Thanks MP&D for our Website

A special shout out to the Messenger Print & Design folks for our Vermont Elks Association Website!    They were great to work with during the development of the site and have been very supportive during it’s launch.   There has been a lot of positive feedback about the “look, feel and function” of the site.    Thanks MP&D!

Check out the free announcement they have placed in the local St. Albans Messenger.

Download:  Elks Announcement  (PDF)

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 – Elks Care – Elks Share

ELKS CARE – ELKS SHARE:  On Thursday December 19 2014, Barre Elks Lodge was notified of some children receiving support from Circle (formerly known as Battered Women’s Service and Shelter) that did not have any gifts from Santa for Christmas. With a little help from Facebook, Barre Elks members sprang into action. Over $100 was collected at the Lodge that night, presents were purchased by members and on Sunday December 22, bags of toys, socks, art supplies, and sleds for the children and gift baskets for their Mothers were presented to Circle Director Cindy Browning.

Circle is the non-profit organization in Washington County, Vermont that provides support and services to victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. Circle provides a safe, confidential living place for women and children fleeing from abusive situations. Shelter staff offer emotional support, resources, and education about healthy relationships for residents while working with them to plan a future free from abuse.

Barre Elks Lodge is looking forward to working with Circle in the future to address their needs of gas and grocery cards.

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Barre Elks Lodge #1535 – Hoop Shoot

Barre Elks Lodge #1535  held their annual Hoop Shoot at Barre City Elementary & Middle School on Sunday December 8, 2013.

Exalted Ruler Terri Ford ran the event with the assistance of many Elks members.   The following participants are advancing to the regional competition. Danica Codling, Emmett McMahon, Pacie McGrath, Riley Severy, Cole Dezan, Zachory Lemieux, Ronald Johnson.

hoop shoot

National Convention Application 2014

Happy New Year to all.

Attached is the application for the 2014 National Convention in New Orleans, LA.  Paper copies are being mailed out today to sponsors, directors and lodge secretaries.  If you can, please post this application on your State’s website.

We are expecting to have a large contingency from New England this year and ask that you urge your participants to send in their applications as quickly as possible.

Buddy and I look forward to seeing you all in New Orleans.


Word document:  application2014

PDF document:   convention application2014

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 – Veterans

Members of Barre Elks Lodge, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 and the Barre Area Veteran’s Council gathered on Saturday December 21 to deliver fruit baskets, quilts and grocery cards to area Veterans. Over sixty Veterans were visited in area nursing homes, assisted living facilities or their home.  During the visit, the Veteran was given a Christmas gift of a fruit basket, quilt or grocery card.  Each gift was accompanied by a Christmas card from each of the organizations.

This yearly event is sponsored by Barre Elks Lodge, American Legion Post #10, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #790 and the Barre Area Veteran’s Council.  For more information about this event or if you know of a deserving veteran that is “shut-in” at home, please contact American Legion Post #10 Chaplain, Stephen Weston, at 802-479-0497 or by email at

From L to R:  Granville Paine, Stephen Weston, Kristin Calcagni, Steve Gilman, Ann Marie Bolton, Maria McKnight, Melvin McKnight and Leonard Normandeau

From L to R: Granville Paine, Stephen Weston, Kristin Calcagni, Steve Gilman, Ann Marie Bolton, Maria McKnight, Melvin McKnight and Leonard Normandeau


St. Albans Lodge #1566 – Christmas Party 2013

On Sunday, December 15, 2013, Santa made a visit to our Lodge to visit with the Children and Grandchildren of Elks members.  While the children were busy doing crafts, Santa made his rounds checking to see who was naughty and nice.  After much observations and conversations, he decided that all 52 children were nice and handed out presents and candy canes with the assistance his helper Nicole Bourbeau and photographer Sandy Bracey.  Thank you to Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit us and thank you to Nicole Bourbeau and Sandy Bracey for making this year another successful visit from Santa.

Submitted by: Kim Bourbeau

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St. Albans Lodge #1566 – Memorial Service

A MEMORIAL SERVICE was held on December 1st at the St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 with approximately 45 people in attendance to honor our past members:

   Member              Date of Death      No. Years

Alan H. Winters                02/26/13                    46

Henry Reynolds               02/25/13                      16

Gerald C. Bachand          04/23/13                     24

Donald R. Wright            05/09/13                        7

Ray Levesque                   05/24/13                     27

Maurice Rocheleau       07/19/13                      12

William Skelton              07/29/13                      11

Ivan Charbonneau         08/11/13                      17

Edgar J. Royer                08/15/13                      58

Thank you Guests and Officers for making this a Memorable Ceremony.


Barre Lodge #1535 – Christmas Party 2013

Santa made his yearly visit to Barre Elks Lodge on Saturday December 14th to hand out gifts to boys and girls that were on his “nice” list and enjoy a hearty breakfast.  Santa and Mrs. Claus, members, guests and children were served a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, homefries, french toast sticks, coffee and juice.
Each child received a present from Santa.  Families were photographed with Santa and in front of the Elks Christmas tree. Over fifty children and their families attended this yearly event.
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St. Albans Elks #1566 – Hoop Shoot 2013

News from St. Albans Lodge #1566 

St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 held their annual Hoop Shoot at the BFA St. Albans Gym on Saturday December 7, 2013.

Elk member Mary Brouillette ran the event and reported that we had 45 students representing schools throughout the area competing in the event. A great turnout of parents, friends and volunteers made for a great afternoon.

The competition was very good with a couple of age groups having to shoot additional hoops in order to break ties.

A special thanks to the BFA JV Comets Girls Basketball team for helping us out.


Congratulations to all the first place winners!!! They now move on to the State competition to be held on 1/25/2014 at Spaulding HS in Barre. l-r: 12/13 Boys Hunter Choiniere, Enosburg; 8/9 Girls Alexandra Brouillette, Swanton;12/13 Girls Leah Larivee, St. Albans Town; 10/11 Girls Kahe Cushing, Fairfield; 8/9 Boys Devyn Gleason, Enosburg; 10/11 Boys Logan Piazza, Fairfield

Download  St. Albans Hoop Shoot 2013 (PDF)