs this department where the Veterans participate in activities like wood burning, leather craft, painting on slate, snow shoeing, cooking, golfing and an area where Veterans randomly discuss how their lives are going, etc.
    With the sum of money that the Springfield Elks was reimbursed from ENF, they will be making other awards to the Veterans Home in Bennington, Vt., the Stingrays Swim Team in Springfield, Vt., and the Post Prom party committee in Springfield, Vt.   Going forward, Springfield Elks Lodge is always looking for other community causes to award money to.   In 2017, the Lodge will again be applying for another Gratitude Grant to be given out after they have met their quota to ENF.  The Lodge is hoping causes will get in touch with them to see if their community program would qualify.  Just write a letter to the Springfield Elks Lodge at 49 Park St., Springfield, Vt. 05156
Shown are the participants for the Springfield Elks Lodge’s Gratitude Grant presentation at the VA Hospital in White River Jct., Vt. recently.
Frt l to r; Linda Deforge, Director Alfred Montoya, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski and Ed Lamer.  Back; Keith Morgan, Brook Robinson and Gloria Gunn.
Story submitted by Mike Gunn


Members of Barre Lodge worked with the Vermont Army National Guard to adopt a serving guard family for Christmas.  Our guard family consisted of Dad, a 25 yr old serving guard member recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, Mom and 3 ½ year old son.  Their entire Christmas wish list was purchased along with many other gifts, wrapped and picked up by Family Assistance Center Specialist Rita Durgin.  Thank you to our members for supporting our military and providing them with a Christmas to remember.  Over $1000 in gifts and gift cards were donated.


20161216_141153L to R: Barre Elks members Jim, Tracy and Dan Fecteau, Doug Rossi, PER Stacy Holden, Esquire Cindy Wedding and ER Kristin Calcagni

BARRE ELKS LODGE FRATERNAL NEWS – November Student of the Month

Congratulations to Elizabeth Hallock, a 2rd grader in Mrs. Carrier’s class at Williamstown Elementary School for being selected as Barre Elks Lodge Student of the Month.  Elizabeth, her Mom Nichole, her Dad Brad, sister Emma-Lee, teacher Mrs. Carrier and principal Mr. Kinnarney were guests at the Lodge’s Thursday night dinner.


From L to R:  First/Second Grade Math Teacher Mrs. Carrier, WES Principal Mr. Kinnarney, Emma-Lee Hallock, Elizabeth Hallock, Brad Hallock, Nichole Hallock, Barre Elks Youth Activities Chair Donna Bartolucci

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 helped welcome Santa to Town

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 helped welcome Santa to Town at the Holiday Parade on November 26.    74 Elks’ Drug Awareness Bags,  and candy canes, were distributed among the kids lining the parade route.   The parade was the inaugural ‘march’ for our New Barre Lodge 1535 banner.



Maureen Lawson, Karen Brigham, Dave Brigham (Drug Awareness Chair), Barb Watters and Rhonda Boyce


Article subnitted by: Barb Watters – Barre Lodge #1535 – Public Relations

Barre Elks utilized part of an ENF Freedom Grant to host a FREE Veteran’s Day Community Celebration Luncheon

Barre Elks utilized part of an ENF Freedom Grant to host a FREE Veteran’s Day Community Celebration Luncheon at Woodridge Nursing and Rehabilition. Chef Mike Kennedy’s menu included chicken noodle soup, homemade meat or vegetarian lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread and cheesecake.  Elks members served residents and community members.  Family members of residents attended the event as well.

ER Kristin Calcagni and Lauren Bylow take luncheon orders from Woodridge residents
Helper Lauren Bylow talks with Woodridge residents
Woodridge residents and family members patiently wait for their Elks serving staff
Woodridge resident family member Doris Fournier thanks Loyal Knight Maureen Lawson for helping with the event
PER Chip Paine visits with Woodridge residents

Barre Elks Lodge recognized Veterans in attendance at their monthly senior meal

Barre Elks Lodge recognized Veterans in attendance at their monthly senior meal.  Forty two Veterans received a free turkey dinner .  In addition to their free meal, they were given an American Flag pin to thank them for their service. Our Americanism chairperson Maureen McGinn Lawson spearheaded the recognition. Thank you to all Veterans for their service.
Americanism Chair Maureen Lawson with Veteran Homer Fitts

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 holds their annual Hoop Shoot

  Saturday, Nov. 18, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 held their annual Hoop Shoot for kids ages 8 to 14.   Trophies were given out to the following winners for 1st & 2nd place.   Girls age 8-9 winner was Ava Anderson.  For the boys, Calan Morrie  won 1st place and James Gultekin took 2nd.   Boys ages 10-11 the winner was Noah Simino   and Caden Benson was a 2nd place winner.   There were no girls entered in the 10-11 age group.  For the 12-13 girls results, Eliza Burbela  was a 1st place winner with Ariana Cioffi placing 2nd.  For boys, Daevon Albanese  was a 1st place winner and Braden Morrie finished in 2nd place.
    All first place winners will represent Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 at the Elks Southern District Hoop Shoot in Springfield on January 10th.   If for some reason a first place winner cannot attend the second place winner in will compete their place.
Shown are the 1st and 2nd place winners in the recent Hoop Shoot conducted by Springfield Elks Lodge #1560.   Frt L to R; Caden Benson, Calan Morrie, Ava Anderson and James Gultekin.  2nd row, Braden Morrie,  Daevon Albanese, Ariana Cioffi, Eliza Burbela and Noah Simino.  In back; Hoop Shoot Chairman Victor Baskevich and Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.

Barre Elks Honors Gold Girl Scout

Barre Elks Lodge 1535 recently recognized Gold Girl Scout recipient Maria Wiles.  Maria was presented with a Certificate of Merit from Grand Exalted Ruler Michael F Zellen:   “The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America takes pride in presenting this Certificate of Merit for your achievement in attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award. By your dedication to the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law you have demonstrated what Scouting stands for, building character, developing a sound mind, volunteerism, and always being prepared to assist in time of need. “

In addition to the certificate, Maria was presented the Elks Gold Scout Pin and an American Flag.  She and her Mother/Scout Leader were dinner guests of the lodge the evening of the presentation.   The Elks prides itself on recognizing outstanding youth and is proud of their accomplishments



L-r:  Cindy Wedding – Lodge Esquire;  Donna Bartolucci – Leading Knight and Youth Committee Chair;

Maria Wiles – Gold Girl Scout; Tina Wiles – Mom and Troop Leader

The Vermont Elks host the 7 State Area 1 Soccer Shoot

The Area 1 Soccer Shoot was held on November 4-5-6, 2016.  The St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 and the Burlington Elks Lodge #916 co-hosted the event.  The 7 States representing the Area 1 are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.  Lodge officers from all the States both past and present along with many volunteers were on hand to make the event run very smoothly.  The activities started with a registration and pizza party for all the contestants, their parents and siblings on Friday night.  On Saturday morning the competition was held at the Collins Perley complex in St. Albans followed with a lunch at the St. Albans Lodge.     On Saturday evening the activities moved to the Burlington Elks Lodge for the Banquet and Awards presentations.

Photos of the event can be seen at the Vermont Elks Shutterfly site.   Here is the link:  https://vermontelks.shutterfly.com
