Windsor Elks lodge #1665 hands out 108 dictionaries

During the month of October the Windsor Elks lodge #1665 handed out 108 dictionaries to third grade students in five different schools in Vermont, and one in New Hampshire. The schools were Windsor elementary school Windsor Vt., Albert Bridge School in Brownsville Vt., Hartland elementary school Hartland Vt., Reading elementary school Reading Vt. and Cornish elementary school Cornish NH.. Dictionaries were given to the third grade students and their teachers.
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Third grade students at Albert Bridge school in Brownsville Vt. with their teacher . The names of students are Emily Clough, Ryan Sauco, Jordan Davis Raymond, Jacob Adams, Gerry Garrow, Latisha Gibson, Chase Gravelle, Lillian Quimette, Angelo Plausteiner, Helen Ennis, Joey Gaudette and Julia Keating. The name of teacher is  Martin Butler.
Third grade students at Hartland elementary school in Hartland Vt. and their teachers and two elks standing in back. The names of students are Reid Allegretti, Conner Beland, Tylor Bethel, Jared Boynton, Stella Capurso, Tate Doolan, Kayleigh Dyke, Summer Eastman, Lucia Gomez, Kylie Hinkson, Nicola Husmann, Ryan King, Ben Lang, Maeve Leslie Gawalt, Gavin Martin, Sebastian Lorenze, Zane Peach, Rylea Rediker Waterman, Paige Vielleux and Issac Westcot Tobin. The teachers are Emily Morrison and Michelle Springer The Elks are Carol Sylvia and Norman Marshall.

Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665 hosted a youth Halloween

On Friday Oct, 23rd the Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665 hosted a youth Halloween party for children up to 12 yrs. of age.  18 children attended accompanied by their parents. They decorated pumpkins, played games and had food to eat and punch to drink.



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This is the whole group. Their names are Kayla VanAlstyne, Nolan VanAlstyne, Aden Cowdrey, Carter Small, Daniel Beaulieu, Jake Smith, Ben Morse, Clay Besaw, Alyssa Scalese, Wilham Scalese, Makayla Costillo, Madison Costillo, Bryce Moody, Tanner Moody, Cole Stevens Adi Prior, Rian Stevens and Maxon Gokey.

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The prize winners from left to right:  Carter Small (Best Overall), Daniel Beaulieu (Most Scary) and Rian Stevens (Most Original)


The elks who worked so hard putting the event on left to right:   Sherry Boudro, Bruce Boudro and Christina Dillingham.




Memorial Service – Windsor Elks Lodge #1665

On October 3rd a memorial service was held at the Windsor Elks Lodge #1665. The memorial service was for departed member James Thurber.  Elks officers from four different lodges performed the ritual.  Jim Thurber was ER twice at the Windsor Lodge #1665 and he passed away at his Florida home last February. His family wanted to have a service here in Vermont where he had many friends and family members.
In the picture listed from left to right they are, Granville (Chip) Paine from Barre Lodge, Barre Vt.,Paul Tisdale from Windsor Lodge, Windsor Vt.,Morris (Rocky) Putnam from Bellows Falls Lodge, Bellows Falls Vt.,Gary (Herbie) Hurlburt ER from Windsor Lodge, Windsor Vt. Nathan Willard from Windsor Lodge, Windsor Vt., Joseph (Joe) Montcalm from St. Albans Lodge, St Albans Vt. and Raymond Buisson from Bellows Falls Lodge, Bellows Falls Vt.

The Vermont Elks State Soccer shoot finals held in St. Albans

The Vermont Elks held their State Soccer Shoot finals at the Collins Perley complex in St. Albans on Sunday October 11th.  After competing at their local lodges earlier in the year, the top three boys and top three girls in each of 4 age groups from these lodges gave it their best shots at this State Shoot. After the Shoot was completed, the contestants and their families were hosted by the St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 for a lunch followed by the awards ceremony.  The 1st place winners in each age group will now compete at the Elks Region I Soccer Shoot in Windsor, CT.   Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all those who competed.


First place winners:  l-r Michelle Townsend (Windsor), Cora Nadeau (Newport), Aurora Rella-Neill (Bennington) and Lily Willis (Newport)


First place winners: l-r Braeden Calrleton (Rutland), Silas Rella-Neill (Bennington), Thomas Zemianek (St. Albans) and Ayden Chilton (Windsor)
To see more pictures from the Soccer Shoot, go to the MEDIA tab, select photo galleries then select Soccer Shoot photos.  You can also download any of the pictures posted there.

The Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks visits VT.

The Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Ronald Hicks and his wife, first lady Nancy visited Vermont as part of their tour of the Northeastern states.  Ron and Nancy were met in Massachusetts by Grand Tiler and Special Deputy for the Grand Exalted Ruler Earl Cavanaugh, his wife Nancy, Past Grand Exalted Ruler and Grand Lodge Sponsor of Vermont David Carr and his wife Penny.
The group stopped at Barre Elks Lodge, home Lodge of Vermont Elks Association Vice President Robert Campo for a light lunch.  Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden and DDGER North Chip Paine gave Ron a tour of the Lodge highlighting the Lodge’s unique granite memorial tablets.
Next on the whirlwind tour was a visit to the Ben & Jerry’s factory in Waterbury, Vermont. Unfortunately due to time constraints, Earl only allowed a few pictures in front of the building; no waiting in line for ice cream!!
Later in the evening, Burlington Elks Lodge, home of Vermont Elks Association President Fred Dusablon, hosted a dinner and reception for Ron and Nancy.  Elks from ten of the states twelve Lodges attended.  Fred presented Ron with a granite clock made from Barre gray granite, mined from E.L. Smith Quarry located in Barre, Vermont.  Nancy was given a Vermont Teddy Bear complete with an apple pie. DDGER North Chip Paine presented Ron with a $100 donation to Elks National Foundation.  DDGER South Frank Lopez presented Ron with a $100 donation to Silver Towers Camp, the state major project.
Ron gave a rousing speech about the first impression new members receive during orientation and how a thoughtful, well performed Ritual captures the attention and appreciation of members.  Finally, he asked that all Elks strengthen their community focus; “By strengthening our ‘Community Focus’ and our presence in the Community, we have the opportunity to put a face on our Lodge, as we introduce our friends and neighbors to our good works and the Pride that comes with being an Elk.”
At the end of the evening, Ron was gracious enough to sign membership cards for those in attendance.  Vermont Elks members raised two hundred and seventy seven dollars for Elks National Foundation as a thank you for the signing of membership cards.
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From L to R:  Vermont Elks Association President Fred Dusablon, VEA First Lady Beth, First Lady Nancy and Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks.
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From L to R:  Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks holds Barre gray granite clock; a gift from Vermont Elks Association President.  Fred Dusablon on right.
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From L to R: First Lady Nancy Hicks holding her Vermont Teddy Bear, VEA Chaplain Mary Paule Hill, VEA Tiler Moe Decelles, GER Ronald Hicks, VEA Convention Chairman Randy Corey, Burlington Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Wesley Blair and VEA President Fred Dusablon.
From L to R:  Burlington Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Wesley Blair, Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks and Vermont Elks Association President Fred Dusablon.
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Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks and First Lady Nancy in front of Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Waterbury, Vermont.
Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks and First Lady Nancy pose as Ben and Jerry of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream at the factory in Waterbury, Vermont.
Check out more photos at the VT Elks Facebook page by clicking on this link:  

St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 holds it’s annual Local Soccer shoot

The St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 held it’s annual Soccer Shoot at the Hard’ack complex on September 19, 2015.  Over 200 kids participated, representing all eligible age groups.  Free hamburgs, hot dogs, chips, cookies and water were provided to all the participants and their families and friends.


The Grid is ready to go…



The competition is underway


A brief break for some of the volunteers


Food is on the grill!


Servers are ready!


The Windsor Elks of Vermont #1665 holds it’s annual Soccer Shoot

The Windsor Elks of Vermont #1665 held it’s annual soccer-shoot at the Windsor recreational field on Wednesday Sept. 16th. There was 82 participants and trophies were awarded in the different age groups. The elks also provided hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and soft drinks plus water to the participants and their families.
Elks Harley Bettis and Jim Cantara doing the cooking with Elks Gary Hurlburt, Marge Gallant, Joanne Bettis and Carol Sylvia in back ground.
Winners of the trophies.  Adults in background are left Harry Ladue ( recreational director and elk member ) and on the right is Windsor exalted ruler ( Gary Hurlburt ).
Girls (under 8yrs old)                                                    Boys (under 8yrs old)
1st place Grace Blanchard                                            1st place Ayden Chilton
2nd place Jaylin Lyman                                                  2nd place Daniel Beaulieu
3rd place Amelia Rockwood                                           3rd place Sig Liland
Girls 8-9                                                                           Boys 8-9
1st place Lucia Gomez                                                    1st place Alex McGrath
2nd place Audrey Rupp                                                   2nd place Sam Peckinpaugh
3rd place Miah McAllister                                                 3rd place Ben Lang
Girls 10-11                                                                        Boys 10-11
1st. place Rory Salzano                                                  1st. place Jack McGrath
2nd place Grace Pfenning                                               2nd place William Scalese
3rd place Emma Kleber                                                   3rd place Bryce Moody
Girls 12-13 (under 14)                                                      Boys 12-13 (under 14)
1st. place Michelle Townsend                                          None were able to make it.
2nd place Adi Prior
3rd place Hailey McCoy
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