Barre Elks Lodge was notified of some Mothers and their children receiving support from Circle (formerly known as Battered Women’s Service and Shelter) that did not have any gifts from Santa for Christmas.  With a little help from Facebook, Barre Elks members and friends sprang into action.  Over $200 was collected and matched by the Lodge.  Additional presents were purchased by members and friends of Barre Lodge and on Monday December 22, bags of toys, clothes, boots, socks, bedding, art supplies, and sleds for the children and coats, boots, bedding and clothing for their Mothers were presented to Circle Shelter Coordinator Cindy Browning and Lucinda Brewer, Youth and Family Coordinator
Circle is is the non-profit organization in Washington County, Vermont that provides support and services to victims and survivors of intimate partner violence.  Circle provides a safe, confidential living place for women and children fleeing from abusive situations. Shelter staff offer emotional support, resources, and education about healthy relationships for residents while working with them to plan a future free from abuse.
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From L to R: Esquire Maureen Lawson, Circle Youth and Family Coordinator Lucinda Brewer, Circle Shelter Coordinator Cindy Browning, Tiler Rhonda Boyce, member Tracy Fecteau, member Cindy Wedding, Past State First Lady Terry Paine, DDGER North Chip Paine.
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From L to R:  Esquire Maureen Lawson, Circle Youth and Family Coordinator Lucinda Brewer, Circle Shelter Coordinator Cindy Browning, Tiler Rhonda Boyce, member Tracy Fecteau, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, member Cindy Wedding.

Santa makes his yearly visit to Barre Elks Lodge

Santa made his yearly visit to Barre Elks Lodge on Saturday December 13th to hand out gifts to boys and girls that were on his “nice” list and enjoy a hearty breakfast.  Santa and Mrs. Claus, members, guests and children were served a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, homefries, french toast sticks, coffee and juice.
Each child received a present and had their picture taken with Santa. Over fifty children and their families attended this yearly event.
Lauren Bylow poses with Santa
Tenley Storrs (3 weeks old), daughter of members Evan and Jessica Storrs peacefully sleeps in Santa’s arms.
Jacob Bylow poses with Santa before receiving his present.

Fruit baskets, blankets and grocery cards delivered to area Veterans

Members of Barre Elks Lodge, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790, Sons and the Barre Area Veteran’s Council gathered on Saturday December 20 to deliver fruit baskets, blanket and grocery cards to area Veterans. Over sixty Veterans were visited in area nursing homes, assisted living facilities or their home.  During the visit, each Veteran was given a Christmas gift of a fruit basket, blanket, or grocery card.  Each gift was accompanied by a Christmas card from the Barre Area Veteran’s Council and a thank you card made by the 3rd and 4th grade art class at Barre City Elementary and Middle School.

This yearly event is sponsored by Barre Elks Lodge, American Legion Post #10,Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790,  Sons of the Union Veterans Civil War and the Barre Area Veteran’s Council.  For more information about this event or if you know of a deserving veteran that is “shut-in” at home, please contact Stephen Weston, at 802-479-0497 or by e mail at
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From L to R: Barre Elks Lodge members Ron and Susan Tallman present a fruit basket to lifetime Elks member and Veteran Gary “Buzzy” Sawyer.  DDGER North Chip Paine on the right.
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From L to R: DDGER North Chip Paine, Esquire Maureen Lawson, longtime member and Veteran Francis Taft and Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni
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From L to R:  Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, WW II Veteran and life Member Rico Babic, DDGER North Chip Paine.  Rico will turn 100 on January 20th.
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WWII Veteran Rico Babic receives fruit basket.  Rico’s oldest son Donald and his wife Sharon were visiting.  Rico’s grand daughter, Lisa Babic, is a member of Barre Lodge.  From L to R:  Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, Donald Babic, WW II Veteran and life Member Rico Babic, Sharon Babic and DDGER North Chip Paine.

2014 Elks Children’s Christmas Party at St. Albans Lodge #1566

On Sunday, December 14, 2014, Santa took time out of his busy schedule to stop by our Lodge to visit the 44 Children and Grandchildren of our Elks members.

A good time was had by all!!

Thank you to all Santa’s helpers (Kim & Nicole Bourbeau, Sandy Bracey, Tina & Emma Mazuzan).

A very special Thank you to our “Secret” Santa for supplying our lodge with the wonderful toys the children received.


Santa and kids

St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 holds annual Hoop Shoot Contest

 On December 6, 2014 the St. Albans Elks held their annual Hoop Shoot Contest at the BFA St. Albans High School.  The following 1st place winners will now go on to the District contest January 10th at Newport where they will be  competing against winners from Burlington, Newport  and St. Johnsbury.  The 6 winners from that contest then go on to the State contest in Barre, Vt on the January 24, 2015.
8/9 Girls – Rylan Staley from St. Albans City, 10/11 Girls – Alexandra Brouillette from Highgate, 11/13 Girls – Leah Larrivee from St. Albans Town.
8/9 Boys – Devyn Gleason from Enosburg, 10/11 Boys – Collin Jolley from St. Albans City, 12/13 Boys – Logan Piazza from Fairfield.
Pictured with all the players are Marry Brouillette, St. Albans Hoop Shoot Chairwoman and Mark W. Hojaboom, St. Elbans Elks Lodge ER
Missing is picture of 8/9 Girls 
8/9 Girls:  1st  Rylea Staley – St. Albans City, 2nd Molly Medor  – Highgate, 3rd Lindsey Labelle  – Fairfield
10 to 11 girls
10/11 girls: l-r  1st Alexandra Brouillette – Highgate, 2nd Katie Cushing – Fairfield, 3rd Laci Cain St. Albans City
12 to 13 girls
12/13 girls: l-r   3rd Miya Hatch – Berkshire, 2nd Leah Branon – Fairfield, 1st Leah Larivee – St. Albans Town
8 to 9 boys A
 8/9 boys: l-r  1st Devyn Gleason – Enosburg, 2nd Ethan White – City of St. Albans, 3rd Anthony Matas – St. Albans Town
10 to 11 boys
10/11 boys: l-r  1st Colin Jolley – City of St, Albans, 2nd Ethan Legault – Berkshire, 3rd Nathaniel Robtoy – Enosburg
12 to 13 boys
 12/13 boys: l-r  1st Logan Piazza – Fairfield, 2nd Logan Tobin – City of St. Albans, 3rd Patrick Walker

Newport Elks Lodge # 2155 Local Hoop Shoot winners from Dec. 6, 2014

Newport Elks Lodge # 2155 held a Local Hoop Shoot contest Dec. 6, 2014 at NCUHS.  The 6 first place winners from each age group will now go on to the District contest January 10th at the NCUHS and they will be  competing against winners from Burlington, St. Albans  and St. Johnsbury.  The 6 winners from that contest then go on to the State contest in Barre, Vt on the January 24, 2015
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8-9 year old winners.. Left to right:  Boys – Logan Poirier  third place,  Carlos Martinez  second place, Graydon McCormick first place; Girls –  Madison Bowman  first place, Hailey Delabruere, second place and Julie Tanguay third place. Back row: Tom Maloney  ER Newport # 2155 and Steve Edgerley Local Hoop Shoot chair
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10-11 year old winners.. Left to right: Boys – Robert Bowman  third place, Jorden Driver, second place, Caleb Syayg, first place: Girls –  Tia Marie Martinez, first place, Destiny Sorrell, second place and Kaylee Emerson, third place, Back row: Tom Maloney  ER Newport Lodge # 2155 and Steve Edgerley , local lodge chairman
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12-13 year old winners  Left to Right: Girls – Erika Tuller, third place, Ebony Cota, second place, Robin Nelson, first place: Boys –  David Gratton, first place, Logan Richardson, second place, Ryan Young, third place.  Back row:  Tom Maloney , ER Newport Lodge # 2155 and Steve Edgerley  Local lodge chairman
All photos by Steve Edgerley

Barre Elks Lodge in conjunction with Montpelier Elks Lodge recently held a benefit Calcutta

Barre Elks Lodge in conjunction with Montpelier Elks Lodge recently held a benefit Calcutta to assist Wil Hallstrom in completing his Eagle Scout project and obtaining his Eagle rank before his 18th birthday.  Wil has been working diligently to replace the current WWII memorial in Northfield Falls with a 4 x 10 foot granite monument.
The Calcutta raised $2,825.  This money will be used to purchase the granite slab from Rock of Ages and have all names etched by B & B Memorials.
Congratulations to Wil for taking on such an important community project and allowing both Barre and Montpelier Elks Lodges to play a small part in the project.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristin Calcagni
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From L to R:  Tammi Holden, Stacy Holden, Wil Hallstrom, Laura Ranker, Herb Carelton, Nathan Ranker, Herbie Carelton, Evan Hallstrom, Joe Hatch, Beverlee Hutchins, Tim Hutchins

House Chambers, Vermont State Capital, Montpelier Vermont

December 2nd, 2014
Location.  House Chambers, Vermont State Capital, Montpelier Vermont
Depicted:  Sgt. Eric Albright, Vt. State Police, 2014 National Enrique Camarena award recipient.  Henry Farnum, PER,  Drug Awareness Chariman, Brattleboro (VT) Lodge # 1499.  Camarena Winners Trophy, & Camarena Bronze Bust.
Purpose:  24th, Annual Red Ribbon Holiday Tree Dedication ceremony, conducted in the House of Representatives Chambers of Vt. State Capital.
On Dec. 2nd 2014 Sgt. Eric Albright, Vt State Police, the 2014 recipient of the Elks National Camarena award (depicted), and Henry Farnum, Lodge Drug Awareness Chairman, Brattleboro, VT Lodge #1499 were invited to speak at the State of Vt. Capital honoring the 24th, annual Red Ribbon Tree dedication.
Red Ribbon Ceremony

Barre Elks Lodge holds it’s 2014 Glitz & Glam Gala

Barre Elks Lodge recently held it’s 2014 Glitz & Glam Gala.  The Gala offered more than 250 women in our community the opportunity to attend a glamorous event while supporting local charities.  Over 150 local and national businesses and individuals donated items or services for the events Silent Auction.  This years Silent Auction raised $5000.  Proceeds raised will benefit Vermont Elks Charities and local charities in the Central Vermont Community.
Beltrami & Co. Photography photographed the ladies red carpet style. Entertainment was provided by RPM Entertainment.  Do or Dye Salon painted nails for the attendees, Rebecca Hislop provided shoulder massages and Lookin Laugh Photo Booth provided ladies with fun photos to take home.
Last years inaugural event raised over $3000.  This money was donated to Silver Towers Camp for Exceptional People, Project Independence, Central Vermont Humane Society, the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Barre Youth Sports Field Hockey program, Circle Shelter for Battered Women, Red Cross blood drives and monthly Senior Citizens dinners held at the Lodge.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristin Calcagni
 Event planning committee.  Standing from L to R:  Kristin Calcagni, Maureen Lawson, Terry Paine, Rhonda Boyce, Kathy Lessard.  Seated from L to R:  Michele Campo and Donna Bartolucci.  Missing from photo:  Sandra Calcagni
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For the past nine years, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 has been giving all third graders in Springfield’s elementary schools the Elks Dictionary.   Michael Tennis, Youth Chairman for the Elks presented (91) dictionaries to Union Street School recently.   Over the nine year period they have given out 826 dictionaries.
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With their classmates behind them, l to r with their dictionaries are Molly Tennis, Taylor Claflin, Luke Dockum, Camdyn Curtis and Michael Tennis, Elks Chairman