Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 Hosts State Pres. & District Deputy

  Springfield Elks Lodge on Saturday, Oct. 7th hosted the Vt. Elks State President Brian Gaura of Rutland Lodge and District Deputy South Norman Marshall of Windsor Lodge.
    During the afternoon  the District Deputy and his suite of officers did an inspection of Springfield Lodge and buildings making sure everything was doing well.  In the evening both suite of officers were treated to a sit down dinner of chicken parm and/or spaghetti and meatballs.   Following dinner the band, “Sound Investment” played for all to listen and dance to.
Pictured l to r; are Carolyn Ravenna wife of Brian Gaura Vt. Elks State President, Springfield Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski and her husband Eugene Siliski, Marge Gallant with District Deputy Norman Marshall. 
News item submitted by Mike Gunn.