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Elks News
Springfield Elks #1560 – Hoop Shoot 2013

front l to r; Sam Presch, Dylan McCarthy, Joseph Lake, Ariana Cioffi, Abigayle Farmer and Jessica Cerniglia. Back, Springfield Elks’ Exalted Ruler Scott Patterson, Ashley Quelch, Colby Downing, Ryan Kirker, Dakota Bushey, Lizzy Parker and Victor Baskevich, Springfield Elks’ Hoop Shoot Chairman. Missing from picture was Hailey Perham.
Hoop Shoot chairman, Victor Baskevich reported that there were 36 kids competing, 18 boys and 18 girls with twelve trophies being awarded to first and second place finishers. The first place winners were, Girls 8-9 Ariana Cioffi, boys Dylan McCarthy. Second place went to Abi Farmer and Sam Presch. In the 10-11 year old group, first place went to, Jessica Cerniglia for girls and Joseph Lake. Second place for girls was Hailey Perham and Ryan Kirker for the boys. In the 12-13 age group, first place went to Ashley Quelch for girls and Dakota Bushey for the boys. Second place was Lizzy Parker for girls and Colby Downing for the boys.
All first place winners will now compete in the Vt. Elks Southern District’s right here in Springfield on January 11, 2014 at Springfield High School starting at 10 AM. If a first place winner cannot attend the districts for some reason, the second place winner would take their place. The public is always invited to these events if one likes to watch good competition put on by the Elks.
Springfield Elks donate dictionaries to Union St. School Third Graders
For the eighth year in a row, Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 recently presented 83 third grade students at Union St. School with Elks Dictionaries.
Over this time period, the Springfield Elks have given approximately eight hundred of these books for the students to keep for their very own.
Back to School with Elks National Foundation Scholarships
Chicago, Ill – The cost of education continues to rise. For many students entering college, this means getting a job to help pay for school. For others, higher costs mean sacrificing their dream school. Thanks to their Elks National Foundation scholarships, 500 freshmen started college this fall with fewer financial worries. Through the 2014 Most Valuable Student scholarship contest, 500 current high school seniors will be able to start college next year with less stress, too.
This year, the Elks National Foundation is investing in our nation’s future by awarding $3.74 million in college scholarships. We’ve invested wisely. MVS scholars-all of whom demonstrate scholarship, leadership and financial need-are graduating from college at a rate of 90 percent, nearly 40 percent higher than the national average.
Through the contest, the ENF will award 20 top scholarships ranging from $20,000 to $50,000. The remaining 480 runners-up will receive $4,000 scholarships.
“I am moved not only by the Elks’ extraordinary vision and generosity, but also by the strong sense of community and commitment to service,” says 2013 top scholarship winner Grace Young, who is attending
Harvard University this fall. “I am honored to be a part of the Elks family.”
The MVS scholarship is available to all high school seniors who are United States citizens. Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks. Males and females compete separately, and are judged on
scholarship, leadership and financial need. Completed applications must be turned into the applicant’s nearest Elks Lodge no later than December 6, 2013. The 500 national winners will be announced in late April2014, after the top 20 finalists participate in a Leadership Weekend in Chicago.
Applications for the 2014 contest are available on the Elks National Foundation’s website. For complete Most Valuable Student scholarship contest details including the application, and to learn more about how the Elks are investing in your community, visit
Drug Awarness Poster Contents Winners – 2012-2013
Congratulations to all the winners of the 2012-2013 Vermont Elks Drug Awarness Poster Contents. This years theme was “The Choice 4 Me is Drug Free.”
Bennington # 567
Deja O’Grady
Molly Stark School
Bennington, Vt
Grade 4
Springfield # 1560 (Overall Winner)
Sean Alder
Union St. School
Springfield, Vt
Grade 5
$25.00 Gift Card and Bicycle (State Winner – Girl)
Deja O’ Grady
Bennington Lodge # 567
$25.00 Gift Card and Bicycle (State Winner – Boy)
Sean Aldan
Springfield Lodge # 1560
$25.00 Gift Card
Madison Keese
Newport # 2155
Shawn Fearino
Newport # 2155
$25.00 Gift Card
Amber Schafer
St. Albans # 1566
Nathan Taylor
St. Albans # 1566
$25.00 Gift Card
A. Jordan Gaito
Springfield # 1560
$25.00 Gift Card
Joseph Cancellierri
Bennington # 56