The Enrique Camarena Bust was presented to Brattleboro lodge.

The Enrique Camarena Bust was presented to Brattleboro lodge because the National winner was Trooper Eric Albright from Brattleboro, Vt. The bust is given to the lodge to keep and to pass around to different places in Brattleboro.  National Directors Kent Gade, Bill Bryan and Joe Gunta were present to present the award to Brattleboro lodge.

BACKGROUND: The Elks’ Enrique Camarena Award was established to recognize law enforcement officers
who have made a significant contribution in drug prevention and who personify Drug
Enforcement Agent Camarena’s belief that one person can make a difference.
Camarena was slain in 1985 by a Mexican drug cartel while investigating drug trafficking into
the United States. His death precipitated the Red Ribbon Campaign that we celebrate each
October. The Camarena family and friends started the campaign. However it also serves as a
reminder about the dangers of substance abuse.

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left to right: Kent Gade, National Drug Awareness director, Eric Albright, Vt recipient of Camarena award, Henry Farnam Brattleboro drug awareness chair, Tim Johnson, Brattleboro ER, Bill Bryan, National Drug Awareness Director, Joe Gunta, National Drug Awareness Director and Steve Edgerley, VT Drug Awareness Chairman


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left to right: Kent Gade, National Drug Awareness Director, Jim Baker, retired Vermont State Police Col., Col Lesperance from VT. State Police, Joe Gunta, National Drug Awareness Director, Eric Albright, Vt reciepient of Camarena award, Joanne Albright, Tim Johnson, ER Brattleboro, Grand Exalted Ruler John Amen, David Carr, PGER, State Sponser,    Back row   Henry FArnam, Bill Bryan and Steve Edgerley, VT Drug Awareness Chairman

Newport VT Elks Lodge #2155 holds local Soccer Shoot

Newport, Vt Elks Lodge #2155 Soccer Shoot 2014 held at NCUJHS on Saturday September 6, 2014. We had a great turnout.

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Here are the winners:Bottom row left to right-U 10 Girls 1st Cora Nadeau, U 8 Girls 1st Lily Willis, U 8 Girls 2nd Greta Nolan, U 8 Boys 2nd Caleb Grenier, U 8 Boys 1st Garrett Bianchi, U 10 Boys 1st Griffin Marquis. Middle row-U 12 Boys 1st Owen Fournier, U 10 Boys 2nd Brady Blake, U 10 Girls 2nd Shania Laplant, U 12 Girls 1st Olive Beauchsne, U 12 Girls 2nd Mckenna Marquis. Bach row-Exalted Ruler Thomas Maloney, U 14 Boys 1st Cohen Bryant, U 14 Boys 2nd Parker Jones, U 14 Girls 1st Maddie Jones and soccer shoot chairperson Marcel Poulin, Jr. (missing from photo Emily Willis U 14 2nd)


Elks lodges throughout the State of Vermont are currently having their annual Soccer shoots. The Boys and Girls winners from the various age groups at these local shoots will then proceed to the State level competition in October which will be held at the Collins-Perley complex located in St. Albans.
When: October 19, 2014
Time:  11 am
Following the competition there will be an awards ceremony held at the St. Albans Elks Lodge.
Family and friends are invited to watch the great competition.

Barre Elks Lodge recently visited Project Independence

Members and friends of Barre Elks Lodge recently visited Project Independence and presented them with a check for $450 to purchase a seated chair scale for their participants.
Project Independence is Vermont’s oldest Adult Day service for frail elders and young adults with disabilities.  Their mission is to provide adults an opportunity to get out of the house, receive both mental and social stimulation and give caregivers a much needed break in which to attend to personal needs or simply rest and relax.
Each participant is given a health assessment at the time of admission. The Center’s nurses work with the individuals, their families and physicians to develop a nursing care plan tailored to each person’s diet, exercise, activity, medication and therapy needs.
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From L to R:  Lodge member Raegan Pembroke, PI Executive Director Dee Rollins, Teresa Paine, PI LNA Tammy Mattote, Participant Ralph Dell, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Lodge member Mary Whalen, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni
PI donation
Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, PI Executive Director Dee Rollins, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, Lodge member Raegan Pembroke, Teresa Paine and Lodge member Mary Whalen

SILVER TOWERS CAMP – Ripton, Vermont

Members and friends of Barre Elks Lodge traveled to Silver Towers Camp in Ripton, Vermont to participate in the annual Silver Towers Walk-a-thon.  The walk-a-thon is held yearly on the first Sunday in August and is a major fundraiser for Silver Towers Camp.
All thirteen Vermont Elks Lodges participated in the three mile walk.  After the walk, campers performed songs, thanked Elks members and everyone enjoyed a barbecue lunch.

Silver Towers Camp is supported by Vermont Elks Charities, Inc, Vermont Elks Charities Endowment Trust Fund, Inc as well as the 13 Elks Lodges across the state of Vermont.  Silver Towers Camp provides an overnight camping experience to people with various disabilities from 6 – 75 years old.  It’s primary focus is to develop the talents of campers in an atmosphere of caring, sharing and challenge while respecting each person’s worth.

Barre Lodge sponsored Barre resident, Renee Houle, to attend Silver Towers Camp.  With the sponsorship, Renee was able to attend for two weeks and was “very excited to see my friends from last year.”
If you or someone you know is interested in attending Silver Towers Camp please get in touch with Barre Elks Lodge via our Camp Committee representative Stacy Holden at or by calling the Lodge at 479-9522.
Silver Towers walk a thon
Back row L to R:  Tiler Rhonda Boyce, John Cutler PER, PDD, Betty Cutler, PER, PDD, Chip Paine DDGER North, Teresa Paine, Stacy Holden, PER, Camp Committee representative, Tammi Holden, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Second Vice President Vermont Elks Association Robert Campo, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni
Front row L to R:  Campers Renee Houle and Kristina LaRose

Barre Lodge makes use of a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 was the recipient of a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation.  Beacon Grants offer Lodges the opportunity to develop an ongoing, charitable, Elks-led community project.
Barre Lodge chose to work with the Veterans’ Place in Northfield to help meet and fulfill the needs of the Veterans it serves.  The Veterans’ Place is a transitional housing facility combined with assistive services for Homeless Veterans in Central Vermont. Their goal is to help Homeless Veterans transition from the homeless population. The purpose of the Veterans’ Place is to help Vermont’s Homeless Veterans by providing desperately needed resources in an all-in-one locale so these Veterans may regain their PRIDE, reach their full potential, and once again become contributing members of society.
Lodge members purchased essential items needed by Veterans transitioning from the Veterans’ Place into their own apartment.  Sheets, pillows, pillowcases, hangers, bath mats, toiletries, towels, extension cords, glasses, cleaning supplies and many other items were packaged into “welcome home” kits.  Each Veteran transitioning from the Veterans’ Place will be able to use items from their kit to set up their new home.
Back row:  Residents/Veterans Bob Shaw, Alan Peterson, Tony Dragon.  Front Row:  Resident/Veteran Rich Burbank, Barre Elks Lodge PR Chair Kristin Calcagni, DDGER North Granville “Chip” Paine and Resident/Veteran Thomas Quintin.
 Barre Elks Lodge members Cindy Wedding and Mary Whalen organize the “Welcome Home” kits.
 Barre Elks Lodge member Cindy Wedding adds an American Flag to a “Welcome Home” kit.
 Barre Elks Lodge members with “Welcome Home” kits for Veterans of the Veteran’s Place in Northfield, VT.  From L to R:  PR Chair Kristin Calcagni, Alyson Codling, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Ike Chase, Mary Whalen and Paul Gagne.

News from the 2014 Elks National Convention in New Orleans

The following pictures were taken at the recent Elks National Convention held in New Orleans,  Louisiana.

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Bill Bryan, who is retiring from the Drug Awareness chair, is giving the Drug Awareness report at the convention.  Bill is from the Bennington Lodge #567.



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 Eric Albright, a State Trooper from Brattleboro,  receives the Enrique Camarena award. The Brattleboro Lodge # 1499 will receive the Bust of Camarena at the Grands visit to Windsor in September.


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Left to right:  Steve Edgerley Vermont Elks Association Drug Awareness Chair, Carl Colburn Vermont Elks Association President, Eric Albright a State Trouper from Brattleboro receiving the Enrique Camarena award, and Bill Bryan, Director Elks National Drug  Awareness.


Barre Elks Lodge #1535 was the recipient of a $2000 Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation. Gratitude Grants offer an opportunity for Elks to think about how best to serve their community and make it stronger. Gratitude Grants are the ENF’s way of saying thank you to every Lodge that meets the National President’s per-member goal for giving to the ENF.
The Lodge held a food drive during the months of March and April to collect non-perishable food items and toiletries to donate to the Vermont Foodbank.  The food drive was such a success that it will be continuous throughout the year.
In addition to the food drive, Barre Lodge also made a $2000 donation to the Vermont Foodbank.  Ninety-two cents of every dollar donation made goes directly to programs.  A $1 donation can provide 3 meals to Vermonters in need.  
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L to R:  Secretary Betty Cutler, Vermont Food Bank Representative Patrick Gilbert, Chairman of Trustees Brian McAvoy, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, PER Granville “Chip” Paine and Vermont Foodbank Director of Food Resources Tom Abbiati

St. Albans Lodge #1566 serves up lunch for the unified Special Olympics Bocce games

The St.  Albans Elks Lodge, working with the Special Olympics of Vermont provided a BBQ lunch for the competitors and guests at the Special Olympics Unified Sports Bocce competition held at the BFA St. Albans Collins Perley complex on May 22, 2014.

The Special Olympics Unified Sports® brings together athletes with and without intellectual disabilities to train and compete on the same team.  By pairing peers with and without disabilities on the same team, students are given the opportunity to build more inclusive schools.  Unified Sports promotes equality on and off the field.  The motto for Unified Sports is “On the field we’re teammates and off the field we’re friends”.

Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, Hot dogs, chips, sodas, juice and milk was available along with all the trimmings expected of a BBQ. Desert consisted of Strawberry and Chocolate Ice Cream.  Seconds were welcomed!   Over 500 people were served.

The St. Albans Elks volunteers were honored to be able to provide a good time for the competitors and guests.

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Members of American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790, Barre Elks Lodge #1535 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #792 participated in Barre Town Elementary and Middle School’s Memorial Day program.
barre town school
Pictured L to R: Adam Boyle, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #792 – Ron Tallman, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790, Barre Elks Lodge #1535 – Malcolm Macaskill, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 – Rick Bolduc, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 – Granville “Chip” Paine, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790, Barre Elks Lodge #1535 – Mike McCorkel, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #1892