Springfield Elks Lodge #1560’s Charter was awarded in 1929.  In 1996 the Springfield Elks elected to accept women into their Fraternity and in November of 2015 the Springfield Elks elected their first female Exalted Ruler ever, that being Vicki Siliski a member since 2011.
    This event probably would not have happened until March of 2016 but because of current Exalted Ruler Michael Luurtsema haing to step aside because of health reasons, Mrs. Siliski stepped to the plate and was elected to fill the position for the remainder of the 2015/2016 Elk year.
    Over the past five years, Mrs. Siliski has been very active for the Springfield Elks, whether it be serving as an officer, helping with fundraiser’s, going to required Elks clinics throughout the state, serving on lodge fundraiser dinners, helping on their lodge Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Drug Awareness events, Dictionary project, Silver Towers projects and stepping to the plate when the lodge needed her help anywhere.   She is married to Eugene Siliski who has been a member of Springfield Elks Lodge for 58 years.
    On Saturday November 14th, she and some of her fellow officers hosted the visitation of Elks State President Fred Dusalbon of Burlington Lodge #916 and his suite of officers with a luncheon at the lodge.
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Vermont Elks State President Fred Dusalbon is shown congratulating newly elected Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski of Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 of Springfield, Vt.