Recently, Springfield Elks Drug Awareness Chairman Jim Kirkwood, held an Elks Poster Contest at Union Street School in Springfield.   This contest is an annual event at the school put on by the Elks Lodge dedicated to wiping out drug use by young people.
    There are six winners locally, for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries.  Then the chairman sends the winners to the state Elks competition.  The winner of the Vt. Elks State contest has their entry published in the Elks National Drug Awareness coloring book handed out to all Lodges and schools across the country.  This years state winner was selected and awarded to Kaylee Newton of Union St. School in Springfield, Vt.   For her efforts, she received a bicycle and helmet.   The local winners received $25 for first place, $15 for 2nd place and $10 for third place.
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Winners of the recent Drug Awareness Poster contest put on by Springfield Elks Lodge – l to r Kaylee Newton winner of the state Elks competition and her new bike.  Also other local winners were Cameron Williams, Devin Snide-Tufts, Emma Snyder, Adrianna Magoon and Conner McCann.  In back are Jim Kirkwood, chairman of Springfield Elks Lodge for Drug Awareness and Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.

Barre Elks Lodge continues its tradition of supporting The Veterans Place in Northfield, Vermont

Barre Elks Lodge continued its tradition of supporting The Veterans Place in Northfield, Vermont. Barre Lodge utilized a $2000 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to purchase housing items for Veterans transitioning from the Veterans Place into their own housing. Members purchased, organized and packaged “Welcome Home” kits that contained sheets, towels, blankets, coffee makers, kitchen utensils, crock-pots, microwaves, Tupperware and other items needed to set up a house.

According to The Veterans Place director Karen Boyce, “Without you, several Veterans would not have had the nice start that they did have when they transitioned from our house.” Currently, the Veterans Place is serving 26 Veterans. Veterans transition in and out of the Veterans Place throughout the year.

Elk members brought loads of items, filling a storage room, then enjoyed brownies and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for dessert.  Veterans ages 28 – 77 years old told stories of their time serving and their plans for the future.  The Veterans Place residents will be participating in the Barre Heritage Festival and Northfield Labor Day festivities to raise funds for their programs.


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From L to R:  Veterans Kyle Ford, David Castine, Director Karen Boyce, Tim Gilman, Bob Shaw, Willy Lamoureux Jr, Dean Bouvier and Walter Pinette.


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From L to R:  Veterans Kyle Ford, David Castine, Director Karen Boyce, Tim Gilman, Bob Shaw, Willy Lamoureux Jr, 

Dean Bouvier, Walter Pinette, Clint Thibodeau and Scott Smith.


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From L to R:  Elk members  Kim Baker, Kristin Calcagni, Karen Bingham, David Bingham, Donna Bartolucci and Chip Paine.


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From L to R:  Orin Pittsley, Air Force & Army Veteran, Bob Davis,
Army National Guard Veteran and Leading Knight Donna Bartolucci.

Story and pictures provided by the Barre Elks Lodge.

2015-2016 Americanism Essay Contest Winners

The 2015-2016 Americanism Essay Contest winners were First Place, Gawain Smith from Charlestown, NH; First Runner Up was Ashley Putnam also of Charlestown, and 2nd Runner Up was Lizi Ryll from St. Albans, not pictured.   The winners received certificates and gift cards, the other participants all received flags, pens, pencils, wrist bands, and book marks.
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From left to right are: Vermont Elks Association Americanism Chairman Karen Putnam of Bellows Falls Lodge #1619, Ashley Putnam, VEA Past State President Raymond Buisson, First Place winner Gawain Smith and 6th Grade Teacher Kathy Olsen.


    Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 recognized their oldest living member.   Charles “Bob” Brent attended this years 2016/2017 installation of their Lodge Officers.   Mr. Brent is 95 years old and an Elk for 71 years.   For time in service to the Elks, he is third in line behind Ray Latelle with 74 years and Paul Stone who is a 71 year member, initiated two weeks before Mr. Brent.
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Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski is shown with Charles “Bob” Brent, Springfield Lodges oldest living Elk member 

Windsor Elks bring Easter Bunny to 5 area nursing home facilities!

On Easter Sunday morning the Windsor Elks escorted the Easter Bunny to five area nursing home facilities to bring a gift and some Easter Cheer to the residents of the homes.  It took three hours to complete the rounds but it was very rewarding and enjoyable to see how excited the residents received us.  Approximately 170 stuffed animals and other gifts were given out to the residents.  Below are two pictures of Easter Bunny with a couple of the people who reside at the Ascutney House Nursing Home.
Peggy Naught ( Peggy turned 100 yrs old on the Saturday before Easter).
Lila Mansur . Easter Bunny is Gary Hurlburt (Exalted Ruler of the Windsor Elks #1665, Windsor Vermont.
Below are two residents of the Davis Nursing Home.
Tom Gauthier with Easter Bunny.
Bobby Lapine ( A long time member of the Windsor Elks )
Below are Residents of the Homes Of Runnemeade Nursing Home
Easter Bunny with the residents of Homes Of Runnemeade Nursing Home while they were eating their Easter dinner.
Standing is Jean Crosby PER assisting the Easter Bunny (Gary Hurlburt PER and present ER of the Windsor Elks ).
Judy Schur and a very tired Easter Bunny sitting on her bed
Story and Pictures provided by
Norman Marshall PER
Public Relations Chairman
Windsor Elks Lodge #1665

New England Regional Hoop Shoot Competition, Held In Westbrook, Maine

The New England Regional Basketball Hoop Shoot competition was held Saturday March 19th 2016 in Westbrook Maine at the Westbrook High School Gym. Each New England State sent 6 teams to compete ages 8-9, 10-11 & 12-13.  Congratulations to everyone who competed.

Jacob Kocis of Newport, VT won 1st place in the 10-11 age group and will be going to Chicago on April 16th to represent New England in the finals!


front row:  Molly Gagne, 8-9 from St. Albans lodge, Alexander Gordon, 8-9 from Burlington,
Jacob Kocis, 10-11 from Newport lodge.   Back row: Rylee Jenness, 10-11 from Newport lodge,
Cecily McCormack 12-13 from Rutland lodge  and Gregory Fitzgerald, 12-13 from Bennington lodge.
With VT State Hoop Shoot Director Steve Edgerly getting their participation medals.
Cecile McCormack with VT Elks President Fred Dusablon
Alexander Gordon with VT Elks President Fred Dusablon
First Place winner Jacob Kocis with VT Elks President Fred Dusablon
Gregory Fitzgerald with VT Elks President Fred Dusablon

Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 receives an award

The Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 Windsor Vermont was presented an award at their last lodge meeting, Monday March 7th. The award was presented by District Executive of The Green Mountain Boy Scouts ( Calvin Coolidge District ) Erik Tanny. The award was for all the support given by the Windsor Lodge in the past.
Erik Tanny reading the inscription on the plaque
Erik presenting the award to Exalted Ruler Gary Hurlburt.
Article provided by:
Norman J. Marshall PER
Public Relations Chairman
Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665
Windsor, Vermont.

Barre Elks Lodge – Member and Volunteer Recognition Night

Barre Elks Lodge recently held it’s Member and Volunteer Recognition Night. Over 80 member and guests were in attendance.  Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden hosted the event with the assistance of Secretary Betty Cutler.
Each year, our Lodge recognizes and pins our members whom have reached certain years of membership in our Order.  This year, our Lodge honored forty five year members Maurice Fortier, Bruce Judd and Joseph Portalupi. Richard Bullard and George Gale were recognized for forty years of membership, while Merile Guillette and Romeo Pelletier were recognized for thirty five years of membership.  Kenneth Goulette, Clark Hastings, Reginald Jalbert, Steven Rubalcaba and Richard Parnigoni Jr and Robert Codling were recognized for thirty years of membership and Tim Ryan was recognized for twenty five years of membership.  Twenty year members honored were Leo Fortier and Susan Wilmott.  Fifteen year members recognized were Danny Fecteau, George Gerrish and Paul Wadkins.  Five year members honored were Lisa Avery, Cody Carlson, Diana Flood, Brent Gagne, Lisa Lamdin, Pauline McPeters, Jon Murchison, Lambert Saldi, Shannon Sweet and Keith Whittemore.  Many other members reached levels of membership and were honored in addition to those present at our Membership Recognition night.

In addition to honoring our members, Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden presented three awards; Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award, Elk of the Year Award and Officer of the Year Award.

The Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award was presented to Karen Bingham.  This award is presented for “outstanding and meritorious service to humanity”. This award is given to someone who has shown leadership in the community; has contributed voluntary service and is recognized as being an all-around good citizen.

The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Todd Benoit.  This
award is given as an expression of the gratitude and appreciation of the members of the Lodge and of the Grand Lodge for the loyal and meritorious services. This award is given to a member who has performed outstanding service to Elkdom, particularly at the local Lodge level.

The Officer of the Year Award was presented to Maureen Lawson.  The
Officer of the Year Award is given for dedication and meritorious service to the Lodge, who by unselfish commitment and cheerful enthusiasm furthered Elkdom’s programs while fulfilling the responsibilities as an Officer of the Lodge in an exemplary manner.

Barre Lodge is extremely appreciative of it’s members and volunteers
whom continually demonstrate that “Elks Care, Elks Share”.

Photos taken by Kristin Calcagni:

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Citizen of year:  ER Stacy Holden with Karen Bingham
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Elk of year:  ER Stacy Holden with Todd Benoit
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Officer of year:  ER Stacy Holden Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson

inaugural Hoop Shoot Alumni Advisory Board, a.k.a. the BackBoard

News from Elks.org Hoop Shoot Page:

Meet the Board!

We are thrilled to introduce the inaugural Hoop Shoot Alumni Advisory Board, a.k.a. the BackBoard. These four past National Finalists will join us in Chicago for the 2016 Hoop Shoot National Finals. They will serve as volunteers, leaders, and role models to this year’s 72 National Finalists! Get to know these outstanding Hoop Shoot alumni below.

Check out the story at this link:   inaugural Hoop Shoot Alumni Advisory Board, a.k.a. the BackBoard

Vermont Elks State Hoop Shoot Results for 2016

The Vermont State Elks hoop shoot was held Jan. 30 th at Spaulding high school.  Six winners will be going to South Portland Maine March 18 , 19, and 20 for the Regional contest.


Congratulations to all and good luck at the Regional Shoot.

l to r: Steve Edgerley State Hoop Shoot Chair,  Molly Gagne. 8-9 from St. Albans lodge # 1566, Alexander Gordon 8-9 from Burlington Lodge # 916, Gregory Fitzgerald 12-13 from Brattleboro lodge #1499 and Joshua Kocis from Newport Lodge #2155  Fred Dusablon, Vermont State President. Missing from picture Rylie Jenness, 10-11 from Newport Lodge #2155 and Cecily McCormach 12-13 from Rutland Lodge #345.