On Saturday, January 10th, Springfield Elks Lodge hosted the 43rd annual Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot at Springfield High School. under the direction of Victor Baskevich, chairman of the Springfield Elks Lodge hoop shoot.
Young hoop shooters from the five southern Lodges competed for the chance to compete at the Vt. Elks Association Hoop Shoot in Barre, Vt., on January 24th.
Respectfully in the 8 & 9 year old group winners came from Natalie Norcia from Brattleboro Lodge and Jordy Allembert also from Brattleboro. Second place winners went to Jasmine Evans of Rutland Lodge and Owen Riendeau of Bellows Falls Lodge. In the 10 & 11 age group, Keely Greene of Bennington Lodge was the girls winner and Jack Cravinho of Bellows Falls Lodge. In second place they were Kathryn Moore of Rutland Lodge and Evan Pockette also of Rutland Lodge. For the 12 & 13 year old group, Nicole Norcia of Brattleboro Lodge and Jamison Evans were first place winners. In second place there was Julianna Albero-Levings of Springfield Lodge and Jack Lane of Bennington Lodge.
The first place winners will now compete in Barre, Vt., at the Vt. Elks State Hoop Shoot on January 24th.
This had to be one of the best and emotional Elks Hoop Shoots in history coming from this writers many years of observing and helping to put on an Elks Hoop Shoot. One competitor from Bennington Lodge, Killian Kervan in the 10 & 11 age group. Young, Killian entered his age group at the Bennington Hoop Shoot and was the only participant in that group. He made one shot and won a trophy and qualified to enter and participate in the Southern District Hoop Shoot. The thing is Killian has down syndrome, but that didn’t hold him back. On Saturday at Springfield, he made one of his first ten shots. Then during the fifteen shot sequence he made one more and then on his final shot, his shot went through the net and the place went wild with exuberance, cheering and hugs, by Killian. It was very emotional for everyone in the gym. That’s special and this writer was so proud to be part of it, as were all the Springfield members hosting the shoot.
First and 2nd place winners at the Southern Vt. Elks Hoop Shoot held at Springfield High School on January 10. Frt l to r; Keely green, Natalie Norcia, Jasmine Evans and Jordy Allembert. Back l to r; Kathryn Moore, Nicole Norcia, Julianna Albero-Levings, Jamison Evans and Jack Lane.

Frt L to r: Natalie Norcia of Brattleboro, Jordy Allembert of Brattleboro, Killian Kervan of Bennington, Keely Greene and Jasmine Evans of Rutland.
Back row l to r; Julianna Albero-Levings of Springfield, Nicole Norcia of Brattleboro, Jamison Evans Rutland, Keely Greene of Bennington and Jack Lane of Bennington.