Elks News
St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 hands out dictionaries.
Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665 hosted a youth Halloween
On Friday Oct, 23rd the Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665 hosted a youth Halloween party for children up to 12 yrs. of age. 18 children attended accompanied by their parents. They decorated pumpkins, played games and had food to eat and punch to drink.
This is the whole group. Their names are Kayla VanAlstyne, Nolan VanAlstyne, Aden Cowdrey, Carter Small, Daniel Beaulieu, Jake Smith, Ben Morse, Clay Besaw, Alyssa Scalese, Wilham Scalese, Makayla Costillo, Madison Costillo, Bryce Moody, Tanner Moody, Cole Stevens Adi Prior, Rian Stevens and Maxon Gokey.
The prize winners from left to right: Carter Small (Best Overall), Daniel Beaulieu (Most Scary) and Rian Stevens (Most Original)
The elks who worked so hard putting the event on left to right: Sherry Boudro, Bruce Boudro and Christina Dillingham.
Memorial Service – Windsor Elks Lodge #1665
The Vermont Elks State Soccer shoot finals held in St. Albans
The Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks visits VT.
St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 holds it’s annual Local Soccer shoot
The St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 held it’s annual Soccer Shoot at the Hard’ack complex on September 19, 2015. Over 200 kids participated, representing all eligible age groups. Free hamburgs, hot dogs, chips, cookies and water were provided to all the participants and their families and friends.
The Grid is ready to go…
The competition is underway
A brief break for some of the volunteers
Food is on the grill!
Servers are ready!