Barre Elks Lodge #1535 hosted the Annual Recognition Ceremony and Dinner of the Granite Center Chapter of the National Honor Society

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 hosted the Annual Recognition Ceremony and Dinner of the Granite Center Chapter of the National Honor Society. Thirty nine students from Spaulding High School Class of 2015 were inducted into the Granite Center Chapter.
The keynote address was given by Mr. John Pandolfo.  The National Honor Society ideals of Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service were read by Alicia Violette, Rose Meriam, Emily Benoit and Carly Redmond.
National Honor Society Members – SHS Class of 2015
Jesse Alger, Co-Secretary
Karen Avila
Ethan Bean
Matthew Bean
Brooke Benoit
Emily Benoit, Vice President
Alanis Boisvert
Austin Burke
Allison Canavan
George Colgrove
Cameron Davis
Meredith Dunavant
Ben Evans
Emma Fischer
Morgan Gosselin
John Hardy
Zachary Jaminet
Morgan Keene
Samuel Kuckuk
Megan LeCours
Duncan Lord
Caitlin Malone
John McHugh
Lindsey Menard, Co-Secretary
Rose Meriam, Co-President
Connor Moore
Libby Nyquist
Kayla Pelloni
Kassandra Perantoni
Carly Redmond, Treasurer
Collin Safford
Sydney Savoie
Alexandra Simpson
Matt Thompson
Brian Tucker
Eric Tucker
Alicia Violette, Co-President
Emily Violette
Yale Young
Photos Attached and provided by Kristin Calcagni
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From L to R:  NHS Co-Advisor Jesse Carpenter, Co-President Rose Meriam, Co-President Alicia Violette, Vice President Emily Benoit, Treasurer Carly Redmond, Co-Secretary Lindsey Menard and NHS Co-Advisor Chris Liff.
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Spaulding High School Class of 2015 National Honor Society Members


At the recent New England Regional Hoop Shoot, Jamison Evans representing the Rutland Lodge in the Boys 12-13 year old division and Jacobi Lafferty representing the Burlington Lodge in the Boys 8-9 year old division each took first place in their age groups and went on to compete in the Elks National Hoop Shoot Finals that were held in Springfield, Ma. on April 18.

On May 6th at the Vermont State House, the two New England champs received a proclamation for their achievements in the Hoop Shoot competition.  Jacobi Lafferty from Burlington 8-9 year old shot 23 for 25 and came in 4th and Jamison Evans from Rutland 12-13 shot 20 for 25 and came in 5th.



Pictured l-r: Carl Colburn Vermont Elks Association President,  Pat Brennen State Rep from Cholchester, Jacobi Lafferty, Jamison Evans, Steve Edgerley Vermont Hoop Shoot Chairperson, Larry Cupoli State Rep from Rutland City and Brian Norris Hoop Shoot chair from Burlington.


Congratulations to Rachel M. Drown of the St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566

Congratulations to Rachel M. Drown of the St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 for her award for donating $1,000 or more to the Elks National Foundation.  The attached picture was taken at the Awards Banquet held at the St. Albans Lodge on April 23, 2015.   Exalted Ruler, Mark Hojaboom presented Rachel with an Honorary Founder certificate from the Elks National Foundation for her generous giving.  Thank you Rachel for your continued support and generosity.


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Another record year for the Elks National Foundation

The Elks National Foundation had another record year.  They received more than $6.2 million in donations, resulting in a nationwide per capita of $7.726.
During the 2014-2015 Lodge year, the Elks of Vermont donated $46,210.91 to the Elks National Foundation.
This year the Foundation will give back the following:
State Charities Grant: $31,870.00
Special Projects Grant:  $26,000.00
Bonus Grant:  $7,220.00
Most Valuable Student:  $16,000.00
Legacy Award:  $12,000.00
National Veterans Service Commission:  $1,680.00
GRAND TOTAL:  $94,770.00
That’s a ratio of $2.051 for every dollar the Foundation received from our state last year!!
 Job well done.
If you use any of the following to Shop or Sell:
AmazonSmile, eBay Giving Works, iGive, GiveBackAmerica, and American Express.  Each of these organizations will donate a portion of your purchases or sales to the ENF.  Another great way to give.
Kimberly Bourbeau


For the past sum 20 years Springfield Elks Lodge has been holding “Drug Awareness” poster contests through the Union St. School, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students.  Recently the winners for the students efforts were awarded.
    This years winners were as follows: Miracle Lapre, Sam Presch, Emily Chamberlain, Payton Kingsbury, Piper Sylvestor and Carter Nault.  Carter was a first place winner in the Vt. Elks State poster contest and he received a new bike and helmut for his efforts.  In the back is Springfield Elks Lodge Drug Awareness Chairman Jim Kirkwood.   Mr. Kirkwood has been chairman for 29 years.
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Photo caption:  L to r, Micracle Lapre, Sam Presch, Emily Chamberlain, Payton Kingsbury, Piper Sylestor and Carter Nault sitting on his new bike he won for first overall in the Vt. Elks state poster contest.   In back is Jim Kirkwood, Springfield Elks Lodge  “Drug Awareness” chairman.

Regional Hoop Shoot news – Two boys advance to the National Hoop Shoot Finals!

At the New England Regional Hoop Shoot that was held March 28th in Portland Maine , Jamison Evans representing the Rutland Lodge in the Boys 12-13 year old division and Jacobi Lafferty representing the Burlington Lodge in the Boys 8-9 year old division each placed in first place and will be advancing to the Elks National Hoop Shoot Finals in Springfield Ma. on April 18th.   Congratulations to Jamison & Jacobi and good luck at the National Shoot.


BARRE ELKS LODGE – Cardboard box race!

Members of Barre Elks Lodge recently competed in a cardboard box sled race hosted by Montpelier Elks Lodge.  The sled race, on the third green of the Montpelier Elks Country Club rasied funds for Silver Towers Camp.  Members of Montpelier and St. Johnsbury Elks also participated.  Over twenty sled were entered into the children’s, single rider, double rider and group divisions.  Barre Lodge took first place in the children’s, single rider and double rider divisions.
Photo Attached:
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From L to R: McKenna Paxman, member Keith Paxman, Kellen Paxman, PER Stacy Holden, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, Esquire Maureen Lawson, State Trustee Terri Ford and Michele Campo.


Barre Elks Lodge recently donated items and cash to Circle (formerly known as Battered Women’s Service and Shelter).  Circle is is the non-profit organization in Washington County, Vermont that provides support and services to victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. Circle provides a safe, confidential living place for women and children fleeing from abusive situations. Shelter staff offer emotional support, resources, and education about healthy relationships for residents while working with them to plan a future free from abuse.
Over $750 in household items such as sheets, pillows, towels, coffee makers, crockpots, dinnerware and cash was donated.  Funds were raised at the annual “Glitz & Glam Gala” held in November.
Cindy Browning, Circle Shelter Coordinator, deemed the donation “very generous, (you) have no idea what this will mean to our clients”.
Photo taken by Kristin Calcagni attached:
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From L to R: Circle Youth and Family Coordinator Lucinda Brewer, Circle Shelter Coordinator Cindy Browning, Trustee Michael Bartolucci, Board of Directors President Brian McAvoy, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Past State First Lady Terry Paine, Michele Campo.

Vermont Elks State Hoop Shoot results

On January 24, 2015 the Vermont Elks State Hoop shoot was held at Spaulding High School.  18 contestants from all over Vermont competed to see who would go on to the Regional Shoot in South Portland, Maine.  It was a great contest with some very close scores.  These 6 winners will now go on to compete in March in Maine to see who will go to the National shoot in April.
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left to right: Steve Edgerley, State Hoop Shoot Chairman, Elroy the Elk,  Jacobi Lafferty, Burlington, 8-9 year old boy,  Amer Verem, Barre, 10-11 year old boy,  Jamison Evans, Rutland, 12-13 year old boy, Olivia Rockwood, Windsor, 12-13 year old girl, Tia Marie Martinez, Newport, 10-11 year old girl, Cassidy Kittredge, St. Johnsbury, 8-9 year old girl, Carl Colburn, Windsor, Vt. State Elks Association President.
Jacobi Lafferty and Olivia Rockwood both shot scores of 24/25
Article submitted by Steve Edgerley


On Saturday, January 10th, Springfield Elks Lodge hosted the 43rd annual Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot at Springfield High School. under the direction of Victor Baskevich, chairman of the Springfield Elks Lodge hoop shoot.
 Young hoop shooters from the five southern Lodges competed for the chance to compete at the Vt. Elks Association Hoop Shoot in Barre, Vt., on January 24th.
 Respectfully in the 8 & 9 year old group winners came from Natalie Norcia from Brattleboro Lodge and Jordy Allembert also from Brattleboro.  Second place winners went to Jasmine Evans of Rutland Lodge and Owen Riendeau of Bellows Falls Lodge.   In the 10 & 11 age group, Keely Greene of Bennington Lodge was the girls winner and Jack Cravinho of Bellows Falls Lodge.  In second place they were Kathryn Moore of Rutland Lodge and Evan Pockette also of Rutland Lodge.  For the 12 & 13 year old group, Nicole Norcia of Brattleboro Lodge and Jamison Evans were first place winners.   In second place there was Julianna Albero-Levings of Springfield Lodge and Jack Lane of Bennington Lodge.
The first place winners will now compete in Barre, Vt., at the Vt. Elks State Hoop Shoot on January 24th.
 This had to be one of the best and emotional Elks Hoop Shoots in history coming from this writers many years of observing and helping to put on an Elks Hoop Shoot.   One competitor from Bennington Lodge, Killian Kervan in the 10 & 11 age group.  Young, Killian entered his age group at the Bennington Hoop Shoot and was the only participant in that group.    He made one shot and won a trophy and qualified to enter and participate in the Southern District Hoop Shoot.   The thing is Killian has down syndrome, but that didn’t hold him back.   On Saturday at Springfield, he made one of his first ten shots.   Then during the fifteen shot sequence he made one more and then on his final shot, his shot went through the net and the place went wild with exuberance, cheering and hugs, by Killian.   It was very emotional for everyone in the gym.    That’s special and this writer was so proud to be part of it, as were all the Springfield members hosting the shoot.
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First and 2nd place winners at the Southern Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot held at Springfield High School on January 10.  Frt l to r; Keely green, Natalie Norcia, Jasmine Evans and Jordy Allembert.   Back l to r; Kathryn Moore, Nicole Norcia, Julianna Albero-Levings, Jamison Evans and Jack Lane.
 districs 003Here are the winners again with Killian Kervan of Bennington sharing a picture with his fellow competitors.
Frt L to r:  Natalie Norcia of Brattleboro, Jordy Allembert of Brattleboro, Killian Kervan of Bennington, Keely Greene and Jasmine Evans of Rutland.
Back row l to r; Julianna Albero-Levings of Springfield, Nicole Norcia of Brattleboro, Jamison Evans Rutland, Keely Greene of Bennington and Jack Lane of Bennington.