The Area 1 Soccer Shoot was held on November 4-5-6, 2016. The St. Albans Elks Lodge #1566 and the Burlington Elks Lodge #916 co-hosted the event. The 7 States representing the Area 1 are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. Lodge officers from all the States both past and present along with many volunteers were on hand to make the event run very smoothly. The activities started with a registration and pizza party for all the contestants, their parents and siblings on Friday night. On Saturday morning the competition was held at the Collins Perley complex in St. Albans followed with a lunch at the St. Albans Lodge. On Saturday evening the activities moved to the Burlington Elks Lodge for the Banquet and Awards presentations.
Photos of the event can be seen at the Vermont Elks Shutterfly site. Here is the link: