New England Elks Regional Hoop Shoot was held this past Saturday the 9th of March in South Portland, Maine. 6 contestants from Vermont were there competing and they brought home some hardware.

Picture Front row: Elsie Kilborn 10-11 girls Newport Elks lodge #2155, Adelise Consentino, third place 8-9 girls St. Albans
lodge #1566, Cade Barcomb first place 10-11 boys, Burlington lodge #916, Lincoln Sykes First place 8-9 boys, Newport Lodge #2155.
Back: Vt SDGER Robert Campo, Barre, Vt, Jackson Kilborn 2nd place Newport Lodge #2155, Ann Edgerley Vermont and Regional Hoop Shoot Trainer, Steven Edgerley, Vt.State Elks Association Hoop Shoot Chairman, Olivia Rodgers, First place 12-13 girls, Brattleboro Lodge #1499.
Back: Vt SDGER Robert Campo, Barre, Vt, Jackson Kilborn 2nd place Newport Lodge #2155, Ann Edgerley Vermont and Regional Hoop Shoot Trainer, Steven Edgerley, Vt.State Elks Association Hoop Shoot Chairman, Olivia Rodgers, First place 12-13 girls, Brattleboro Lodge #1499.
Lincoln Sykes took home the Walter Kettlelle trophy for high scoring boy of the day with a score of 24/25. Olivia Rodgers took home the William Ferrick trophy for high scoring girl of the day with a score of 22/25.
Also each shooter received a participation medallion and Team Vermont was awarded the Dick and Cindy Blinn medallions for best overall scores as a team, outshooting all 5 other States.
Cade Barcomb, Olivia Rodgers and Lincoln Sykes will be headed to the Elks National Hoop Shoot contest in Chicago, I’ll, April 18-21to compete against 11 other shooters in their age groups.
News item submitted by Steve Edgerley.