The Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 sponsors a community picnic

The Windsor Elks Lodge #1665 sponsored a community picnic on Thursday August 20th at the Runnemeade Nursing Home in Windsor Vermont. Residents of the nursing home, their relatives and local residents participated and had a good time.


The group of elks that worked very hard to make the event a success. L-r: Pete Sanderson, Barbara Sanderson, Marge Gallant, Sam Grice, Eleanor Grice, Joe McHugh, Norm Marshall and Gary(Herbie) Hurlburt in back.


l-r: Pete Sanderson and Joe McHugh cooking with Marge Gallant in background.


Some of the folks enjoying the food and music


The band that provided music, The Springfield Springers.

Steve Matush (guitar), George Ainley (fiddle), Julie Levy (ukulele), Barbara Schultz9 (cello) and Eric Taylor (banjo)

Barre Elks Lodge recently donated over $1300 to eight area charity organizations

Barre Elks Lodge recently donated over $1300 to eight area charity organizations.  The donations were made possible with a Gratitude Grant from the Elks National Foundation (ENF).  Gratitude Grants offer an opportunity for Elks to best to serve their community and make it stronger. Gratitude Grants are the ENF’s way of saying thank you to every Lodge that meets the National President’s per-member goal for giving to the ENF.
Donations were made to the following organizations:  Ronald McDonald House, Project Independence, Peoples Health and Wellness, Our House, Barre Area Senior Center, Bikers for Beth, Green Mountain United Way and the Good Samaritan Haven.
Representatives from each organization visited the Lodge and enjoyed one of our Thursdaynight meals.  Following the meal, they shared the mission of their organization and how financial donations such as ours help them serve the central Vermont community.
Member John Murchison presenting a check for $100 to Kristine Bickford, Executive Director, Burlington Vermont Ronald McDonald House.
L to R: Trustee David Bingham, PER Chip Paine, Peoples Health and Wellness Executive Director Peter Youngbear, Loyal Knight Donna Bartolucci and Secretary Betty Cutler


L to R: Loyal Knight Donna Bartolucci, Project Independence Assistant Barb Clark, Trustee Michael Bartolucci, Project Independence Office Administrator Sue Catto, Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni and PER Chip Paine.
L to R: Secretary Betty Cutler, Trustee David Bingham, PER Chip Paine, member and Bikers for Beth participant Randy Tucker, member and Bikers for Beth organizer George Metcalf, Loyal Knight Donna Bartolucci and member Shirley Robbins.
L to R: Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni, PER/Trustee Robert Campo, Barre Area Senior Center member Bob Brault, Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson, PER Chip Paine and Trustee Michael Bartolucci.
L to R:  PER John Cutler, Loyal Knight Donna Bartolucci, Beth McTear (brown shirt) and Good Samaritan Haven Development Director Brooke Salls
L to R: Trustee David Bingham, Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson, Our House Executive Director Rebecca Duranleau, Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden, Our House Case Manager Kerry Greig, Esquire Cindy Wedding, Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni and Secretary Betty Cutler.

St. Albans Little League State Softball Champions receive a donation.

The St Albans Elks lodge presented the St Albans little league 9-10 year old state champions softball team with a donation of $1000.00 to help with the expense of going to the 5 day regional tournament in Pennsylvania on August 7.  Good luck team.
Girls softball champs (2)
Pictured with the team and their coaches are Exalted Ruler Mark Hojaboom presenting the check and Lodge Trustee Shawn Trudo.


Barre Elks Lodge partnered with “A Taste of Art” to host “Painting for Patriots”, our first ever painting party.  Instructor Sue Brassard walked participants through painting their very own masterpiece.  Attendees had the option of donating their painting to a Veteran in an area nursing home or purchasing it with proceeds benefitting our Veterans programs.  Eighteen painted masterpieces were donated back to the Elks Lodge to be delivered to Veterans living at Woodridge Nursing home.
A special thank you to Sue Brassard from A Taste of Art for donating her time and expertise at this event.  For future painting parties at Barre Elks Lodge, check out
Painting for Patriots attendees Barb Watters and her daughters Hailey (L) and Kelsey (R).
L to R:  Americanism Chairperson Maureen Lawson, Veteran Lawrence Wade and Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni

Barre Lodge provides support for the Veterans’ Place in Northfield, Vermont

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 was the recipient of a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation again this year.  Beacon Grants offer Elks Lodges the opportunity to develop an ongoing, charitable, Elks-led community project.
Barre Lodge chose to continue it’s work with the Veterans’ Place in Northfield, Vermont to help meet and fulfill the needs of the Veterans it serves.  The Veterans’ Place is a transitional housing facility combined with assistive services for Homeless Veterans in Central Vermont. Their goal is to help Homeless Veterans transition from the homeless population. The purpose of the Veterans’ Place is to help Vermont’s Homeless Veterans by providing desperately needed resources in an all-in-one locale so these Veterans may regain their PRIDE, reach their full potential, and once again become contributing members of society.
Lodge members purchased essential items needed by Veterans transitioning from the Veterans’ Place into their own housing. This year, Barre Lodge focused on kitchen items such as pots and pans, can openers, cookie sheets, silverware, utensils, cutting boards, storage containers, glasses, pizza pans, mixing bowls, crock pots, measuring spoons and cups, glasses, and baking dishes.  Items were presented in laundry baskets as “welcome home kits”.  The kits also contained brooms, mops and garbage cans.  Eight American flags and brackets were also donated as part of the Lodge’s Americanism program. Each Veteran transitioning from the Veterans’ Place will be able to use items from their kit to set up their new home.
This is the second year that Barre Elks Lodge has received a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation.  Barre Lodge is looking forward to continuing it’s relationship with the Veterans’ Place by providing for Veterans in need.
Photos Attached:  Photos taken by Kristin Calcagni
Stacks of Tupperware containers & crock pots for Veterans transitioning out of the Veterans’ Place
Residents of the Veterans’ Place assisting Barre Elks Lodge members
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Residents of the Veterans’ Place
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From L to R:  Barre Elks Lodge member Tracie Watson, the Veterans’ Place Director Karen Boyce, Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni, Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson, Esquire Cindy Wedding, Inner Guard Lori Major, Veterans’ Place resident Norman, Barre Elks Lodge Trustee Dave Bingham, Veterans’ Place resident Clint and Veterans’ Place case worker Clayton Wood



Barre Elks Lodge worked with The Dictionary Project, a non profit organization that provides dictionaries and thesauruses to third and fourth grade students. Barre Elks Lodge was able to participate and purchase the books with assistance from an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant.
Members of Barre Elks Lodge visited six area elementary schools and donated over fifty dictionaries to third grade students and two hundred thesauruses to fourth grade students.  The reference books are the a gift for each student to keep and use throughout their school careers.
In addition to the dictionaries and thesauruses, students were also given Drug awareness coloring books, bookmarks and comic books as part of the Elks National Drug Awareness program.  The Elks National Drug Awareness Program is the largest volunteer drug awareness program in the United States.  Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised in a drug-free environment.
Central Vermont Catholic School fourth grade students.
Barre Town Elementary School fourth grade students.
Orange Center School third grade students.
Orange Center School fourth grade students.
wes 3rd grade
Washington Village School third grade students.
Williamstown Elementary School third grade students.williamstown2Williamstown Elementary School third grade students.


Flag Day Ceremony

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 held it’s annual Flag Day Ceremony in conjunction with American Legion Barre Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790, Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #790 and American Legion Post #10 and Sons of the Union Veterans Civil  War.
The Barre Tones, an all female a Capella singing group performed the “Star Spangled Banner”, “The Grand Old Flag” and “God Bless America” under the direction of Carol Hollenbeck.
Guest speaker, Frank Hotaling, First Sergeant, US Army Retired provided the Flag day address.  
The winners of Barre Elks Lodge Flag Day coloring contest were announced and honored at the conclusion of the ceremony.
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From L to R:  Barre Elks Lodge Trustee David Bingham, member Sue Tallman, Lecturing Knight Maureen Lawson, member Sandra Calcagni, Loyal Knight Donna Bartolucci, member and Guest Speak Frank Hotaling, Tiler Corie Dunn, Past Exalted Ruler Chip Paine, Leading Knight Kristin Calcagni, Exalted Ruler Stacy Holden, Esquire Cindy Wedding and Past Exalted Ruler Leonard Normandeau.

Barre Elks Lodge Americanism committee holds a coloring contest.

Barre Elks Lodge Americanism committee held a coloring contest for area children ages 5 through 10 in conjunction with Flag Day.  Contest entries were available at local businesses and passed out to students at six area elementary schools.
Over 250 entries were submitted for judging.  Entries were on display at Aubuchon’s Hardware, Nelson True Value Hardware, and Key Bank.  Six winning entries were chosen based on correct coloring of the American Flag and creativeness of the soliders outfit.  The following winners were: Jacob Bylow of Orange, Keating King Carpenter of Barre, Caroline Murray of East Montpelier, Natalie Wild of Barre, Emily Poulan of Washington and Avery Cochran of East Calais.
Each winner received crayons and gift certificates for pizza and ice cream.
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Photo Attached: From L to R:  Barre Elks Lodge Americanism Chair Maureen Lawson, Keating King Carpenter, Natalie Wild, Emily Poulan, Avery Cochran.  Not pictured Jacob Bylow and Caroline Murray.


Members of all thirteen Vermont Elks Lodges descended on Silver Towers Camp in Ripton, Vermont for camp cleanup day.  Silver Towers Camp is the major project for Vermont Elks Association.  Silver Towers is an overnight camp for people with disabilities owned and operated by the Vermont Elk Charities, Inc. Silver Towers Camp provides an overnight camping experience to people with various disabilities from 6 – 75 years old. Our primary focus is to develop the talents of our campers in an atmosphere of caring, sharing and challenge while respecting each person’s worth. A variety of programs with the content of social interactions and cultural opportunities helps us attempt to form a well rounded person capable of facing future challenges.

Projects completed included painting, cleaning, rebuilding railings and ramps, planting new flower beds, mulching, trimming trees, weed wacking, installing white board, organizing the craft room and removing unused items. We even had some campers join us! Camp looks great and we can’t wait for the campers to arrive!

Photo taken by Kristin Calcagni, VT Elks Association PR Chair
Back row L to R:  Peter Kelada, Silver Towers Camp counselor, Carolyn Ravenna, Silver Towers Camp Director, Robert Campo, Vermont Elks Association Vice President, Jackie Gauthier, PER Rutland Lodge, Tricia Dalglish, PER Rutland Lodge. Front row L to R:  Halle Loomis, camper, Jenni Whitney, camper, Katie Gauthier, camper and Joanie O’Bryan, camper.