Barre Elks Lodge #1535 hosts Annual Recognition Ceremony and Dinner

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 hosted the Annual Recognition Ceremony and Dinner of the Granite Center Chapter of the National Honor Society. Twenty four students from Spaulding High School Class of 2014 were inducted into the Granite Center Chapter.
The keynote address was given by Ms. Jody Emerson.  The National Honor Society ideals of Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service were read by Nicky Johns, Rachel Ornitz, Janki Patel, Kacey Cressey and Amanda Ford.
National Honor Society Members – SHS Class of 2014
Sam Biondolillo, Co-Treasurer
Kacie Cressey, Co-Treasurer
Amanda Ford, Secretary
Chelsea Graves
Brandon Garbacik
Mariah Harding
Nick Hebert
Nicky Johns, Vice President
Tiffany Joslin
Samantha Keene
Justin LaPerle
Paul Lenahan
Jaime Marsh
Rachel Ornitz, Co-President
Anna Paterson
Janki Patel, Co-President
Christy Pelloni
Rebecca Rouleau
Jeff Roy
Jordan Scoville
Kailey Stevens
Cheyenne Tardi
Kali Webster
Nikki Woodcock
SHS NHS 2014 Group
Photo:  Spaulding High School inductees.  Photo provided by Mark Ouimet.


Hoop Shoot Vermont Proclamation

David Gratton  a 10-11 year old from Derby Vermont was presented a proclamation from the State of Vermont for his achievement in the Elks Hoop Shoot.  David won his local, district, State, and Regional contest and then he went on to compete in the National Contest in April in Springfield, Mass.  State Representative Mike Marcotte was instrumental in getting a proclamation for David and Jacob Cady from St. Johnsbury area who also went on to compete at the National Level.  Jacob was presented his at the State House but David was unable to attend so his was presented to him at Elks Lodge # 2155 by Representative Marcotte and Senator Robert Starr.  It was presented at a lodge meeting with Mr. Marcotte reading the proclamation before presenting it to David.      See the Proclamation here:  Proclamation for David and Jacob_0001
Rangeley Maine and Hoop Shoot Proclamation 071 (2)
In picture from left to right:  Steve Edgerley, State Hoop Shoot Director, Richard Gratton, David’s father, David Gratton, Representative Mike Marcotte and Senator Robert Starr.
Picture provided by Steve Edgerley

St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 uses Grant funds for local Garden

The St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 will partner with Northwestern Medical Center (NMC) and Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) and our local food shelf, to expand affordable access to fresh, healthy and locally grown produce. Citizens of all ages and economic circumstances will experience the benefits of community, while becoming healthier through improved diets, exercise, education and positive social interactions. This garden will have exposure through the Hospital’s community newsletter Insight, which is distributed 6 times annually and The Headliner, a monthly publication of hospital staff and volunteers. This project will also be promoted through coverage in local media outlets and recognition on the Gardening Shed, located at the garden site.

This project will establish 14 new raised beds for hospital patients, visitors, community members and local citizens who benefit from the food shelf. Specific efforts will be made to include Hawk’s Nest, a residential retirement community of 100 senor residents, adjacent to the garden. Additionally, Northwestern Counseling and Support Services utilize the Garden for client support groups and programming to encourage wellness and community.  As described above, our lodge will have coverage in local media outlets, Northwestern Medical Center publications as well as publications from our local food shelf. This will be collaborative effort by all parties and we are looking forward to working with these agencies to provide a much needed resource in our community.

Thanks go to St. Albans Elks National Foundation Chairperson, Kimberly Bourbeau for her efforts in obtaining this grant.

Barre Elks Club donates to Silver Towers

At the Vermont State Convention held at Jay Peak, Barre Elks Lodge presented Silver Towers Camp Director Carolyn Ravenna and Vermont Elks Association President Keith Palmer with a check for $1000 to benefit the state major project Silver Towers Camp.
Silver Towers Camp is an overnight camp for people with mental and physical challenges ages 7 to 70.  It is among the first of its kind in the United States, and still remains one of the very few.
The funds were raised at the “Glitz and Glam Gala” held at the Lodge in November.  The Glitz and Glam Gala featured a silent auction with all proceeds supporting local and Elks charities.  This is one of many donations made with the $3000 proceeds.  The Glitz and Glam Gala will be held onFriday November 21, 2014.
Photo:  From L to R:  Silver Towers Camp Director Carolyn Ravenna, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, Vermont Elks Association President Keith Palmer, volunteer Terry Paine, volunteer Michele Campo, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci and Tiler Rhonda Boyce.

Barre Lodge recently hosted DREWSTRONG

Barre Lodge recently hosted DREWSTRONG, a dinner, dance and silent auction to benefit Drew Bernier, 5 year old son of new member Marie and Josh Bernier.

Up until February, Drew was a very healthy, happy and active five year old boy. It started with a rash on Drew’s body that Marie and Josh wanted to get checked out before they brought his new baby sister Sophia home.  After countless tests, a cytogenetic test revealed that Drew was missing one of his number 7 chromosomes.  Because of this, Drew was at a very high, predisposed risk of developing Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a fast spreading leukemia which is rarely found in children.   He needed to have a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible so he did not get full-fledged leukemia.

Drew and his family headed to Boston Children’s Hospital in April and Drew started chemotherapy to kill his current immune system and bone marrow.  Thanks to a very generous bone marrow donor, Drew received his bone marrow transplant on May 8th.  Drew will have to stay in the hospital for 4 to 6 weeks post-transplant to make sure his body does not reject his new bone marrow.  After this, the entire Bernier family will stay at the Ronald McDonald house and go to daily doctor appointments for 4 to 6 weeks.  If all of this goes as planned, the Bernier’s will then be able to come back to Vermont.  For 6 to 9 months following, only family members can have contact with Drew.

DREWSTRONG raised over $17,000 to help ease the financial burdens  associated with loss of Marie and Josh’s income, insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays, transportation to and from Boston, lodging, post-transplant follow up care, and prescriptions.  Cash donations can be sent to Granite Hills Credit Union, Attention: Drew Bernier Fund.
Special thanks to Wendy Gillander for soliciting all of the food donations from area businesses, Kasey Miller for donating his DJ services, Jared Hart for emceeing the event, Tracey Wright for organizing the silent auction items and countless others who made this event such a success.  Barre Elks are proud to be a small part of such an amazing, thoughtful, generous and fun community.
Photo:  Drew Bernier holding his DREWSTRONG poster signed by all of the guests at the DREWSTRONG event.


Camper Nick Zecchinelli presents a plaque commemorating his great grandfather Albert Galfetti’s fundraising efforts back in the 1970’s.  In his retirement, Barre Fire Chief Galfetti used to volunteer his time and collect the pennies for gum ball machines benefiting Silver Towers Camp.  Little did he realize that his great grandson Nick would someday attend Silver Towers Camp.  Silver Towers Camp for people with disabilities is the Vermont Elks Association major project.  It is supported by Vermont Elks Charities, Inc, Vermont Elks Charities Endowment Trust Fund Inc and the thirteen Elks Lodges across the state of Vermont.
Pictured L to R:  Silver Towers Camp Director Carolyn Ravenna, Nick Zecchinelli (camper and son of member Brian Zecchinelli) and Nick’s mom Karen Zecchinelli.


Newport Vt Elks Lodge #2155 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant

Newport Elks Lodge #2155 received a gratitude grant (granted by the Elks National Foundation for meeting our per capita of $4.60 per member) for $2000.00 from the Elks National Foundation.  The money was divided equally between the Newport Cal Ripken League and the Area Agency on Aging-Meals on Wheels Program for Orleans County.
The Cal Ripken League will buy new equipment and uniforms for the youth of the League.
The Meals on Wheels program will be provided with much needed funds as the government only pays 39% of the program the rest is paid for by the Towns and donations.

cal ripken donation 2

Cal Ripton:  
back row left to right-Thomas Maloney, Exalted Ruler, Philip Laramie of the Cal Ripken League and some of the members of the team..
meals on wheels donation 1
Meals on Wheels:
left to right-Left to right Frances Dewing – Meals on Wheels volunteer driver, Thomas Maloney – Exalted Ruler and Jenny Patoine – Nutrition Specialist Area Agency on Aging

2013-2014 Vt Elks Association ” Essay Contest” Down with Drugs Up with Awareness


Sixth grade Essay winner Kayana Larose of Newport Center. a student at Newport Center Elementary School, receives her gifts.
drug awareness photos 004
Pictured with her new bike and helmet;
Tom Maloney, Newport Elks # 2155 Drug Awareness chair and Exalted Ruler; Kayana Larose; Linda Goldeski, Principle of Newport Center Elementary school; Steve Edgerly, Vt State Drug Awareness Chair.

Newport VT Elks Lodge #2155 – Awards

Fiscal year end Awards were presented to members who did outstanding work for the 4-1-13/3-31-14 fiscal year.   Ronald Wright was presented with the Elk of the Year award for all the work he has done for the Lodge this last year which included the new floor that was installed at the Lodge.   Anna Sanville was awarded the Officer of the Year award for all her fundraising efforts for the Lodge which included the 200 club and yard sales throughout the year.  Tom Bailey was chosen a Citizen of the Year.  He was instrumental in the fundraising for the renovation project for the Lodge, which included the new floor. Other awards were recruitment awards from the Grand Exalted Ruler given to a member who has brought in at least 3 new or reinstated members.   A pin and a letter from the Grand Exalted Ruler were presented to them.   Congratulations to all who received awards!

elk -officer 2014


Left to right- Ronald Wright-Elk of The Year, Manon Perrault Past Exalted Ruler who presented the awards and Anna Sanville Officer of the Year, missing from photo Tom Bailey-Citizen of the Year



recruiting awards


RECRUITING AWARDS – left to right: Marcel Poulin, Jr., Julia Norton, Sally Loboda and Manon Perrault


The Vermont Elks Association Scholarship Committee met at Barre Lodge #1535 on Sunday, January 19, 2014 to judge the 50 “Most Valuable Student” brochures received.  I would like to thank all 8 of the Elk members that traveled to Barre during inclement weather from the various lodges to judge the scholarships and for their support of this worthwhile project.

The Vermont “Most Valuable Student” winners and their sponsoring Lodges were Kristen Switzer, Rutland Lodge, Bhumika Patel, Bennington Lodge, Brett Elliot, St. Johnsbury Lodge and Taylor Marquis, St. Albans Lodge.  Their brochures have been forwarded to the Elks National Foundation Judging Committee for evaluation at the national level where they will be awarded at least $4,000.00 over four years.  Vermont’s quota to the Elks National Foundation is four students, two boys and two girls.

From the remaining brochures, we selected the highest score from each of the participating 11 Lodges and awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship to each for one year.  After that was completed, money for six more awards was available, and the committee selected the next highest scores for these supplemental awards.  A total of $17,000.00 was awarded again this year. We were also very pleased to have 4 applications for the Roger S. Sheridan scholarship. This year’s winner was Christopher P. McAuliffe from Brattleboro Lodge.

Thank you to each of the Lodge Scholarship Chairpersons for their participation this year.  Your efforts are what make this program a success.

Thank you to Barre Lodge for the use of the facility and for the coffee and donuts.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert J. Campo
State Scholarship Chairman