Springfield Elks Lodge held their 44th annual Elks Basketball Hoop Shoot at Riverside Middle School gym on November 21st.
    Boys and girls, ages eight to thirteen competed to represent Springfield Lodge at the Southern District Hoop Shoot to be held at Springfield High School onJanuary 9, 2016.  All first place winners on Saturday will now compete in the districts.
    Winners on Saturday were the following; in the 8 & 9 year old group for girls, Hannah Zierfus making 9 of 25 bested Avery Howard for 2nd place.  For the boys, Nathan Leonard  made 10 of 25 and Kaiden Sheridan finished 2nd.   In the 10 & 11 age group for girls was Kayla Quelch making 9 of 25 as she bested Arianna Cioffi.  For the 10 & 11 year old  boys winner was Dylan McCarthy who made 15 of 25 and in 2nd place was Braden Morrie.  There were not any 12 &13 girls present.  In the 12 & 13 year old division for boys, in first place was Noah Zierfus, making 15 of 25 with Tyler Leining finishing in 2nd place
    All first and second place winners received a nice trophy and each participant of the Hoop Shoot received a take home Elks gift for participating.
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First and second place winners at the recent Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 are shown after getting their respective trophy’s.   L to R;  Front are Braden Morrie, Nathan Leonard, Kaiden Sheridan, Avery Howard, Hannah Zierfus and Kayla Quelch.  Second row, Noah Zierfus, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski, Arrianna Cioffi, Hoop Shoot Chairman Victor Baskevich, Dylan McCarthy and Tyler Leining.


    On November 14, 2015, the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 presented the Springfield Family Center a check for $2000 to be used in their many departments like the food shelf, holiday dinners, etc.  These Elks National Grant’s are awarded to the Lodges who have met their annual per capita and are to be given to community causes that need funds to make their programs successful.
    A check was presented to Family Center Director Michael Weiss by Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.  Also on hand for the presentation was, Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusalban of Burlington Lodge #916.
    The proceeds of the check were allocated to Springfield Elks Lodge as a Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation.   Giving this Grant to the Family Center was the Elks’ way of becoming more involved in the community and that is what Elks National preaches.   Springfield Lodge was also awarded an additional $500 which was given to the Springfield Parks and Recreation department recently for their Springfield Youth Pee Wee football program.
    All Grants awarded from Elks National Foundation have to been given to community programs, not kept for Lodge functions.
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Shown at the presentation of Springfield Elks Lodge presentation of $2000 Elks National Gratitude Grant to the Springfield Family Center were l to r; Moe Decelles State President’s Tiler, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski, Springfield Family Center Director Michael Weiss and Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusablon.


    Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 was awarded a Gratitude Grant for meeting their Per Capita figures that go to Elks National.  On hand for the presentation along with newly installed Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski was Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusablon of Burlington Lodge #916.
    For their effort to Elks National the Springfield Lodge was awarded a $500 Gratitude Grant to help with community involvement and the Elks designated it to go to Springfield’s new youth Pee Wee football program through the Parks and Recreation department.  The long range goal is to get lower grades involved in football and learn the fundamentals of the game, so that when they reach high school that program will flourish and be successful.  The program is for third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade classes.
    On hand to accept the check was the Assistant Director of the Springfield Parks and Recreation department, Keith Eno.   Mr. Eno brought along one of this years quarterbacks on the 5th and 6th grade traveling team, young Tanner Gintof a 5th grader who will be eligible to play again next year.
    This was the fifth year that Springfield Elks has been awarded a Gratitude Grant for their efforts to instill community involvement in their town.
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On November 14th, Springfield Elks Lodge presented the Springfield Parks and Recreation department youth Pee Wee football program with a $500 Gratitude Grant check from Elks National Foundation.   Shown l to r; Vt. Elks State President Fred Dusablon, Player Tanner Gintof, Parks and Rec., assistant Director Keith Eno and Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski.


     Springfield Elks Lodge #1560’s Charter was awarded in 1929.  In 1996 the Springfield Elks elected to accept women into their Fraternity and in November of 2015 the Springfield Elks elected their first female Exalted Ruler ever, that being Vicki Siliski a member since 2011.
    This event probably would not have happened until March of 2016 but because of current Exalted Ruler Michael Luurtsema haing to step aside because of health reasons, Mrs. Siliski stepped to the plate and was elected to fill the position for the remainder of the 2015/2016 Elk year.
    Over the past five years, Mrs. Siliski has been very active for the Springfield Elks, whether it be serving as an officer, helping with fundraiser’s, going to required Elks clinics throughout the state, serving on lodge fundraiser dinners, helping on their lodge Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Drug Awareness events, Dictionary project, Silver Towers projects and stepping to the plate when the lodge needed her help anywhere.   She is married to Eugene Siliski who has been a member of Springfield Elks Lodge for 58 years.
    On Saturday November 14th, she and some of her fellow officers hosted the visitation of Elks State President Fred Dusalbon of Burlington Lodge #916 and his suite of officers with a luncheon at the lodge.
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Vermont Elks State President Fred Dusalbon is shown congratulating newly elected Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski of Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 of Springfield, Vt.

Windsor Elks honor area veterans with a dinner and gifts

On Saturday November 7th the Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 honored the area veterans with a roast pork dinner and then presented them with gifts. Every veteran got at least 5 gifts. The most important gifts were blankets representing the four branches of service, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. One service member from each branch was drawn and presented with the blanket that was of the branch he was in. The blankets were donated by Elk members Carol Sylvia and Marge Gallant (Marge did the sewing). They came out beautiful and were well received by the veterans.
Above are three of the veterans who received blankets representing their branch of service.   and Jean Crosby (One the Elks heading up the event).  Left to right Jean Crosby Elks member who headed up the event, Bernie Williams (Army), Robert Loyd (Navy), Stephen (Dyd) Titus (Air Force) and Elk J. R. Crosby. Not pictured is Marine Stanley Melinski who is hospitalized but is usually present. He is usually the only Marine present so the blanket was taken to him by Elks members Jean Crosby and her husband J.R.Crosby.
DSCN0770Jean Crosby and Stephen Titus giving a full view of the Air Force blanket. They are both Elk members.
Elks preparing dinner for veterans.  Some of the people shown are also members of Windsor American Legion Post #25 and are also Elks members.  Pictured l-r: Jean Crosby, Dwayne Olmstead, Tracy Quigley, Jim Cantara, Donna Sayer and Ronald Vezina. The event was also sponsored in conjunction with the Legion.
The next picture is of the veterans seated for dinner. There was 31 veterans singed up and so there was over 60 served.


Chicago, IL. October 27,2015: Some twenty-two million veterans live in our communities.  The Elks National President, Ronald L. Hicks, has a proclaimed November as Veterans Remembrance Month as a way to encourage us to find local veterans and help them with their needs.
    As Elks, we can never do enough for our Veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for us.   The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars alone have generated more than 2 million young veterans, many of whom have returned home with disabling injuries, while more than 18% of new Veterans suffer from PTSD (2008 Rand Corporation study).
    The Elks proudly declare: “So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.”  among our ongoing efforts to back up that statement, we make our presence known in every VA hospital; adopt veterans in need of support; assist military families with our Army of Hope; place POW/MIA tables in our Lodges; and participate in Stand Downs for homeless veterans.  To learn more, visit www.Elks.Org/vets/.”
    And just recently, the Elks have entered into a partnership with Veterans Health Administration to support efforts for homeless Veterans in their communities.  To this end the Elks have pledged $4 million to help end Veteran homelessness.
    Let us remember to thank our Veterans and to show our appreciation in some special way every day, not just in November.  And, should you see a member of our Armed Services in uniform, please march right up to him or her and say: “Thank you for your service, Have a great day!”  It is the least we can do.
To learn more visit www.elks.org

The Barre Area Veterans Council presents 93 American flags to the City of Barre

The Barre Area Veterans Council compromised of members of Barre Elks Lodge #1535, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 790 and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Camp 302 presented 93 American flags to the City of Barre.  The flags will be flown on Main Street on Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th and Veterans Day.
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Photo taken by Teresa Paine – From L to R:  Paul Poirer, Barre Elks and City council member, Charles Dindo, City council member, Michael Smith, City council member, Paul Perreault, VFW Post 790 Commander, Michael Boutin, City council member, Thomas Lauzon, Barre City Mayor, Dan Witcher, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Camp 302, Lucas Herring, City council member, Chip Paine, Barre Elks Lodge PER, Ron Tallman, Chair of Barre Area Veterans Council, Connie Weston, American Legion Auxiliary Post 10.

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 Supporting It’s Community

On October 23rd a ghoulish & fun time was had by all at the Springfield Elk’s Lodge and the All-4-One afterschool program held a “Light the Lawn” Halloween themed event as part of Vermont’s stated wide lights-on afterschool alliance program.  Pumpkin displays, candy corn toss, donut dunking, bone-bowling, rotten egg races, arts & crafts, a costume parade, refreshments and goodie bags were just a few of the offerings the children and guests were able to enjoy throughout the afternoon.
“Lights ON’ after school is a day set aside across the nation to celebrate the important work being done in afterschool programs.  Vermont Afterschool, supports organizations in providing quality afterschool, summer and expanded learning experiences so that Vermont’s children and youth have the opportunities, skills and resources they need to become healthy, productive members of society.
Shown are the children of “All-4-One afterschool program Halloween party held at the Springfield Elks Lodge on October 23rd.